The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Theoscientist

My soul is my friendRamesh Misray1994v1i3-p14
Science, its relevance to realityS Mohapatray1994v1i4-p1b+
EditorialBB Palaiy1994v1i4-p1a+
Origin of the SunChintamani Mohapatray1994v1i4-p5
OmniplasmaDJ Davidsony1994v1i4-p9
EditorialBB Palaiy1994v2i1-p1b+
A Tribute (to RC Rath) (vf)Deepa Padhiy1994v2i1-p1c+
Homage (obituary - Rama Chandra Rath)anony1994v2i1-p1a+
Consciousness as Creative Intelligence and Modern Cybernetics (rprnt)RC Rathy1994v2i1-p2
The One and the ManyPK Jayaswaly1994v2i1-p7
Halt This March of ViolenceRamesh Chandra Misray1994v2i1-p9
Coming Events Cast Their Shadows BeforeJagannath Patnaiky1994v2i1-p14
The Wait ... So Long (vf)Rajvansh Padhiy1994v2i1-p16
Where They Meetanony1994v2i1-p17
Yoga, Theosophical Work and ScienceA Kannany1995v3i1-p1b+
EditorialBB Palaiy1995v3i1-p1a+
A Possible Reconciliation of Theosophical 'Occult Chemistry' with Modern Physical ScienceWilliam Patrick Bourney1995v3i1-p9
Ecological Consciousness in the Bhagavad GitaDeepa Padhiy1995v3i1-p19
Group Soul - Instinct and Genetic Code (rprnt 'Theoscientist' 1977)RC Rathy1995v3i1-p22
Where They Meet (rprnt 'Theoscientist' 1979)anony1995v3i1-p27
EditorialBB Palaiy1996v3i3-p1a+
Challenges in the Rediscovery and Assimilation of Human ValuesA Kannany1996v3i3-p1b+
Meditation with Reasoning and Beyond (1)Premananda Tripathyy1996v3i3-p6
Psychology and ReligionsFM Sahooy1996v3i3-p12
review - '1996 - Whither India? Whither Mankind?' by AsianandBB Palaiy1996v3i3-p18
Holistic Science and TheosophySN Beheray1996v4i1-p1
Meditation with Reasoning and Beyond (2)Premananda Tripathyy1996v4i1-p9
Humanism of VivekanandaJayanti Jagadevy1996v4i1-p10
Essence of Self Development in Bhagawad GitaRamesh Misray1996v4i1-p13
Where They Meet (rprnt 'Theoscientist' 1981)anony1996v4i1-p19
Theosophy and contemporary Religious thoughtsSC Mishray1996v4i4-p15
Our Philosophy and Modern Physics: A Meeting PointLambodar Prasad Singhy1997v5i1-p1b+
EditorialBB Palaiy1997v5i1-p1a+
Psychological Well-BeingFM Sahooy1997v5i1-p5
Progress and SpiritualityRamesh Mishray1997v5i1-p11
Experimental and Practical TheosophyRC Rathy1997v5i1-p16
The Spiritual Man, Soul's Growth and the Perfection...A Kannany1998v5i3-p1b+
EditorialBB Palaiy1998v5i3-p1a+
Motion, Life and ConsciousnessKVK Nehruy1998v5i3-p6
Meditation with Reasoning and Beyond ... Part 3Premananda Tripathyy1998v5i3-p11
Why Should One Be MoralDeepa Padhiy1998v5i3-p13
The I and the SelfPK Jayaswaly1998v5i3-p15
Transformation of Knowledge and Skills towards Wisdom...A Kannany1999v6i3-p1b+
EditorialBB Palaiy1999v6i3-p1a+
Self-Evaluation: A Psychological PerspectiveFM Sahooy1999v6i3-p10
Can 'is' and 'ought' ever meet?Deepa Padhiy1999v6i3-p15
Eternal, Ceaseless Motion, the New Paradigm of ScienceKVK Nehruy2000v8i1-p1
Editorial: AwarenessBB Palaiy2000v8i1-p1
Education in the Twenty-first Century and the Spiritual ImperativeA Kanany2000v8i1-p9
The Twin can meet to create a Human Legacy, Sublime and BeautifulLambodar Prasad Singhy2000v8i1-p19
Showing 201 to 250 of 350 entries