The Startled Heron (A Poem) Reprint | Robert Tristram Coffin | y1949 | v27 | i12 | March | p359 |
The Hand Of God (A Poem) | Florence Widutis | y1949 | v28 | i1 | April | p2 |
Crucifixion | The Tibetan | y1949 | v28 | i1 | April | p3 |
Would You Help To Hasten The Reappearance of the Christ? | Foster Bailey | y1949 | v28 | i1 | April | p11 |
The Soul-Infused Disciple Builds The Antahkarana | Rev. John Hughes | y1949 | v28 | i1 | April | p16 |
The Brethern (A Poem) | K. S. Ladell | y1949 | v28 | i1 | April | p19 |
Destiny of the Son Of Man | Anne Coughlan | y1949 | v28 | i1 | April | p20 |
Psychological Rehabilitation of the Nations | Miriam D. Gebbie | y1949 | v28 | i1 | April | p21 |
Idealism: What Is It? | Blodwen Davies | y1949 | v28 | i1 | April | p29 |
The Infinite (A Poem) | Marjorie C. Cooke | y1949 | v28 | i1 | April | p34 |
Humor Is The Fulcrum On Which Wisdom Rests - The Wandering Lunatic Mind - The Stupid Old Body (Excerpts) | Edward Carpenter | y1949 | v28 | i1 | April | p35 |
To Wisdom | A.P. | y1949 | v28 | i2 | May | p38 |
The Initiation Of Resurrection | Barbara The Tibetan | y1949 | v28 | i2 | May | p39 |
The Present Forcing Process | Barbara Enos | y1949 | v28 | i2 | May | p51 |
Wisdom, The Word That All Men Love | Laurel C. Bach | y1949 | v28 | i2 | May | p59 |
Three Laws of the Aquarian Age | Colby Dorr Dam | y1949 | v28 | i2 | May | p66 |
Reverberations of the Bells | Two Readers | y1949 | v28 | i2 | May | p70 |
Necessity Companions Us | G.S. | y1949 | v28 | i2 | May | p71 |
Invocation (A Poem) | Joseph Nicolosi | y1949 | v28 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p74 |
The Moment (A Poem) | R.T.K. England | y1949 | v28 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p75 |
June Full Moon Message | The Tibetan | y1949 | v28 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p91 |
Onward With Joy | Lina Mettler | y1949 | v28 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p92 |
The Christ Consciousness Must Be Born In The Human Heart (Compilation) | A Student | y1949 | v28 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p93 |
The Teaching Does Not Avoid Life | Lillian T. Schutte | y1949 | v28 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p95 |
The Art Of Right Tension | Nancy Magor | y1949 | v28 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p102 |
On The Book Shelf: Letters of the Scattered Brotherhood (Reviewed by Anne Pierce) | Ed. by Mary Strong | y1949 | v28 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p104 |
The Presence (A Poem) | Marjorie C. Cooke | y1949 | v28 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p107 |
Marching Orders: Under The Forcing Process | Barbara Enos | y1949 | v28 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p107a+ |
Endurance Is The Hallmark of the Disciple (Excerpt) | The Light of the Son! | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p110 |
Fourteen Rules For Group Initiation: Rule XIII Continued (No. 19) | The Tibetan | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p111 |
The Structure Of Synthesis | Colby Dorr Dam | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p119 |
The Synthesizing Power Of Joy | Margerie C. Cooke | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p125 |
The Descent of the Grail | Robert Assagioli | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p127 |
Psychic Unfoldment | Barbara Enos | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p129 |
I Stand And Wait | Alice A. Bailey | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p131 |
Pain And Thought | May Milligan | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p132 |
Physical Vs. Spiritual Energy (Excerpt) | J. George Frederick | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p133 |
Many A Mickle Makes A Muckle | A Student | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p135 |
On Our Book Shelf: The Crisis In Human Affairs - Reviewed by Anne Pierce | J. G. Bemmett | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p137 |
A Working Chart of the Demolition Of Walls Of Separativeness | Barbara Enos | y1949 | v28 | i5 | Aug-Sep | p143 |
On Racial Prejudice - 500 B.C. (Reprint) | The Light Of Asia (Arnold) | y1949 | v28 | i7 | October | p146 |
The Fourteen Rules For Group Initiation - Rule XIII (Concluded), No. 20 | The Tibetan | y1949 | v28 | i7 | October | p147 |
Thoughts On Crises In Achievement | Fox | y1949 | v28 | i7 | October | p155 |
A Universe Of Higher Dimensions (Reprint) | Tate | y1949 | v28 | i7 | October | p158 |
Education In Our Changing World | Miriam D. Gebbie | y1949 | v28 | i7 | October | p159 |
The Conceptual Laws Of Fire | Colby Dorr Dam | y1949 | v28 | i7 | October | p167 |
Heart Energy | Norman Artus | y1949 | v28 | i7 | October | p173 |
Meditation On Energy | F. W. | y1949 | v28 | i7 | October | p175 |
The Triangles And Service | McLaughlin | y1949 | v28 | i7 | October | p177 |
The Sea Of Fire | M.M. | y1949 | v28 | i7 | October | p179 |