The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

All entries

Psychic Notes(Since the seance, which Peary Chand Mittra & his son had with Mr Eglinton ...) (Indian Mirror Jan 4 1882)anony1882v2i2Jan 16p11
Psychic NotesThe Platitudes of Sceptics (objections against belief in the reality of spiritual phenomena ... fallacies)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v2i2Jan 16p12
Psychic NotesA Remonstrance(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v2i2Jan 16p12
Psychic NotesLtte - A Daylight Séance (with Mr Eglinton {1857-1933}) Jan 11 1882RH Cheethamy1882v2i2Jan 16p13
Psychic NotesLtte - A Séance with the Duke of Cumberland (10th Dec 1881)W Eglinton (1857-1933)y1882v2i2Jan 16p14
Psychic NotesLtte Indian Mirror The SameAnti-Scepticy1882v2i2Jan 16p15
Psychic NotesLtte Indian Mirror Phenomenal Spiritualism in CalcuttaJG Meugensy1882v2i2Jan 16p15
Psychic NotesLtte - The Himalayan Brothers (republished from Spiritualist)Alice Gordony1882v2i2Jan 16p15
Psychic NotesA Plea for Candid Investigation (by the author of Friends in Council)anony1882v2i2Jan 16p16
Psychic Notes4 fillersvariousy1882v2i2Jan 16p16
Psychic Notesrprnt Light - Hermann, the Conjuror, & Mrs Simpson, the Medium (Religio-Philosophical Journal)anony1882v3i3Jan 27+p3
Psychic Notes2 fillers - 2 Business Noticesvariousy1882v3i3Jan 27+p3
Psychic Notesadvertisementsvariousy1882v3i3Jan 27+p4
Psychic NotesEnlightened Scepticism (... deny nothing, doubt much ...)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v3i3Jan 27p17
Psychic NotesThe Scepticism which is not "Enlightened" (... have not capacity for "enlightenment" of any kind ...)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v3i3Jan 27p17
Psychic NotesCui Bono? (If true what use is it?) (Professor Christiol)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v3i3Jan 27p18
Psychic NotesPersonal Experiences (On Tuesday, 11th January, a party of friends of Mr Eglinton's dined at Mr Meugens ...)A. Gordony1882v3i3Jan 27p19
Psychic NotesIs it Conjuring? (Dr Potter)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v3i3Jan 27p19
Psychic NotesRev Canon Wilberforce (2) (The effects have been summed up by Professor Barrett, Dublin)Rev Canon Wilberforcey1882v3i3Jan 27p20
Psychic NotesReflections (It is interesting to review the mental changes of one's own mind & trace its progress.)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v3i3Jan 27p21
Psychic NotesSeances in Calcutta (3) (On the 1st of January another seance was held at Colonel Gordon's.)anony1882v3i3Jan 27p22
Psychic NotesSéances in Calcutta (3) (On the 1st of January another séance was held at Colonel Gordon's.)anony1882v3i3Jan 27p22
Psychic Notesrprnt Indian Mirror Jan 7 1882 (The last seance, held with Mr Eglinton on Thursday ...)anony1882v3i3Jan 27p23
Psychic NotesLtte - Facts More Strange than Fiction (the mediumship of Mr Eglinton)JG Meugensy1882v3i3Jan 27p23
Psychic Notesrprnt Indian Mirror Jan 7 1882 (The last séance, held with Mr Eglinton on Thursday ...)anony1882v3i3Jan 27p23
Psychic Notesrprnt Light - Notes by the Way (Olcott, Thayer, New York Sun, Lloyd Garrison)MA (Oxon)y1882v3i3Jan 27p24
Psychic Notes(... Materialization in the Light ... through the mediumship of TW Monck) (rprnt Banner of Light)Judge Dalyy1882v3i3Jan 27p24
The TheosophistLetterSanderson & Coy1882v3-Jan+p1
The TheosophistA Personal ExplanationHP Blavatsky & HS Olcotty1882v3-Jan+p1
The TheosophistLetterMajor-General Rostislav Fadeewy1882v3-Jan+p2
The TheosophistOur Branch Societies - The Colombo (Ceylon Branch)HS Olcott & 12 othersy1882v3-Jan+p3
The TheosophistArticles of AgreementHS Olcott & 21 othersy1882v3-Jan+p4
The TheosophistReturn of a Series of Lectures delivered by Colonel HS Olcott in the Western Province of CeylonWF Wijeyesekaray1882v3-Jan+p6
The TheosophistAnnual Meeting of the General CouncilDK Mavalankary1882v3-Jan+p8
The TheosophistNote to "War in Heaven"Mirza Moorad Alee Begy1882v3-Jan+p8
The TheosophistThe Galle BranchDamodar K Mavalankary1882v3-Jan+p8
The TheosophistThe Galle Branch Ceylon [summary of the [buddhist] Priests' Convention; Olcott's work in Galle]anony1882v3-Jan+p8
The Theosophistacknowledge, with thanks, (the following) subscriptions for volume III, all paid in advance.The Proprietors of the `Theosophist`y1882v3-Jan+p9
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Bombay, January, 1882Editory1882v3-Januaryp87
The TheosophistThe Civilization that India needsHS Olcotty1882v3-Januaryp87
The TheosophistNotice [imperfect copies of the previous issue of the Theosophist may be exchanged]anony1882v3-Januaryp87
The Theosophist"Is it Idle to Argue Further?"anon (HPB)y1882v3-Januaryp90
The TheosophistEsoteric Axioms & Spiritual Speculations (quote from review by A. Lillie in Psychological Review)anon (HPB)y1882v3-Januaryp92
The TheosophistThe Aryan-Arhat Esoteric Tenets on the Sevenfold Principle in ManT Subba Rowy1882v3-Januaryp93
The TheosophistEditorial Appendix to "The Aryan-Arhat Esoteric Tenets on the Sevenfold Principle in Man", by T Subba RowHPBy1882v3-Januaryp98
The TheosophistSupplemental Note to "The Beni-Elohim"Mirza Moorad Alee Begy1882v3-Januaryp99
The TheosophistLakshmibai (The Authentic story of a Bhut)Piarai Lall Chachondiay1882v3-Januaryp100
The Theosophistfootnotes to "Lakshmibai"(HPB)y1882v3-Januaryp100
The TheosophistGhostsanony1882v3-Januaryp101
The TheosophistThe Universe in a Nut-shellJehangir Cursetji Tarachandy1882v3-Januaryp102
Showing 1051 to 1100 of 211352 entries