The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

All entries

The TheosophistThe Number SevenEditor (HPB)y1880v1-Junep232
The TheosophistWhat the West expects?an American editory1880v1-Junep233
The TheosophistImprovement in Indian AgricultureEditory1880v1-Junep234
The TheosophistOn the Jain Notion of the CreatorRam Das Seny1880v1-Junep234
The TheosophistLetter to HS Olcott - Agricultural Matters (Feb. 20, 1880)E Bucky1880v1-Junep235
The TheosophistSome Things the Aryans Knew (1)(the late) Brahmachari Baway1880v1-Junep236
The TheosophistEast Indian Materia Medica (4)Pandurang Gopaly1880v1-Junep237
The TheosophistA Buddhist Family or Village Religious Life in IndiaDawsonne Melancthan Strongy1880v1-Junep239
The TheosophistTheosophical SocietyEditory1880v1-Junep240
The Theosophist"When a man has ..." (Thomas Paine quoted)anony1880v1-Junep240
The Theosophist[Prices for reprints of the first two issues of the Theosophist]anony1880v1-Julyp241
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Bombay, July 1st, 1880Editory1880v1-Julyp241
The Theosophist[Beliefs of the Greeks on spirit-control reported by FWH Myers - rprnt Spiritual Notes]anony1880v1-Julyp241
The TheosophistThe Theory of CyclesEditor (HPB)y1880v1-Julyp242
The TheosophistA Glimpse of Tantrik Occultism (1)Barada Kanta Majumdary1880v1-Julyp244
The TheosophistA Spectre GuideVera Petrovna Zelihovskyy1880v1-Julyp245
The TheosophistSynopsis of the Aryan LiteratureRB Gopalrao Hurree Deshmukhy1880v1-Julyp246
The TheosophistSome Things that Aryans Knew (2)(the late) Brahmachari Baway1880v1-Julyp247
The Theosophist[Edison a medium; his invention of the telegraph came to him in a trance state] (rprnt New York World)Rev A.L. Hatchy1880v1-Julyp248
The TheosophistPhilosophy in Sanskrit Names & Words (1)RB Dadoba Pandurangy1880v1-Julyp248
The TheosophistThe Word of Honour - A study from the Cultus of the DeadNicolas Lyeskofy1880v1-Julyp249
The TheosophistA Study in Vegetarianism - being an experiment by Eugene Bilfinger on himself (Phren. Jour.)ML Holbrook (? Minnie C Holbrook 1859-1911)y1880v1-Julyp251
The TheosophistSoundings in the Ocean of Aryan LiteratureK Venkata Narasayay1880v1-Julyp253
The TheosophistThe Spiritual CommandmentsEditory1880v1-Julyp254
The TheosophistMysterious Stone-Throwing at Plumstead (rprnt Daily Chronicle)anony1880v1-Julyp254
The TheosophistThe Mind is Materiala correspondenty1880v1-Julyp254
The TheosophistBrahmoism versus Hinduism"Justice"y1880v1-Julyp255
The TheosophistThe Prarthana Samaj versus Christianitya member of the Prarthana Samajy1880v1-Julyp255
The TheosophistAgni-Hotra PhilosophyChandan Gopaly1880v1-Julyp256
The TheosophistThe Hindu or Arya QuestionKPB (sic: K not H)y1880v1-Julyp256
The TheosophistOur Delegates in Ceylon (rprnt The Pioneer)anony1880v1-Julyp258
The TheosophistColombo TS [organized & inaugurated by HSO & HPB, officers listed]anony1880v1-Julyp260
The TheosophistLetter from Ceylondelegatey1880v1-Julyp260
The Theosophist[Unable to acknowledge all correspondence received due to the large quantity of it]anony1880v1-Augustp261
The Theosophist[Prices for reprints of first two issues of the Theosophist]anony1880v1-Augustp261
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Bombay, August 1st, 1880Editory1880v1-Augustp261
The TheosophistOur Second YearEditor (HPB)y1880v1-Augustp261
The TheosophistFruits of the Ceylon MissionEditory1880v1-Augustp262
The Theosophist[List of eight TS branches in Ceylon; officers; dates of establishment]anony1880v1-Augustp263
The TheosophistThe Occult SciencesHS Olcotty1880v1-Augustp264
The TheosophistEast Indian Materia Medica (5)Pandurang Gopaly1880v1-Augustp267
The TheosophistThe Zoroastrianism Religion as represented by Martin Hauga Parsi Theosophisty1880v1-Augustp268
The Theosophist"Spirit" Pranks Intra CaucasusVera Petrovna de Jelihovsky (& HPB)y1880v1-Augustp271
The TheosophistThe Gesture Speech of MankindEditory1880v1-Augustp273
The TheosophistThe Study of TheosophyNDK (? Navroji Dorabji Khandalewala)y1880v1-Augustp274
The TheosophistLight from the Missionaries wantedTruth-Seekery1880v1-Augustp276
The TheosophistA Land of Mystery (IV)HP Blavatskyy1880v1-Augustp277
The Theosophist[American (from Wytheville, Virginia) with healing abilities]anony1880v1-Augustp277
The TheosophistNotes on a Land of MysteryAmrita Lal Bisvasy1880v1-Augustp278
The Theosophist[Chorea-like epidemic in a Roman Catholic school in America]anony1880v1-Augustp279
Showing 301 to 350 of 211352 entries