The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

All entries

The Theosophistobituary - Alphonse L Cahagnet (France) - Honorary FellowHSOy1886v7-Jan+p40
The Theosophistobituary - Nobin Krishna Banerji - Berhampore TSHSOy1886v7-Jan+p40
The Theosophistobituary - Mr G Muthuswamy Chettiar - Madras TSHSOy1886v7-Jan+p40
The Theosophistobituary - Hemnath Majumdar - Bara Banki TSHSOy1886v7-Jan+p40
The Theosophistobituary - Ramanath Roy - Jubbulpur TSHSOy1886v7-Jan+p40
The Theosophistobituary - Mr Robert M Cameron - Scottish TSHSOy1886v7-Jan+p40
The Theosophistobituary - Dajiraj Thakore Saheb of Wadhwan - Bhavnagar TSHSOy1886v7-Jan+p40
The TheosophistNecrological list for 1885 - (22 entries)HS Olcotty1886v7-Jan+p41
The TheosophistSecretary's Report of Asiatic BranchesCW Leadbeatery1886v7-Jan+p45
The TheosophistSecretary's Report of Foreign BranchesAJ Cooper-Oakley (1853-1899)y1886v7-Jan+p54
The TheosophistAddresses to the President & CouncilAP Sinnetty1886v7-Jan+p67
The TheosophistAddress from FranceMarie Caithnessy1886v7-Jan+p68
The TheosophistAddress from FranceL Dramardy1886v7-Jan+p69
The TheosophistAddress from CeylonAPD Gunawardeney1886v7-Jan+p70
The TheosophistAddress from GermanyHuebbe (Hubbe) Schleideny1886v7-Jan+p71
The TheosophistAddress from RussiaGustav Zorny1886v7-Jan+p74
The TheosophistOriental Libraryvariousy1886v7-Jan+p81
The TheosophistReport of the Committee on Rulesvariousy1886v7-Jan+p82
The TheosophistReport of the Committee on the Registration of the Societyvariousy1886v7-Jan+p82
The TheosophistThe TS Objects, Revised Rules, & Bye-Laws of 1886anony1886v7-Jan+p89
The TheosophistSpecial Informationanony1886v7-Jan+p108
The TheosophistOccultism in Modern Literature (5)Miad Hoyo-Ra Kora-Hony1886v7-Januaryp217
The TheosophistThe Bhratri DwitiyaKrishnadhan Mukerjiy1886v7-Januaryp229
The TheosophistSome Aspects of Memory: AsthavadhanamHS Olcotty1886v7-Januaryp230
The TheosophistPersonal Recollections of Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Louis Constant 1810-1875)Mary Gebhardy1886v7-Januaryp241
The TheosophistHave Animals Souls? (I)HP Blavatskyy1886v7-Januaryp243
The TheosophistZoroastrianism (4)Dhunjibhoy Jamsetjee Medhoray1886v7-Januaryp249
The TheosophistThe Crest Jewel of Wisdom (50-105) (tr Mohini M Chatterji)Sankaracharyay1886v7-Januaryp253
The TheosophistThe true PrayerKPMy1886v7-Januaryp258
The TheosophistLight on the Path (4) MC {+ lots of commentary}P Sreenevas Rowy1886v7-Januaryp260
The TheosophistPosthumous unpublished writings 4-4Eliphas Leviy1886v7-Januaryp270
The Theosophistreview - Scientific Romances by Charles Howard HintonLS Cooky1886v7-Januaryp272
The TheosophistPatanjali's Yoga Philosophy ed by Tukaram Tatyaanony1886v7-Januaryp278
The Theosophistcorrespondence - Isis Unveiled & the VishistadvaitaHP Blavatskyy1886v7-Januaryp279
The TheosophistPortrait of HPB by Schmiechen (no graphic)anony1886v7-Feb+p111
The TheosophistMr Lane-Fox's ManifestoDMSy1886v7-Feb+p111
The TheosophistRules & Regulations (of a Branch)(Karur)y1886v7-Feb+p112
The TheosophistLondon Lodge Theosophical SocietyBertram Keightleyy1886v7-Feb+p112
The TheosophistRules & Regulations (of a Branch)(Nagpore)y1886v7-Feb+p113
The TheosophistRules & Bye-Laws of the Sabita TS(Dakshineswar)y1886v7-Feb+p115
The TheosophistColonel Olcott on Agriculture (rprnt Madras Mail)anony1886v7-Feb+p116
The Theosophistobituary - Lord Borthwickanony1886v7-Feb+p118
The TheosophistBhagavad Gitaanony1886v7-Februaryp281
The TheosophistThe Theosophical Society & its WorkMohini M Chatterjiy1886v7-Februaryp285
The TheosophistIndian Sibylline Books (3) The SequelHS Olcotty1886v7-Februaryp293
The TheosophistHave Animals Souls? (II)HP Blavatskyy1886v7-Februaryp295
The TheosophistNirvanaanony1886v7-Februaryp302
The TheosophistPsychic TheoriesN Count Gonemysy1886v7-Februaryp303
The TheosophistLonely Musings (II)Pilgrimy1886v7-Februaryp314
The TheosophistPosthumous unpublished writings 4-5Eliphas Leviy1886v7-Februaryp316
Showing 4151 to 4200 of 211352 entries