The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Aquarian Theosophist

Experiencing the Yoga Aphorismsanony2015v15i10Augustp8
From Damodar on Prayer [extract: 'Damodar and the Pioneers of the Theosophical Movement' Compiled and Annotated by Sven Eek pp405-406] [with note from editor 'The Aquarian Theosophist'](Damodar K. Mavalankar),(CCA)y2015v15i10Augustp9
An Unpleasant Awakeninganony2015v15i10Augustp10
Plato, Garrigues And The Need for Discernmentanony2015v15i10Augustp11
Conscious Unity is Challenging - And Produces a Significant Number of Tests and Probationsanony2015v15i10Augustp13
With the Sun in Virgoanony2015v15i10Augustp13
There Is No Easy Path to Truthanony2015v15i10Augustp14
Thoughts Along the Road - Notes on the Sacredness of Daily Effortsanony2015v15i10Augustp15
No Founder Knew As Much as HPB - William Q Judge Was a Student of Blavatskyanony2015v15i10Augustp18
Sorokin Theosophy and Compassionanony2015v15i10Augustp19
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2015v15i10Augustp20
How Women Enlighten the Future - A Key to the Mystery of Karma and Love [extract: 'The Paradoxes of the Highest Science' by Eliphas Levi, footnote p172]A Master of the Wisdomy2015v15i11Septemberp1
Whether Beauty and Truth Are Inseparableanony2015v15i11Septemberp2
The Best Way to Teachanony2015v15i11Septemberp4
NC Ramanujachary: Liberation is a Collective Effort [in a message to the Group E-Theosophy at YahooGroups]NC Ramanujacharyy2015v15i11Septemberp4
Universality and Discernment [extract: 'To Heal a Fractured World, The Ethics of Responsibility' p10]Rabbi Jonathan Sacksy2015v15i11Septemberp5
Not the Moment to Lose Timeanony2015v15i11Septemberp6
Optimism in Theosophy [extract: 'The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature' p231]Carlos Cardoso Aveliney2015v15i11Septemberp6
Old Prophecies And Atomic War - Ancient Wisdom Makes Warning About The Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction(CCA)y2015v15i11Septemberp7
The Theosophical Movement [from: 'The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature' see p254]Carlos Cardoso Aveliney2015v15i11Septemberp10
Altruism or Selfishness: The New Frontier in the Middle East [extract: 'A Third Treasury of Kahlil Gibran' edited and with an introduction by Andrew Dib Sherfan pp52-57 original title: 'The New Frontier']Kahlil Gibrany2015v15i11Septemberp11
The Significance of One's Actionsanony2015v15i11Septemberp14
To Whom It May Concernanony2015v15i11Septemberp15
Theosophy Versus Jung and Sorcerers(The editors)y2015v15i11Septemberp15
Alexandre Dumas: Nothing Is Isolated in the World [extract: second paragraph of the Prologue to 'The Companions of Jehu']Alexandre Dumas, seniory2015v15i11Septemberp17
On What Is One's Duty [extract: 'The Friendly Philosopher' see p40]Robert Crosbiey2015v15i11Septemberp18
Thoughts Along the Road - Observing the Sacredness of Daily Lifeanony2015v15i11Septemberp19
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2015v15i11Septemberp21
Motives to Improve One's Actionsanony2015v15i11Septemberp22
Of Nations Acting Like Spoiled Children [extract: 'The Hundredth Monkey' pp126-129]Ken Keyes Jry2015v15i12Octoberp1
Wisdom and Humblenessanony2015v15i12Octoberp2
Upon creating his famous phrase "One for all and all for one" French writer Alexandre Dumas [from article "One for All and All for One" to be found in associated websites]anony2015v15i12Octoberp2
The Invisible Power of the Sapphire - Hindu Legend Says the First Sapphire Was the Tear of a God ['Isis Unveiled' Volume I pp264-265; 'Lucifer' November 1890 p226]Helena P Blavatsky [and editorial note by CCA with quotation from 'Lucifer']y2015v15i12Octoberp3
Fragments from the Book of ImagesJohn Garriguesy2015v15i12Octoberp5
Whether Doubts Are Acceptable [from article "Are Doubts Acceptable in Theosophy?"]anony2015v15i12Octoberp6
Iconoclasm Toward Illusions - The Day of Man's Childhood As An Immortal Being Has Passed Away [extract: "Iconoclasm Toward Illusions"]William Q. Judgey2015v15i12Octoberp7
The Daily Challenge: Nothing Higher than Truthanony2015v15i12Octoberp8
"The decision to search for truth ..." [from article: "Pledges in Theosophy Real and Phony"]anony2015v15i12Octoberp8
The Illusions of Political 'Fraternization' - Theosophists Need to Get Rid of Falsehoods [from 'Theosophy' June 1933 pp358-360 original article title: "Youth Companion's Forum"]John Garrigues [see note 2 to article concerning attribution]y2015v15i12Octoberp9
Accumulating Good Karma: The Unseen Victory of Truthanony2015v15i12Octoberp11
HP Blavatsky a Mirror for Students [from "Seven Fragments on Discipleship"]Robert Crosbiey2015v15i12Octoberp11
Thoughts Along the Road - Notes on the Sacredness of Daily Lifeanony2015v15i12Octoberp12
The "Golden Stairs" ... [from "Commentaries to the Golden Stairs"]anony2015v15i12Octoberp13
On Seeing the Mistakes of Others - Spiritual Discrimination Can Only Exist in the Presence of Good Willanony2015v15i12Octoberp14
Two Notes on Living the LifeNC Ramanujacharyy2015v15i12Octoberp16
A Commentary From London: Defending Helena P Blavatsky [re book: 'The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature' (by Carlos Cardoso Aveline)]Will Windhamy2015v15i12Octoberp17
The Blessings of Self-Discipline [from "Self-Discipline in Daily Life"]anony2015v15i12Octoberp17
The Word and the Life: The Role Played by Sacred Booksanony2015v15i12Octoberp18
Look Around You - An Invitation from the Master [quoted in "Examining Seven Questions"]A Mahatma of the Himalayasy2015v15i12Octoberp18
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2015v15i12Octoberp19
Showing 2501 to 2550 of 3398 entries