Meditative Preamble on Awareness | Tom Naylor | y1949 | v10 | - | January | p20 |
News and Notes | anon | y1949 | v10 | - | January | p22 |
Nihil Sine Amore (vf) | Leo Muller | y1949 | v10 | - | January | p24 |
Editorial | Emma Hunt | y1949 | v10 | - | April | p25 |
Presidential Address | C. Jinarajadasa | y1949 | v10 | - | April | p26 |
Letter of the Maha Chohan | C. Jinarajadasa | y1949 | v10 | - | April | p29 |
The 73rd International Convention | Helen Zahara | y1949 | v10 | - | April | p31 |
Adeptship: Can We Appreciate Its Significance? | Joy Powis | y1949 | v10 | - | April | p33 |
The Message of Theosophy to Man | Geoffrey Hodson | y1949 | v10 | - | April | p34 |
Dawn on Everest | anon | y1949 | v10 | - | April | p35 |
hail and Farewell | Clara M. Codd | y1949 | v10 | - | April | p36 |
Theosophy: A Gospel for Today | J.G. Montgomery | y1949 | v10 | - | April | p37 |
Summer School: An Impression | N.M.J. Finlayson | y1949 | v10 | - | April | p38 |
News and Notes | anon | y1949 | v10 | - | April | p39 |
Editorial | Emma Hunt | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p41 |
Self-sacrifice and Renunciation | Annie Besant | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p42 |
Buddhic Consciousness | Jean Emile Marcault | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p43 |
A Vision of "The Teacher of Gods and Men" | C. Jinarajadasa | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p45 |
The Perfected Men | Clara M. Codd | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p47 |
Brotherhood and Freedom | Lloyd G. Baker | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p48 |
A Day at Adyar - International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society | Mary Graham | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p49 |
Mr. John B.S. Coats: Guest Lecturer to New Zealand | anon | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p51 |
The Australian Convention | J.L. Davidge | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p51 |
At the Manor | anon | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p52 |
Lodges and Centres and Their Work | The General Secretary | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p53 |
News and Notes | anon | y1949 | v10 | - | July | p55 |
Editorial | Emma Hunt | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p57 |
The Purpose of the Theosophical Society and the need of Change | William Melville Newton | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p58 |
The Way of Truth in Theosophy | C. Jinarajadasa | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p59 |
The Land of Theosophy | N. Sri Ram | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p60 |
Inner Structure of a Congress | J.E. Van Der Stok | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p61 |
The Holy Grail (vf) | Norma Debreceny | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p62 |
The United Nations | Milton Thornton | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p63 |
New Thoughts for Old | John B.S. Coats | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p65 |
Socialism as An Ally of Religion | R.S. Mackay | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p66 |
Mountain Gods | Geoffrey Hodson | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p68 |
Talks about Books | Leslie P. Hardy | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p70 |
News and Notes | anon | y1949 | v10 | - | October | p71 |
Editorial | Emma Hunt | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p1 |
The "Word" of A Nation | C. Jinarajadasa | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p2 |
The Theosophical Society in New Zealand Fifty-third Annual Report | Emma Hunt | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p3 |
Fifty-third Annual Convention | anon | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p7 |
Farewell Message from Mr. J.B.S. Coats | John B.S. Coats | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p12 |
Man's God-given Heritage | C. Jinarajadasa | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p13 |
The Legend of the heartsease | Willoughby C. Kendrick | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p14 |
The Woman of the New Age | Srimati Rukmini Devi | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p15 |
The Place of Ceremonial Practice in Life | Mary Graham | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p16 |
Experience and Living | anon | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p18 |
The Theosophical Society, Adyar - 1950 Convention | Helen V Zahara | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p20 |
Adyar Quarterly Letter | Harry H. Banks | y1950 | v11 | - | January | p21 |