The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Aquarian Theosophist

The 20 Letters to India Sent in 2012[various]y2012v12i6Junep3
The Theosophical Encyclopedia - Judge William Quan [extract:,_William_Quan]KVM [Kirby Van Mater], anony2012v12i6Junep22
A Sand Castle By the Ocean - The Future of the Adyar Society Is Brightanony2012v12i6Junep25
Living in a Small Celestial Body: Geographical Distance Is Unimportantanony2012v12i6Junep26
Getting Rid of False Masters and Fake Portraits - An Awakening in the Adyar SocietyCCAy2012v12i7Junep1
Understanding the Psychology of Illusion: An Exercise in Self-Examination [including Editorial Note]Blaise Pascal, [CCA]y2012v12i7Junep5
Observing the Process of Illusion - E-Theosophy E-Group Will Investigate How Each Student Can Best Discern Truthanony2012v12i7Junep8
Truth Its Foes and Its Friends - How to Identify That Which Has The Appearance of Truth But Is Not GenuineSteven H Levyy2012v12i7Junep9
The State of Faultless Vision - Attention Implies the Absence Of Any Distraction or DistortionNC Ramanujacharyy2012v12i7Junep11
Living in a Probationary Field - The Theosophical Effort is a Laboratory Where Everything Must Be TestedMarco Bufariniy2012v12i7Junep16
Seven Meditational Questions - Applying the Socratic Method To the World of the Mahatmasanony2012v12i7Junep19
The Invisibility of the Great OnesNC Ramanujacharyy2012v12i8Julyp1
Can Theosophists Reunite? - Real Brotherhood Is Better Than Public Relations Exercise [reprint: 'The Theosophical Movement' March 2003]anony2012v12i8Julyp2
Theosophy True and False - Investigating What Theosophy Is and Is NotSteven H Levyy2012v12i8Julyp4
The 3 Founders of the Adyar TS - Small Events Prepare the Dawning of a New Dayanony2012v12i8Julyp7
HP Blavatsky Was Not a Madame - The Old Lady Also Did Not Use Her Title of CountessCarlos Cardoso Aveliney2012v12i8Julyp8
Unity and Duty in Esoteric Wisdom - A Few Reasons Why Human Duty (Manava-Dharma) Is Of Supreme ImportanceNC Ramanujacharyy2012v12i8Julyp10
From Ritualism to Raja Yoga - The Path to Discipleship Depends on Self-Knowledge [extract: 'The Mahatma Letters' TUP edition Pasadena California Letter LXV pp365-366]A Mahatma of the Himalayasy2012v12i8Julyp12
Question and Answer: On Attachment to Brotherly Fraudsanony2012v12i8Julyp13
The Heroic Nature of HP Blavatsky - What Matters is Less Ourselves and More Our Work [reprint 'The Theosophist' August 1965 pp293-2954]C Jinarajadasay2012v12i8Julyp14
Grassroots Actions Build Peace - Citizens' Initiatives Spread Promoting Friendship Between Muslim Nations and Israel(The editor)y2012v12i9Augustp1
Five Major Non-Governmental Initiativesanony2012v12i9Augustp2
Actions for Unconditional Peace on Facebookanony2012v12i9Augustp3
Three Questions - Who are you? Where are you going? How are you going? [reprint: 'Theosophy' February 1938 p145]John Garriguesy2012v12i9Augustp5
Rules for Daily Life - Thirteen Points for Self-Discipline [reprint: 'The Theosophist' October 1880 p7]Unknown Authorsy2012v12i9Augustp6
G Farthing the Constant TheosophistRobert Kittoy2012v12i9Augustp7
Differences in Esoteric Literature - Comparing and Contrasting Two Lines of ThoughtGeoffrey Farthingy2012v12i9Augustp11
List of Books Availableanony2012v12i9Augustp13
The Seven Powers in Nature - The Sign of Virgo According to "The Secret Doctrine" [extracts: 'The Secret Doctrine' v1 pp292-293]Helena P. Blavatskyy2012v12i9Augustp16
Research Announcement: Munchhausen and 20th Century Theosophyanony2012v12i9Augustp18
Three Messages From Robert Crosbie and HP BlavatskyRobert Crosbie, HP Blavatskyy2012v12i9Augustp19
Lin Yutang on Simplicity and Laughter [extracts: 'The Importance of Living' by Lin Yutang]Lin Yutangy2012v12i9Augustp20
Renunciation Is Freedom - There Is Something to Learn From Each New Autumnanony2012v12i10Septemberp1
When Life is a Laboratory - Research and Sharing in Theosophyanony2012v12i10Septemberp3
A Commentary on the Agenda of Reformers: A Lever to Change the Worldanony2012v12i10Septemberp3
A Point in the Boundless Circle - A Lesson From an Eastern Occult Catechism [extract: 'The Secret Doctrine' v1 p11]Helena P Blavatskyy2012v12i10Septemberp4
Religion and Science: Irreconcilable? - We Need a Combination of Both to Deliver People From the Scourge of Competitive Spirit ['Ideas and Opinions' pp49-52]Albert Einsteiny2012v12i10Septemberp5
Spreading the Teachings - A Decisive Task for Every Theosophist [reprint: 'The Theosophical Forum' August 1948 pp495-496]anony2012v12i10Septemberp7
How to Develop Occult Powers - A Practical Approach to One of the Main Goals of the Modern Theosophical Effortanony2012v12i10Septemberp9
Universal Brotherhood Still a Puzzle - And There’s No Need to Pretend We Know All About Itanony2012v12i10Septemberp11
The Original Movement in Italy - A Rebirth of Classical Theosophy in Europeanony2012v12i10Septemberp13
The Art of Seeing that Life is OK - Saying Thanks to All Beingsanony2012v12i11Octoberp1
Helena Blavatsky's Self-Criticism - Or How Classical Authors Like Confucius And Cicero Can Help the Theosophical Movementanony2012v12i11Octoberp2
The Choice for Truthfulness - A Letter of Warning From a Master Shows the Need for Sincerity In Theosophy [includes quotation of 'Letters From the Masters of Wisdom' Letter 24 First Series]CCA, KHy2012v12i11Octoberp3
A Photo From the 1880s - The History of the Theosophical Movement in One Imageanony2012v12i11Octoberp5
The Mind in Nature [re-paragraphed reprint 'Lucifer' September 1896 p9 and with Notes by HP Blavatsky and the Editor of "The Aquarian"]Helena P Blavatskyy2012v12i11Octoberp6
The Beauty of Abstract Truth - British Philosopher F Hutcheson Had A Sense for Buddhic or Moral Perceptionanony2012v12i11Octoberp10
There Is a Chance For Us [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher' 415pp p314]R Crosbiey2012v12i11Octoberp11
When the Gods Laughed - Two Fragments on Obstacles and Victory [extracts: 'The Friendly Philosopher' p117, p197]Robert Crosbiey2012v13i1Novemberp1
New Book is Good for Recycling - Recent HPB "Biography" Is Not Totally Uselessanony2012v13i1Novemberp2
Showing 1951 to 2000 of 3398 entries