The Destiny of Man | WEI | y1894 | v1 | - | July | p109 |
What Theosophists are doing - Adelaide | E Pickett | y1894 | v1 | - | July | p110 |
Melbourne | RHRS | y1894 | v1 | - | July | p110 |
Rockhampton | Scribe | y1894 | v1 | - | July | p110 |
Auckland | W. | y1894 | v1 | - | July | p110 |
Sydney (Mrs Wolstenholm) | TW Willans | y1894 | v1 | - | July | p111 |
Christchurch | W Dennes? Meers | y1894 | v1 | - | July | p111 |
fillers | Wm Kingsland, Arnold, JA Symonds | y1894 | v1 | - | July | p112 |
The Searchlight | anon | y1894 | v1 | - | August | p113 |
The Hollowness of Materialism | anon | y1894 | v1 | - | August | p114 |
The Study of the `Secret Doctrine` (2) | Lilian Edger | y1894 | v1 | - | August | p116 |
The Temple of the Lord | Emma Richmond | y1894 | v1 | - | August | p118 |
three pamphlets (EG Edelfelt, Lao-Tze, Annie Besant) | anon | y1894 | v1 | - | August | p120 |
The Progress & Principles of Theosophy | NA Knox | y1894 | v1 | - | August | p121 |
Psychometry (1) | EG Edelfelt | y1894 | v1 | - | August | p124 |
filler | Latimer & Emerson | y1894 | v1 | - | August | p124 |
Relations with the Masters (2) | EP | y1894 | v1 | - | August | p126 |
Melbourne | RHRS | y1894 | v1 | - | August | p126 |
What Theosophists are doing - Sydney | TWW | y1894 | v1 | - | August | p128 |
The Searchlight | anon | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p129 |
Our Third Object | HW Hunt | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p131 |
A Criticism of Spiritism | Gus Sharp | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p133 |
filler | Marcus Aurelius & HP Blavatsky | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p135 |
Messages from Masters (rprnt `The Pacific Theosophist`) | Lay Chela | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p136 |
photo - Mrs Besant | anon | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p136a+ |
Maori Mysticism | John St Clair | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p137 |
Psychometry (2) | EG Edelfelt | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p138 |
The Justice of Reincarnation | IPH | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p140 |
Good & Evil (1) | EM Judson | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p142 |
filler | Ruskin | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p142 |
Dunedin | AW Maurais | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p144 |
What Theosophists are doing - Hobart | Jos. Benjamin | y1894 | v1 | - | September | p144 |
The Searchlight | anon | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p145 |
Executive Order (Mrs Cooper-Oakley ... now ... corresponding Secretary of the Society) | HS Olcott | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p146 |
The Study of the `Secret Doctrine` (3) | Lilian Edger | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p147 |
Good & Evil (2) | EM Judson | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p149 |
Theosophy Exposed - Ltte | Annie Besant | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p151 |
Psychometry | CW Sanders | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p152 |
Notes on Mrs Besant's Lectures (1) | HW Hunt | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p153 |
Thoughts about Karma (rprnt `Le Lotus Bleu` Jan 1893) | EJ Coulomb | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p156 |
Sydney | EJW | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p159 |
What Theosophists are doing - Victorian Theosophic League | Wilhelmine J Hunt | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p159 |
Christchurch | W Denne? Meers | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p160 |
Auckland, New Zealand | W. | y1894 | v1 | - | October | p160 |
The Searchlight | anon | y1894 | v1 | - | November | p161 |
The Religious Aspect of Shelley (1) | S. | y1894 | v1 | - | November | p164 |
Father John of Kronstadt | anon | y1894 | v1 | - | November | p168 |
A test Seance (Mrs Mellon of Sydney; her weight drops by 49 pounds during seance) | RCT Morgan | y1894 | v1 | - | November | p169 |
Notes on Mrs Besant's Lectures (2) | HW Hunt | y1894 | v1 | - | November | p172 |
The Study of the `Secret Doctrine` (4) | Lilian Edger | y1894 | v1 | - | November | p175 |