The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

All entries

The TheosophistSpecial Orders of 1884 (re Elliott Cones {likely Coues} & MD Evans)HS Olcotty1884v6-Oct+p139
The TheosophistNote [to Born Mathematicians]Editory1884v6-Oct+p139
The TheosophistSpecial Orders of 1884 [members added to the American "Board of Control"]HS Olcotty1884v6-Oct+p139
The TheosophistOfficial Reportsvariousy1884v6-Oct+p140
The TheosophistTheosophy in Europe - the German Theosophical SocietyAgathe Haemmerley1884v6-Oct+p140
The TheosophistThe Chinsurah Theosophical SocietyKoomud Lall Deyy1884v6-Oct+p140
The TheosophistThe Himalayan Esoteric Theosophical SocietyCharles Hogany1884v6-Oct+p140
The TheosophistThe Branch (German TS) convened for further discussion ... [American ties; general preparations]Franz Gebhardy1884v6-Oct+p140
The TheosophistThe Barabanki Theosophical Society [officer-holders for 1884-1885]Brij Mohanlal Shuklay1884v6-Oct+p141
The TheosophistThe Bankipur Theosophical Society [election of new secretary and joint secretary]Jogesh Chandra Banerjeey1884v6-Oct+p141
The TheosophistMr WQ Judge at SecunderabadCV Loganada Moodry1884v6-Oct+p141
The TheosophistMidnapore Theosophical SocietyKrishnadhan Mukerjiy1884v6-Oct+p143
The TheosophistThe Secunderabad Theosophical Societyanony1884v6-Oct+p143
The TheosophistA Sanskrit School at MelurC Narayanasawmi Aiyery1884v6-Oct+p143
The TheosophistCharitable Dispensary in BombayTuljaram Chunilal Khandwalay1884v6-Oct+p143
The TheosophistPersonal Itemsvariousy1884v6-Oct+p143
The Theosophistobituary - A. Arroomoga Mudeliar AvergulA. Thanacoty Mudeliary1884v6-Oct+p143
The TheosophistSpecial Notice - [Blavatsky expected to return from Europe; Secret Doctrine to be postponed]anony1884v6-Oct+p143
The Theosophist[Herr Consul G Gebhard - re his fifty-sixth birthday celebrations]anony1884v6-Oct+p143
The Theosophist[seven advertisements]variousy1884v6-Oct+p143
The TheosophistMansel on the Problem of the InfiniteMansely1884v6-Novemberp25
The TheosophistWhy Tropical Man is Black (rprnt Nature)Nathaniel Alcocky1884v6-Novemberp27
The TheosophistPaul Vargas: A Mystery (rprnt the English Illustrated Magazine)Hugh Conwayy1884v6-Novemberp29
The TheosophistPractical Instructions for Students of Occultism (VII) IntuitionABy1884v6-Novemberp36
The TheosophistThe Atma Bodh of Srimat Sankaracharya (1)tr BP Narasimmiahy1884v6-Novemberp36
The TheosophistA Wonderful Cure of Serpent-bite (rprnt Maharatta, Poona)Govind Wasudev Kanitkar (? 1877-)y1884v6-Novemberp38
The TheosophistThe Border Land between Matter & Spirita Hindooy1884v6-Novemberp40
The TheosophistCivilization & Morality compatible with Infidelityan American FTSy1884v6-Novemberp43
The TheosophistThe Founders in Europe - What is Theosophy? (rprnt Graphic)(Editorial)y1884v6-Novemberp43
The TheosophistTheosophy - What the French Think of us (I) (rprnt La Nouvelle Revue)anony1884v6-Novemberp44
The Theosophistreview - The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus via Dr Everardanony1884v6-Novemberp46
The TheosophistAnswers to Correspondentsanony1884v6-Novemberp46
The Theosophistreview - Universal Attraction and its Relation to the Chemical Elements ... by WH Sharpanony1884v6-Novemberp47
The TheosophistMadame Blavatsky & Her SlanderersNDKy1884v6-Novemberp48
The TheosophistThe Bombay Theosophical Society to HS OlcottTookaram Tatya & 10 othersy1884v6-Novemberp49
The Theosophistreview - Mr Gribble's Pamphlet (on the Coulomb incident)F Hartmanny1884v6-Novemberp50
The TheosophistNotice [magazine may be posted in plain wrappers to those who request it]anony1884v6-Novemberp50
The TheosophistSpecial Notice to Correspondentsanony1884v6-Novemberp50
The TheosophistJournal of the Theosophical Society #11 November 1 1884anony1884v6-Nov+p146
The TheosophistUnpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (X) Magnetic Irregularities and Crimes Against NatureEliphas Leviy1884v6-Nov+p146
The TheosophistMr St George Lane-Fox in Ceylon (rprnt)P de Ay1884v6-Nov+p147
The TheosophistShort Notes on Psychological Studies [No. 4] - Thought Transference, or Mind ReadingWilliam Quan Judgey1884v6-Nov+p147
The TheosophistThe Tae of the FaithistsHS Tannery1884v6-Nov+p147
The TheosophistA Few Remarks Suggested by the Article "The Collapse of Koot Hoomi"S Ramaswamiery1884v6-Nov+p148
The TheosophistTheosophy & Christianity (rprnt)anony1884v6-Nov+p149
The TheosophistMissionary "Collapse"WD Tildeny1884v6-Nov+p150
The TheosophistOne More Witness - TheosophyTC Rajamiengary1884v6-Nov+p151
The TheosophistOfficial Reportsvariousy1884v6-Nov+p151
The TheosophistGerman Theosophical SocietyW Hubbe-Schleideny1884v6-Nov+p151
The TheosophistLondon Lodge TS [telegram asserting support for Blavatsky against the allegations made by the Coulombs](GB) Finch, Presidenty1884v6-Nov+p151
Showing 3351 to 3400 of 211352 entries