The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

Introduction to Theosophy

Open your mind with this collection of texts and books that serve as a wonderful introduction to Theosophy

Searchable Library Catalogue of Theosophical Texts

The following reading list attempts to achieve a balance between the older classical books and modern expositions:

  • Theosophical Manuals 1 Besant, Annie The Seven Principles Of Man (TPH 1904)
  • Theosophical Manuals 2 Besant, Annie Reincarnation (TPH 1905)
  • Theosophical Manuals 3 Besant, Annie Death—And—After (TPH 1991)
  • Theosophical Manuals 4 Besant, Annie Karma (TPH 1897)
  • Theosophical Manuals 5 Leadbeater, C.W. The Astral Plane (TPH 1933 revised and enlarged)
  • Theosophical Manuals 6 Leadbeater, C.W. The Devachanic Plane (The Mental Plane) (TPH 1933 revised & enlarged)
  • Theosophical Manuals 7 Besant, Annie The Human Being And Its Bodies (TPH 2000)
  • Abdill, Edward The Secret Gateway (Quest 2005)
  • Benjamin, Harry Everyone’s Guide to Theosophy (TPH 1969)
  • Besant, Annie The Ancient Wisdom (TPH 1898)
  • Blavatsky, H. P. The Key to Theosophy (Various publishers)
  • Burnier, Radha The Way of Self-Knowledge (TPH 1980)
  • Codd, Clara The Ageless Wisdom of Life (TPH 1957)
  • Codd, Clara The Mystery of Life and How Theosophy Unveils It (TPH 1952/1987)
  • Codd, Clara The Technique of the Spiritual Life (TPH 2002)
  • Ellwood, Robert Theosophy: A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages (TPH 1986)
  • Farthing, Geoffrey A. Theosophy, What’s it All About? (TPH 1967)
  • Hodson, Geoffrey Basic Theosophy (TPH 1981)
  • Hodson, Geoffrey Kingdom of the Gods (TPH 1952)
  • Hodson, Geoffrey The Seven Human Temperaments (TPH)
  • Jinarajadasa, C. First Principles of Theosophy (TPH 1923/1963)
  • Layton, Eunice and Felix Life Your Great Adventure (TPH 1988)
  • Leadbeater, C.W. Invisible Helpers (TPH 1928 revised and enlarged)
  • Leadbeater, C.W. A Textbook of Theosophy (TPH 1926)
  • Mills, Joy The One True Adventure: Theosophy and the Quest for Meaning (Quest 2008)
  • Pavri, P. Theosophy Explained in Questions and Answers (TPH Adyar)
  • Powell, A.E. (Col.) The Etheric Double (TPH 1927)
  • Powell, A.E. (Col.) The Astral Body (TPH 1927)
  • Powell, A.E. (Col.) The Mental Body (TPH 1927)
  • Powell, A.E. (Col.) The Causal Body and the Ego (TPH 1927)
  • Powell, A.E. (Col.) The Solar System (TPH 1930)


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