The Religion of the Australian Aborigines (2) | Cyril Havecker | y1971 | v35 | i5 | October | p7 |
The Work of the Society | James Perkins | y1971 | v35 | i5 | October | p9 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Notes of TOS meeting at the Australian Convention - 1971 | anon | y1971 | v35 | i5 | October | p10 |
The Evolution of Man's Beliefs | Stanley Robe | y1971 | v35 | i5 | October | p12 |
Building Report (2 photos Bligh street: 1922 & 1971) | David Esplin | y1971 | v35 | i5 | October | p13 |
photo - 113/121 Walker st before demolition | anon | y1971 | v35 | i5 | October | p14 |
sketch - Artist's impression of proposed new building | anon | y1971 | v35 | i5 | October | p15 |
New & Notes | anon | y1971 | v35 | i5 | October | p16 |
Together Differently | ME Caws | y1971 | v35 | i6 | December | p2 |
Realism in Art | Rona & Tom Van Erp | y1971 | v35 | i6 | December | p4 |
Inaugural Meeting of Canberra Lodge | anon | y1971 | v35 | i6 | December | p5 |
Theosophical Education | MD Lawson | y1971 | v35 | i6 | December | p6 |
Tension in Australian Society - John Hill interviews | Wilfred Jarvis | y1971 | v35 | i6 | December | p8 |
Birthday Celebrations at Chervatur | Noel Odou | y1971 | v35 | i6 | December | p13 |
`The Secret Doctrine` in today's World | Ben Portsmouth | y1971 | v35 | i6 | December | p14 |
News & Notes | anon | y1971 | v35 | i6 | December | p15 |
review - `HPB & the Secret Doctrine` by Virginia Hanson | DW | y1971 | v35 | i6 | December | p15 |
Gift Suggestions for Christmas | anon | y1971 | v35 | i6 | December | p16 |
Presidential Address | N Sri Ram | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p2 |
Nominations for National Office | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p3 |
Guest Speakers - Mr & Mrs (James S & Kathrine) Perkins | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p4 |
Convention in New Zealand | D Williamson | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p5 |
General Secretary's Annual Report | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p6 |
Balance Sheet as at 30th September 1971 | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p8 |
Analysis of Lodge Membership at 30th September 1971 | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p8 |
Treasurer's Report | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p9 |
Auditor's Report | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p9 |
Income & Expenditure Account | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p10 |
Budget (tentative) | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p10 |
Theosophical Society in Australia - National Convention - Easter 1972 - Programme | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p14 |
Around the Lodges | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p16 |
Notices of Motion & News & Notes | anon | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p19 |
review - `The Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible` v3 by Geoffrey Hodson | FR | y1972 | v36 | i1 | February | p20 |
Progress to ...? | Ruth Beringer | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p2 |
Creative Transformation in Ourselves | Kathrine Perkins | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p3 |
Travel Daze (Puerto Rico, England, Europe) | Elaine Murdoch | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p7 |
filler - (In the Theosophical Society we do not formulate our wisdom ...) | N Sri Ram | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p9 |
Self-Unfoldment - But What Self? (rprnt `The American Theosophist`) | Hugh Shearman | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p10 |
Conversations on Occultism (rprnt CW v8, v9) | HP Blavatsky | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p12 |
obituary - Tribute to faithful workers - (Irene M Prest, Raymond G Litchfield) | anon | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p13 |
News & Notes | anon | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p14 |
review - `The Dark Face of Science` by John Vyvyan | FF | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p15 |
review - `The Cosmic Womb` by Arthur W Osborn | MPF | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p15 |
Research Centre Journal | anon | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p16 |
review - `The Inviolable Hills` by Robert A. de J Hart | MPF | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p16 |
review - `The Basic Ideas of Occult Wisdom` by Anna Kennedy Winner | DW | y1972 | v36 | i2 | April | p16 |
Yoga & Art | Will Ross | y1972 | v36 | i3 | June | p2 |
Convention Impressions | anon | y1972 | v36 | i3 | June | p7 |
Fossilize & Perish | Hugh Murdoch | y1972 | v36 | i3 | June | p8 |
Communication in Lodges | Phil Harris | y1972 | v36 | i3 | June | p11 |