The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Adyar Pamphlets

The Age of Shri SankaracharyaPandit N Bhashyacharyay1915-i51March-
Culture of ConcentrationWilliam Quan Judgey1915-i52April-
East & West & the Destinies of NationsAnnie Besanty1915-i53May-
The Ritual Unity of Roman Catholicism & HinduismC Jinarajadasay1915-i54June-
An Epitome of Aryan MoralsHS Olcotty1915-i55July-
Modern Science & the Higher SelfAnnie Besanty1915-i56August-
The Age of PatanjaliPandit N Bhashyacharyay1915-i57September-
Places of Pilgrimage in IndiaT Subba Rowy1915-i58October-
The Bhagavad-Gita, an EssayC Jinarajadasay1915-i59November-
Asceticism - A Word of Friendly CounselHS Olcotty1915-i60December-
When a Man Dies, Shall He Live Again?Annie Besanty1916-i61January-
Gautama the BuddhaC Jinarajadasay1916-i62February-
The Superphysics of the Great WarBhagavan Dasy1916-i63March-
Psychic & Spiritual DevelopmentAnnie Besanty1916-i64April-
Evidences for TruthT Sadashiva Iyery1916-i65May-
The Bearing of Religious Ideals on Social ReconstructionAnnie Besanty1916-i66June-
Beauty in the Light of TheosophyAnna Kamenskyy1916-i67July-
The Fall of IdealsHP Blavatskyy1916-i68August-
Intuitional ConsciousnessFrancesca Arundaley1916-i69September-
Man's Waking ConsciousnessGeorge S Arundaley1916-i70October-
Spiritual ProgressHP Blavatskyy1916-i71November-
A World ReligionAnnie Besanty1916-i72December-
The Harmonious Development of a ChildAnna Kamenskyy1917-i73January-
Prison Work on Theosophical LinesB Poushkine = Princess Galiztziney1917-i74February-
The Psychology of ConversionBhagavan Dasy1917-i75March-
The Coming RaceAnnie Besanty1917-i76April-
My BooksHP Blavatskyy1917-i77May-
The Origin of EvilHP Blavatskyy1917-i78June-
The International Union of Arts & Crafts (1)AL Pogoskyy1917-i79July-
The International Union of Arts & Crafts (2)AL Pogoskyy1917-i80August-
Star-Angel-Worship in the Roman Catholic ChurchHP Blavatskyy1917-i81September-
The Ancient Indian Ideal of DutyAnnie Besanty1917-i82October-
The MysteriesAnnie Besanty1917-i83November-
1875-1891: A Fragment of AutobiographyAnnie Besanty1917-i84December-
The Golden Rules of Buddhism (rprnt from 1887)cmpd HS Olcotty1918-i85January-
Masters of WisdomCW Leadbeatery1918-i86February-
The Place of Religion in National LifeAnnie Besanty1918-i87March-
Is Theosophy Anti-Christian?Annie Besanty1918-i88April-
Thy Kingdom ComeW Wyberghy1918-i89May-
The Count de Saint-Germain & HPB, Two Messengers of the White LodgeHS Olcott (July 1905)y1918-i90June-
Yoga Practice in the Roman Catholic ChurchFranz Hartmanny1918-i91July-
The Soul as It is & How to Deal with itGilbert Murrayy1918-i92August-
The Search for HappinessAnnie Besanty1918-i93September-
Nature's Finer ForcesAnnie Besanty1918-i94October-
The Common Foundation of all ReligionsHS Olcotty1918-i95November-
Memories (Memory) of Past LivesAnnie Besanty1918-i96December-
OccultismAnnie Besanty1919-i97January-
BrotherhoodDr Th Pascaly1919-i98February-
Life After DeathAnnie Besanty1919-i99March-
Difficulties in ClairvoyanceCW Leadbeatery1919-i100April-
Showing 51 to 100 of 216 entries