The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

Simon O'Rourke

Simon O'Rourke

National Education Co-ordinator,
Theosophical Society in Australia

Simon O'Rourke

Brief Bio:

Simon O’Rourke has been a member of the Theosophical Society for more than 30 years with a strong interest in Theosophy and the Secret Doctrine teachings. He is currently the Education Co-ordinator for the Theosophical Society in Australia, previously a National Lecturer for the National Society for more than 10 years and is a former President and Treasurer of the Blavatsky Lodge in Sydney. At that Lodge he worked two years as a full time staff member organising programs and managing the premises in the position of Lodge Manager. He was a member of the lodge’s Young Theosophists group and co-produced a magazine for its members. Many of those early members are still members of the TS.

He has participated on Lodge and National committees.  Simon has given many talks and study courses, particularly courses covering The Secret Doctrine, The Mahatma Letters, The Bhagavad Gita, Karma and the Ancient Wisdom in Mythology.  He previously worked in IT for many years, administering server and email environments. For several years he recently promoted Theosophy on his weekly program PhilosophyTheosophy, broadcast on a Sydney community radio station, and is now preparing podcasts.  In addition, he facilitates a regular study course on Light On The Path at Blavatsky Lodge and monthly Zoom meetings, for the National Society, exploring The Seven Principles of Man (the human being) and the Secret Doctrine.


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