Though I had known our late President John B S Coats for a number of years ... [obituary] | R Gopalaratnam | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p5 |
A Humble Tribute [obituary] | B R Mullik | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p6 |
It is difficult to believe that John Coats is with us physically ... [obituary] | C V K Maithraya | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p6 |
In Memoriam John B S Coats [obituary] | Gusta Koopman | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p6 |
I am giving hereunder my personal experiences with the late Mr John Coats ... [obituary] | C Munuswamy | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p6 |
John B S Coats - As the Youth Saw Him [obituary] | N Parvathy | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p7 |
A Living Theosophist [obituary] | Seetha Neelakantan | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p7 |
Our late President; There is a happy home (vf) | anon; John Coats | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p7 |
Youth Camp | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p8 |
The Editor apologises for the delay in appearance of the November 1979-January 1980 issue of the Newsletter | The Editor | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p8 |
Commemoration of Dr George Arundale | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p8 |
The Closing of a Chapter [obituary] | Ch Sankar Rao | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p8 |
In Memory of John Coats [obituary] | K N Ramanathan | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p8 |
Change of International Vice-President | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p9 |
International Centre of Theosophical Studies and Research | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p9 |
Swami Ranganathananda | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p10 |
Clothes for Children from Theosophical Order of Service Madras | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p10 |
Olcott Welfare Society Children Get Milk | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p10 |
Visit of Radha Burnier to Europe | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p10 |
Adyar Day | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p11 |
News from the Sections - Lodges Formed (1-10-78 to 30-9-79) | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p11 |
Visitors to Adyar | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p11 |
News from the Sections - Lodges Dissolved (1-10-78 to 30-9-79) | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p12 |
News from the Sections - East and Central African Convention | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p12 |
News from the Sections - Theosophical Research Centre Weekend - England | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p12 |
News from the Sections - Australian Section's Convention held in Queensland | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p12 |
News from the Sections - "Theosophists in Action" to appear in Adyar Newsletter | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p13 |
News from the Sections - Conventions and summer Schools 1980 | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p13 |
News from the Sections - Pays Latin Summer school | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p13 |
News from the Sections - English Speaking Region's Summer School | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p13 |
News from the Sections - English Section's Convention | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p13 |
News from the Sections - First Convention of TS Members in Nigeria | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p13 |
News from the Sections - "Theosophy a Practical Religion" | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p14 |
Publications and Study Aids - "Ochema" | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p14 |
News from the Sections - Italian Convention | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p14 |
News from the Sections - Krotona Institute of Theosophy | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p14 |
Publications and Study Aids - Introducing the World Theosophical Youth Federation | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p14 |
Publications and Study Aids - Quest Books - Spring 1980 Releases | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p15 |
Publications and Study Aids - Books in Portuguese | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p15 |
Publications and Study Aids - Adyar Books | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p16 |
Publications and Study Aids - Cassette Tapes from Quest | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p16 |
Publications and Study Aids - French-language Cassettes | anon | y1979-80 | - | - | November-January-February-April | p16 |
Dr Jean Raymond [obituary] | Surendra Narayan | y1980 | - | - | May-June-July | p1 |
South Indian Theosophical Conference | anon | y1980 | - | - | May-June-July | p2 |
Official Notice - Convention 1980 | John Clarke | y1980 | - | - | May-June-July | p2 |
New Secretary | anon | y1980 | - | - | May-June-July | p2 |
Olcott Welfare Society | anon | y1980 | - | - | May-June-July | p2 |
The following poem was found among the papers of Dr Jean Raymond; Near shady wall a rose once grew ... (vf) | anon; A L Frank | y1980 | - | - | May-June-July | p2 |
Memorial Meeting for Dr Jean Raymond | anon | y1980 | - | - | May-June-July | p2 |
International Centre of Theosophical Studies and Research | anon | y1980 | - | - | May-June-July | p3 |