The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

Theosophical History

Ltte - links between the boy-scout movement of Baden-Powell & theosophyJean-Jacques Gauthéy1990v3-Octoberp105
Ltte - links between the boy-scout movement of Baden-Powell & theosophyJean-Jacques Gauthey1990v3-Octoberp105
The Hidden Hand (3) The Parting of East & WestJoscelyn Godwiny1990v3-Octoberp107
Theosophy in Africa (rprnt Madras Mail circa 1892)anony1990v3-Octoberp118
review (2) Blavatsky & Her Teachers by JO Fuller - "Maitreya" & "Serapis"Daniel Caldwelly1990v3-Octoberp120
review (3) Blavatsky & Her Teachers by JO Fuller - A Partial List of Other Errors of JOF's BiographyDaniel Caldwelly1990v3-Octoberp122
Maitreya, Serapis & the Maha ChohanJean Overton Fullery1990v3-Octoberp126
review - The Memoirs of Count Witte (vols 1-3) tr & ed by Sidney HarcaveRobert Boydy1990v3-Octoberp130
Editor's Notesanony1991v3-Januaryp133
Ltte - (perspectives in History)Robert Ellwoody1991v3-Januaryp136
The Hidden Hand (4) The Hermetic Brotherhood of LuxorJoscelyn Godwiny1991v3-Januaryp137
The First Practical Expression of Theosophy in Italy: The "Villaggio Verde" (Green Village)Bernardino Del Bocay1991v3-Januaryp149
review - In Search of the Masters: Behind the Occult Myth by Paul JohnsonGregory Tilletty1991v3-Januaryp151
review - Krotona of Old Hollywood, vol 1: 1866-1913 by Joseph E RossJames A. Santucciy1991v3-Januaryp153
Editor's CommentsJames Santucciy1991v3-Aprilp156
Ltte (various matters)William Laudahny1991v3-Aprilp159
The Paracelsian OrderJohn Draisy1991v3-Aprilp160
Boris de Zirkoff & the Blavatsky Collected WritingsDara Eklundy1991v3-Aprilp167
The Blavatsky Collected Writings: Complete Bibliographical RecordJames Santucciy1991v3-Aprilp171
A Lamasery in New York - Practicing Magical Rites ... (rprnt New York World 26 March 1877)anony1991v3-Aprilp174
Lamaseries (rprnt - Editorial from the New York World 26 March 1877)anony1991v3-Aprilp179
review - Radical Spirits - Spiritualism & Women's Rights in 19th-C America by Ann BraudeJames Santucciy1991v3-Aprilp180
Editor's CommentsJames Santucciy1991v3-Jul-Octp184
bn - Kabbalah: New Perspectives by Moshe IdelJames Santucciy1991v3-Jul-Octp185
Ltte - (various matters)Geoffrey Farthingy1991v3-Jul-Octp189
Ltte - (various matters)Daniel van Egmondy1991v3-Jul-Octp189
Ltte - (Paul Johnson & In Search of the Masters)Jean Overton Fullery1991v3-Jul-Octp190
Ltte - reply (to Jean Overton Fuller)Paul Johnsony1991v3-Jul-Octp191
Ltte - reply (to Jean Overton Fuller)Gregory Tilletty1991v3-Jul-Octp191
Mabel Collins Romance of the White LotusMichael Gomesy1991v3-Jul-Octp193
The Succession of HP Blavatsky: A Documentary HistoryHenk J Spierenburg & Daniel van Egmondy1991v3-Jul-Octp200
Alexandra David-Neel's Early Acquaintances with Theosophy Paris 1892 (rprnt Le Lotus Bleu Dec 1986)Daniel Caracostea (tr DD Chapotin)y1991v3-Jul-Octp209
Some Experiences in India (rprnt, circa 1884)WT Browny1991v3-Jul-Octp214
The New York School of Magic (rprnt from the New York World March 1977)anony1991v3-Jul-Octp224
Levitation & Other Light Matters (rprnt Editorial from the New York World March 1977)anony1991v3-Jul-Octp227
review - The Way to the Labyrinth: Memories of East & West by Alain DaniélouRobert Boydy1991v3-Jul-Octp229
review - The Way to the Labyrinth: Memories of East & West by Alain DanielouRobert Boydy1991v3-Jul-Octp229
review - René Guénon & the Future of the West by Robin WaterfieldJoscelyn Godwiny1991v3-Jul-Octp233
review - Rene Guenon & the Future of the West by Robin WaterfieldJoscelyn Godwiny1991v3-Jul-Octp233
review - Lives in the Shadow with J Krishnamurti by Radha Rajagopal SlossJames Santucciy1991v3-Jul-Octp236
Editor's Comments (Dmitri L Spivak)James Santucciy1992v4-Januaryp3
bn - The Esoteric She: ... Madame Blavatsky's Life, Work & Teachings by WQ Judge (ed DH Caldwell)James Santucciy1992v4-Januaryp6
bn - Indian Chelas on the Masters by Michael GomesJames Santucciy1992v4-Januaryp6
bn - The Occult World of Madame Blavatsky: Reminiscences & Impressions ... ed by Daniel CaldwellJames Santucciy1992v4-Januaryp7
bn - Mystical Sex: Love, Ecstasy, & the Mystical Experience by Louis William MeldmanJames Santucciy1992v4-Januaryp7
bn - Samnyasa Upanisads: Hindu Scriptures on Ascetism & Renunciation tr Patrick OlivelleJames Santucciy1992v4-Januaryp8
Ltte - (AB, RS & the ES)Andreas Terforty1992v4-Januaryp9
Ltte - (LW Rogers meets Mabel Collins)Michael Gomesy1992v4-Januaryp9
HP Blavatsky's Influence in LiteratureI Manuel Oderbergy1992v4-Januaryp11
Russian Ways to TheosophyDmitri Spivaky1992v4-Januaryp17
Showing 201 to 250 of 968 entries