A Letter from Robert Crosbie: The Yoga of Daily Duty [from 'The Friendly Philosopher' pp. 165-167] | Robert Crosbie | y2020 | v20 | i8 | June | p1 |
The Power of Character and Will - Key Excerpts Selected From the Writings of a New Thought Thinker [extracts from 'An Iron Will' and 'Making Life a Masterpiece'] | OS Marden | y2020 | v20 | i8 | June | p3 |
The Poem "Will" (vf) ["Will" from 'Poetical Works of Ella Wheeler Wilcox' pp 129-130] | Ella Wheeler Wilcox [and Editorial Note by Carlos Cardoso Aveline] | y2020 | v20 | i8 | June | p7 |
Thoughts Along the Road: On Making the Meaningful Journey | CCA | y2020 | v20 | i8 | June | p9 |
Isis Unveiled: Passages From H.P. Blavatsky That Refer to Mesmer and Mesmerism - 4 [from 'Isis Unveiled' vol I pp 172-174] | HP Blavatsky | y2020 | v20 | i8 | June | p11 |
A Call to Action: Expanding the Magnetic Field of Positive Energies | anon | y2020 | v20 | i9 | July | p1 |
The Goal of Life According to Paul Carton [from 'La Science Occulte et Les Sciences Occultes' p95] | Paul Carton | y2020 | v20 | i9 | July | p2 |
Our Thoughts Are Our Servants They Give Us Exactly What We Expect of Them [from 'The Miracle of Right Thought' p19] | OS Marden [Orison Swett Marden] | y2020 | v20 | i9 | July | p3 |
Arthur Schopenhauer: Three Fragments on a Wise Life [from 'The Wisdom of Life and Counsels and Maxims' translated by T Bailey Saunders pp 7-8 of second part] | Arthur Schopenhauer | y2020 | v20 | i9 | July | p4 |
Gibran's Confession: How I Became a Madman [from 'The Madman His Parables and Poems' pp 7-8] | Kahlil Gibran | y2020 | v20 | i9 | July | p5 |
Unmasking the 'Progressive' Social Movements Whose Aim is Destruction | anon | y2020 | v20 | i9 | July | p6 |
Thoughts Along the Road - The Duty of the Theosophical Movement Is To Help Start Another Historical Cycle | anon | y2020 | v20 | i9 | July | p8 |
Isis Unveiled: Passages From H.P. Blavatsky That Refer to Mesmer and Mesmerism - 5 [from 'Isis Unveiled' vol I pp 177-181] | HP Blavatsky | y2020 | v20 | i9 | July | p10 |
A Healing Process Is Now Taking Place | anon | y2020 | v20 | i9 | July | p14 |
Kalidasa: The Salutation of the Dawn (vf) | Kalidasa | y2020 | v20 | i10 | August | p1 |
This is Something That Few Have Discovered About the Spiritual Path | anon | y2020 | v20 | i10 | August | p2 |
Thoughts Along the Road: The Law of Equilibrium Guides the Dance of the Universe | anon | y2020 | v20 | i10 | August | p4 |
Nick Young: The Collectors of Memories [from Facebook group 'Theosophy and Future' 25 July 2020] | Nick Young | y2020 | v20 | i10 | August | p6 |
Isis Unveiled: Passages From H.P. Blavatsky That Refer to Mesmer and Mesmerism - 6 - The Science of Psychometry [from 'Isis Unveiled' vol I pp 182-184] | HP Blavatsky | y2020 | v20 | i10 | August | p7 |
The Alchemical Fire of Tao - A Few Explanatory Verses of Taoist Philosophy [from 'The Inner Teachings of Taoism' by Chang Po-Tuan, commentary by Liu I-Ming, translated by Thomas Cleary pp 32-33] | ?Chang Po-Tuan | y2020 | v20 | i10 | August | p10 |
Eternal Wisdom in Daily Life - A Few Excerpts from Orison S Marden [from various pages in 'Making Life a Masterpiece' by Orison Swett Marden] | Orison Swett Marden | y2020 | v20 | i10 | August | p12 |
The Law of Justice Writes Straight With Crooked Lines | anon | y2020 | v20 | i10 | August | p14 |
Theosophy and the Book of Life | anon | y2020 | v20 | i10 | August | p16 |
Viscount de Figaniere: The Higher Aspects of Marriage [from "Palmitos" vol I pp 196-197] | Viscount de Figaniere [and note by the editors of 'The Aquarian Theosophist'] | y2020 | v20 | i10 | August | p17 |
