The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter

Sundry Topics: Comet Shoemaker-LevyHugh Murdochy1994-i22Feb-Marp11
IntractabilityHugh Murdochy1994-i22Feb-Marp11
Sundry Topics: BuckyballsHugh Murdochy1994-i22Feb-Marp12
obituary - David LynessHugh Murdochy1994-i23May-Junp1
Perceived Human Needs and their Fulfilment Through BiotechnologyG.R. Rajasekariahy1994-i23May-Junp2
More on Victor Gostin's Seminar TalkHugh Murdochy1994-i23May-Junp4
Sundry Topics: Comet Shoemaker-levy 9, Blavatsky Trust Seminar at Tekels ParkHugh Murdochy1994-i23May-Junp7
Sundry Topics: Backtracking on Gaia, New Book by Rupert Sheldrake, Universal InterrelatednessHugh Murdochy1994-i23May-Junp8
Self-organising Systems and the Evolution of Life, Dennis ReaneyHugh Murdochy1994-i23May-Junp9
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1994-i23May-Junp10
Contents of Previous Issues (11-22)Hugh Murdochy1994-i23May-Junp11
Editorial Notes, Sydney GroupHugh Murdochy1994-i24Aug-Sepp1
Comets Asteroids EtcHugh Murdochy1994-i24Aug-Sepp1
Solar PowerHugh Murdochy1994-i24Aug-Sepp6
Sundry Health Topics: Diet and Cancer, Stress and the Immune SystemHugh Murdochy1994-i24Aug-Sepp6
David Bohm Makes the Pages of Scientific AmericanHugh Murdochy1994-i24Aug-Sepp7
Origin of the Moon - The Legacy of ApolloHugh Murdochy1994-i24Aug-Sepp8
Contents Of Previous Issues (1-10)Hugh Murdochy1994-i24Aug-Sepp11
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1994-i25Nov-Decp1
Parapsychology in New ScientistHugh Murdochy1994-i25Nov-Decp2
Origin of the Solar SystemHugh Murdochy1994-i25Nov-Decp3
Sundry Astronomical Topics: Clementine Visits the Moon, Galileo Finds Life on EarthHugh Murdochy1994-i25Nov-Decp7
Sundry Astronomical Topics: Could There be Life on Titan? Planets, Shoemaker-Levy Comet ImpactHugh Murdochy1994-i25Nov-Decp8
Sundry Astronomical Topics: Amino Acid Found in Space, Sunspot Cycle and the WeatherHugh Murdochy1994-i25Nov-Decp9
Solar EnergyHugh Murdochy1994-i25Nov-Decp9
The Negative Side - Scientists Against Holism and PurposeHugh Murdochy1994-i25Nov-Decp10
Honey Bee CommunicationHugh Murdochy1994-i25Nov-Decp12
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1995-i26Feb-Marp1
The Status of Cosmology TodayHugh Murdochy1995-i26Feb-Marp2
review - 'Wrinkles in Time' by George Smoot and Keay DavidsonHugh Murdochy1995-i26Feb-Marp5
Fred HoyleHugh Murdochy1995-i26Feb-Marp8
'The Physics of Immortality' by Frank TiplerHugh Murdochy1995-i26Feb-Marp10
Grote Reber - Another DissenterHugh Murdochy1995-i26Feb-Marp10
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1995-i27May-Junp1
The Templeton PrizeHugh Murdochy1995-i27May-Junp2
review - 'Are We Alone?' by Paul DaviesHugh Murdochy1995-i27May-Junp2
Life in a Previous Cycle ?Hugh Murdochy1995-i27May-Junp4
Do Recent Experiments Challenge the Big Bang?Hugh Murdochy1995-i27May-Junp7
obituary - Sir Karl PopperHugh Murdochy1995-i27May-Junp9
Seminar at the Manor - January 1996Hugh Murdochy1995-i28Septemberp1
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1995-i28Septemberp2
Blavatsky Trust SeminarHugh Murdochy1995-i28Septemberp2
Lester Smith - Royal Society MemoirsHugh Murdochy1995-i28Septemberp3
Some Recent References to David BohmHugh Murdochy1995-i28Septemberp5
Charles BirchHugh Murdochy1995-i28Septemberp6
Sundry Topics: Chicxulub Crater, Gosse Bluff, New Bright CometHugh Murdochy1995-i28Septemberp8
Sundry Topics: CMB Radiation, Age of the Universe, Inside the Atom, MicrotubulesHugh Murdochy1995-i28Septemberp9
Adyar Theosophy-Science Centre TransactionsHugh Murdochy1995-i28Septemberp10
Minor Solar System Objects: Asteroids, Comets, Outer Heliosphere, Kuiper Belt, MoonHugh Murdochy1995-i29Decemberp1
Editorial NotesHugh Murdochy1995-i29Decemberp1
Showing 251 to 300 of 753 entries