The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Theosophical Journal

review: 'Voodoo in Haiti' by Alfred MetrauxBarbara Welbyy1973v14i3May-Junp29
review: 'Tree of Life' by Z'ev ben Shimon HaleviJ Sturzakery1973v14i3May-Junp29
review: 'The Yoga of Light, Hatha Yoga Pradipika' by Hans-Ulrich Rieker trans by E BechererVW Slatery1973v14i3May-Junp30
review: 'The Descent of Woman' by Elaine MorganH Tudor Edmundsy1973v14i3May-Junp31
review: 'Eliphas Levi and the French Occult Revival' by Christopher McIntoshH Tudor Edmundsy1973v14i3May-Junp31
Life and Death [reprint 'The Theosophist' April 1973]N Sri Ramy1973v14i4Jul-Augp3
obituary - Nilikanta Sri Ram, 1889-1973: An AppreciationV Wallace Slatery1973v14i4Jul-Augp7
N Sri Ram: Our GuestEunice Petrie and Gladys Mary Bowermany1973v14i4Jul-Augp8
The Story of the President's Passinganony1973v14i4Jul-Augp9
From the first Article [extracts 'The Theosophist' 1953]N Sri Ramy1973v14i4Jul-Augp11
The Election of a PresidentIHHy1973v14i4Jul-Augp15
obituary: Helen Zahara (1917-1973)anony1973v14i4Jul-Augp16
obituary: Jehangir Dhanjishah Moosanony1973v14i4Jul-Augp17
obituary: Richard Boris Sorsoanony1973v14i4Jul-Augp17
From Other Sections: WalesHarry Edgary1973v14i4Jul-Augp20
From the Federations: LondonWB Shippeyy1973v14i4Jul-Augp20
From the Federations: EasternDonald D Gazey1973v14i4Jul-Augp20
From Other Sections: ScotlandJames G Mitchelly1973v14i4Jul-Augp20
TOSGreta Eedley1973v14i4Jul-Augp21
From Other Sections: Northern IrelandHugh Shearmany1973v14i4Jul-Augp21
LetterChristopher McIntoshy1973v14i4Jul-Augp22
review: 'Religion and the Rise of Modern Science' by R HooykaasLC Sopery1973v14i4Jul-Augp23
review: 'Yoga Breathing' by Michael Volin and Nancy PhelanVW Slatery1973v14i4Jul-Augp23
review: 'Confucius' by D Howard SmithG Eedley1973v14i4Jul-Augp23
Spring of Living WaterIanthe H Hoskinsy1973v14i5Sep-Octp1
The Theosophical Publishing HousePeter Boweny1973v14i5Sep-Octp2
To Form a Nucleus...H Tudor Edmundsy1973v14i5Sep-Octp4
Keep the Teachings Clear! [reprint 'Theosophia' Winter 1972-73]Boris de Zirkoffy1973v14i5Sep-Octp5
The Atonement (6)Geoffrey Barborkay1973v14i5Sep-Octp7
Dedicated EfficiencyIHHy1973v14i5Sep-Octp8
Morals and Virtues [reprint 'Theosophy in Action' December 1972]Greta Eedley1973v14i5Sep-Octp9
TRC ConferenceKenneth Stubbsy1973v14i5Sep-Octp10
obituary: Charles E New died 17 May 1973anony1973v14i5Sep-Octp13
From the Federations: LondonWB Shippeyy1973v14i5Sep-Octp14
From the Federations: SouthernRita Masony1973v14i5Sep-Octp14
From the Federations: EasternDonald Gazey1973v14i5Sep-Octp14
From the Federations: North-WesternConnie Palmery1973v14i5Sep-Octp14
From Other Sections: WalesHarry Edgary1973v14i5Sep-Octp15
From Other Sections: IrelandDM Emersony1973v14i5Sep-Octp15
From Other Sections: ScotlandJames G Mitchelly1973v14i5Sep-Octp15
From Our International Societyanony1973v14i5Sep-Octp16
TOS: The Danilo Dolci TrustBetty Pauly1973v14i5Sep-Octp18
review: 'Thomas Taylor the Platonist' ed and intro by Kathleen Raine and George Mills HarperMargaret MacDonaldy1973v14i5Sep-Octp19
review: 'The Secret and Sublime: Taoist Mysteries and Magic' by John BlofeldG Eedley1973v14i5Sep-Octp20
review: 'Blueprint for Immortality' by HS BurrAJ Ellisony1973v14i5Sep-Octp20
review: 'Dynamics of the Psychic World: Comments by HP Blavatsky on Magic, Mediumship, Psychism, and the Powers of the Spirit' comp by Lina PsaltisLH Leslie-Smithy1973v14i5Sep-Octp21
review: 'Where Judaism Differed' by Abba Hillel SilverCCT Bakery1973v14i5Sep-Octp21
review: 'Sketch for a World Picture: A Study of Evolution' by John VyvyanCharles Jamesy1973v14i5Sep-Octp21
review: 'A World Beyond' by Ruth MontgomeryBarbara Welbyy1973v14i5Sep-Octp22
Showing 2401 to 2450 of 2730 entries