There Is No Separation in Time - Past and Future Actively Participate in Every Moment of the Eternal Now | anon | y2020 | v20 | i11 | September | p1 |
On the Dimensions of Space - It Is From Its Depth That Mind Expands Outward [from "Esoteric Studies - II Dimensions of Space" "The Theosophist" September 1887 p755] | Visconde de Figaniere | y2020 | v20 | i11 | September | p2 |
Profile of the Independent Lodge - The Ten Basic Points that Define the ILT [ILT: The Independent Lodge of Theosophists] | anon | y2020 | v20 | i11 | September | p3 |
About the Ego and the Unmanifested Being [transcribed from 'Lucifer' February 1890 pp 471-480] [and a 2020 Editorial Note] | Visconde de Figaniere; CCA | y2020 | v20 | i11 | September | p4 |
Thoughts Along the Road: How Inner Peace Expands Happiness and Contentment | anon | y2020 | v20 | i11 | September | p14 |
Passages From H.P. Blavatsky That Refer to Mesmer and Mesmerism - 7 (Concluded) - Astral Light and the Science of Psychometry [quotes from 'Isis Unveiled'] | HP Blavatsky | y2020 | v20 | i11 | September | p16 |
The Daily Work of a Pioneering Project: Independent Theosophy on Facebook | anon | y2020 | v20 | i11 | September | p19 |
The Yoga of Editorial Work - Right Action and Self-Discipline in the Theosophical Movement | anon | y2020 | v20 | i11 | September | p20 |
Planting the Seeds of the Future: New Items in Our Websites | anon | y2020 | v20 | i11 | September | p21 |
The Right Time to Use One’s Inner Compass: The Best Potentialities Ahead | anon | y2020 | v20 | i11 | September | p22 |
Common Sense in Theosophical Circles | (Carlos Cardoso Aveline) | y2020 | v20 | i12 | October | p1 |
The Preliminary Practice of Yoga | anon | y2020 | v20 | i12 | October | p3 |
Hercules Baladeva and the Origin of the Mysteries [reproduced from "Collected Writings" volume XIV pp 246-259 - Original title: "The Origin of the Mysteries"] | Helena P Blavatsky | y2020 | v20 | i12 | October | p5 |
The Key to Progress | anon | y2020 | v20 | i12 | October | p16 |
Inward Training - A Few Ancient Verses from the Book "Original Tao" by Harold D Roth (vf) [from "Inward Training" in 'Original Tao' chapters I II and III, pages 46-50] | Harold D Roth | y2020 | v20 | i12 | October | p17 |
A Certain Perplexity | (CCA) | y2020 | v20 | i12 | October | p19 |
The Kindle Edition of "The Fire and Light" at Amazon | anon | y2020 | v20 | i12 | October | p20 |
Thoughts Along the Road: Strengthening One's Closeness to the Trees | anon | y2020 | v20 | i12 | October | p21 |
The Daily Work of a Pioneering Project: Independent Theosophy on Facebook | anon | y2020 | v20 | i12 | October | p22 |
Positive Thought in a Negative World - There Are Beings In All Walks of Life Who Are Actively Trying to Help Humanity | The Theosophical Movement (Mumbai, India) | y2020 | v20 | i12 | October | p24 |
There Is a Mind Within Your Mind - From Chapter XIV of "Inward Training" (vf) [from "Inward Training" in 'Original Tao' see p 72] | Harold D Roth | y2020 | v20 | i12 | October | p25 |
A Commitment to the Next Year - Making the Next Cycle of 12 Months a Work of Art - Independent Lodge of Theosophists [with Editorial Note] | anon | y2020 | v21 | i1 | November | p1 |
Blavatsky and the Birth of Right Action | Helena P Blavatsky; anon | y2020 | v21 | i1 | November | p4 |
The Qualifications Needed for Practical Occultism [article: "The Qualifications Needed for Practical Occultism" from 'The Theosophist' May 1892, pp. 470-474 with A 2020 Editorial Note] | TCC; CCA [Editorial Note] | y2020 | v21 | i1 | November | p5 |
Thoughts Along the Road: The Practice of Silence Strengthens the Value of What We Say | anon | y2020 | v21 | i1 | November | p9 |
E-Theosophy At Google Groups | anon | y2020 | v21 | i1 | November | p11 |