Contents of Part 1 | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p2 |
1. List of Officers - President Annie Besant | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p3 |
2. Statement of Accounts 1904 | Edith Ward | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p6 |
3. Opening Meeting | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p7 |
4. Addresses by Members of Kindred Societies & Movements | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p8 |
5. Meetings of Departments | (Johan Van Manen) | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p9 |
6. Exhibition of Arts & Crafts | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p19 |
7. Public Meeting | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p20 |
8. Receptions & Entertainments - Dramatic Performance | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p21 |
9. Closing Meeting | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p23 |
10. Meetings of the Council of the Federation | Dr Th. Pascal | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p24 |
Part 2 - General Addresses | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p27 |
Contents of Part 2 | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p28 |
Address of Welcome | Bertram Keightley | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p29 |
Presidential Address | Annie Besant | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p31 |
Secretary's Report | Johan Van Manen | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p39 |
The Gnosis of the Past & Theosophy of the Present | GRS Mead | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p41 |
Closing Address | Annie Besant | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p47 |
Part 3 - Addresses by Members of Kindred Societies | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p51 |
Contents of Part 3 | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p52 |
Christian Doctrine as seen by the Mystic | WF Cobb | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p53 |
Francis Bacon & the "New Atlantis" | Harold Bayley | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p61 |
The Philosophy of Spiritualism | E Wake Cook | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p73 |
Guilds, Old & New | Edward Spencer | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p85 |
Part 4 - Departmental Papers | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p99 |
Contents of Part 4 | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p100 |
Department A - Brotherhood | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p101 |
Contents of Department A - Practical & Philosophical | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p102 |
(in French) Droit ou Devoir | DA Courmes | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p103 |
(in French) Essai sur l'Egalite | Lievin Revel | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p109 |
(in French) Essai sur l'Égalité | Liévin Revel | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p109 |
One of the Uses of Altruism | Edgar Loam | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p113 |
Department B - Comparative Religion, Mysticism, Folklore | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p121 |
Contents of Department B | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p122 |
The Myth of Man in the Mysteries - A Hellenistic Source of Gnosticism (from Thrice Greatest Hermes p139-198) | GRS Mead | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p123 |
(in French) Note sur les Gunas | G Chevrier | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p125 |
That Thou Art | Purnendu Narayana Sinha | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p133 |
The Religion of our Forefathers - the mythology of the Germans | A. von Ulrich | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p143 |
Notes on Some British Mystics - George Berkly; William Law (1686-1761); Samuel Taylor Coleridge | ML (or LM) Browne | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p181 |
Notes on Some British Mystics - Richard Rolle; Walter Hilton; Lady Juliana; Henry Moore; John Norris | ML (or LM) Browne | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p181 |
Department C - Philosophy | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p193 |
Contents of Department C | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p194 |
The Occult Basis of Goethe's Work | Rudolf Steiner | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p195 |
(in French) Esquisse d'une Etude du Sentiment de la Realite | L Desaint | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p211 |
(in French) Esquisse d'une Étude du Sentiment de la Réalité | L Desaint | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p211 |
Analogical Diagrams | AW | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p217 |
(in French) Instinct et Conscience - Hygiene et Morale | Pierre E Bernard | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p233 |
(in French) Instinct et Conscience - Hygiène et Morale | Pierre E Bernard | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p233 |
Department D - Science (including "Borderland" Sciences) | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p243 |
Contents of Department D | anon | y1905 | v2 | - | July | p244 |