The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch


Ltte - "I find the greatest satisfaction in reading"Ella C Leavitt (L)y1966v15i8Mayp250
Ltte - "hindrances to spiritual interests ... crass materialism"Ingeborg Nilsson (L)y1966v15i8Mayp250
Ltte - "events in research pushing forward"Betty Landshutter (L)y1966v15i8Mayp250
To a Friend in TroubleL Petrie (L)y1966v15i8Mayp251
filler - "Night brings out stars"G Bailey (L)y1966v15i8Mayp252
Footsteps of the GodsEA Holmes (L)y1966v15i8Mayp253
filler - That delicate forest flowerWilliam Cullen Bryant (L)y1966v15i8Mayp256z+
filler - "Be not afraid to live."William James (L)y1966v15i8Mayp256
Tensile StrengthGrace F Knoche (L)y1966v15i9Junep257
filler - "A gem is not polished"Mencius (L)y1966v15i9Junep260
The Infinite BeckoningWilliam Ernest Hocking (L)y1966v15i9Junep261
filler - "There is no greatness"Leo Tolstoy (L)y1966v15i9Junep268
from a Sea CaptainCB (L)y1966v15i9Junep269
Palimpsest of ExperienceMadeline Clark (L)y1966v15i9Junep270
A Trip to the Moon in 1609!I Manuel Oderberg (L)y1966v15i9Junep273
filler - "Dwellers in a star, are we not"Giordano Bruno (L)y1966v15i9Junep280
The Set of our SailsAlysann Bendroth (L)y1966v15i9Junep281
filler - "Although a man may be book-learned"Nagarjuna (L)y1966v15i9Junep283
Pillar of SaltW Rinsma (L)y1966v15i9Junep284
Sermons in StoneWA Laughery (L)y1966v15i9Junep286
filler - To gain real knowledge of anyone is to win a new treasureKenneth Morris (L)y1966v15i9Junep288z+
MusingsJames A. Long (L)y1966v15i10Julyp289
Silent PrayerPlato (L)y1966v15i10Julyp292
Miracle of InterdependenceH Wright Baker (L)y1966v15i10Julyp299
filler - "Nature shows all things formed and bound."Ralph Waldo Emerson (L)y1966v15i10Julyp301
The Mystery-Language of Symbols (1)Henry Travers (L)y1966v15i10Julyp302
We're As Tall As We StandTheo Chegwidden (L)y1966v15i10Julyp308
filler - "spiritual relationship to the universe."Albert Schweitzer (L)y1966v15i10Julyp309
Towards a New World ViewRobert K Davidson (L)y1966v15i10Julyp310
The QuestClifton Mitchell (L)y1966v15i10Julyp312
filler - "Way symbolizes the destiny of Man"Marco Pallis (L)y1966v15i10Julyp315
Pictures at an ExhibitionElizabeth M Duffie (L)y1966v15i10Julyp316
filler - Each is not for its own sakeWalt Whitman (L)y1966v15i10Julyp320z+
filler - "To reform a world"Thomas Carlyle (L)y1966v15i10Julyp320
We Knew Him NotIda Perrine Ryder (L)y1966v15i11Augustp321
filler - "Truth, Goodness and Beauty."Albert Einstein (L)y1966v15i11Augustp325
The Emperor Julian and Neo-Platonism (1)Madeline Clark (L)y1966v15i11Augustp326
The Maze of ParapsychologyElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1966v15i11Augustp333
filler - "his faculty of wonder always demands the miraculous."Longinus (L)y1966v15i11Augustp336
The Mystery-Language of Symbols (2)Henry Travers (L)y1966v15i11Augustp337
Philosophers in the Modern WorldI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1966v15i11Augustp343
filler - "Did the whole human family know and realize its history"Gertrude W van Pelt (L)y1966v15i11Augustp348
Brotherhood in SculptureC Elwood (L)y1966v15i11Augustp349
filler - From Gods to men, from Worlds to atomsHP Blavatsky (L)y1966v15i11Augustp352z+
Building on Rock or SandKenneth Morris (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp353
filler - "it requires heroic deeds more than heroes."Par Lagerkvist (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp356
The Explosive Power of SpiritBarton Bovee (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp357
filler - "Mutual respect is the foundation"Ahmad Singh (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp362
So Simple ... So GreatJane B Walter (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp363
filler - "Softly the heart of life strikes its eternal beats."Rie Enderman (L)y1966v15i12Septemberp364
Showing 2501 to 2550 of 6911 entries