The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

Theosophy in Australia Quarterly

Volume 88 Number 1, March 2024

Highlights from this issue

From The National President - Stephen McDonald
From The Editor - Walter Mason
To Be Silent - Tim Boyd
Meandering Through Animalated Theosophy - Ro Dallow
We Are All One: The Fascinating Life Of Enid Lorimer, Theosophist, Actor & Author - Walter Mason
What Are Young Theosophists Doing In This Modern Life? - Leo Ta
The Beauty Of The Swastica - Simon O’Rourke
Personal Thoughts On The Perth Convention 2024 – Janice Scarabottolo
School Of Theosophy Springbrook, April 2024
Upcoming Events
Space: Poem & Photograph - Helen Lambert
Section Directory


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