review - Forbidden Science by R Milton | HH Bauer, D Eldridge | y1996 | v10 | i4 | - | p551 |
review - Synopsis of Unconventional Flying Objects by P Hill | H Puthoff | y1996 | v10 | i4 | - | p552 |
review - Synopsis of Unconventional Flying Objects by P Hill | HH Bauer | y1996 | v10 | i4 | - | p552 |
review - First Person Plural: Multiple Personality and the Philosophy of Mind by SE Braude | EW Cook | y1996 | v10 | i4 | - | p555 |
review - ABA - The Glory and the Torment: The Life of Dr Immanuel Velikovsky by RV Sharon | L Ellenberger | y1996 | v10 | i4 | - | p561 |
review - The Myth of Scientific Literacy by MH Shamos | R Raymond | y1996 | v10 | i4 | - | p570 |
... Correlations Between Local & Global Emotional Events & the Behavior of a Random Number Generator | DJ Bierman | y1996 | v10 | i4 | - | p572 |
Enhanced Congruence Between Dreams and Distant Target Material During Periods of Decreased Geomagnetic Activity | Stanley Krippner, Michael Persinger | y1996 | v10 | i4 | - | - |
Uncomputable Functions: The Mathematical Doctrine, ... a Limitation of Functions in General | RF Creegan | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p169 |
Reply to Evans [re: astrology book review] | JA West | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p177 |
A Most Rare Vision: Eddington's Thinking on the Relation Between Science and Religion | AH Batten | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p182 |
A Critical Review of the "Cold Fusion" Effect | E Storms | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p185 |
... Geomagnetic Correlates of Apparent Anomalous Phenomena Observed (near a) Brazilian "Sensitive" | P Weil, S Krippner, MW, RK, HL, RC, AA | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p281 |
On the Necessity of Medical Documents in Claims of Paranormal Phenomena in Diseases | Ian Stevenson | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p299 |
review - Seven Experiments that Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science | Rupert Sheldrake | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p307 |
review - The Rebirth of Nature - Seven Experiments ... Revolutionary Science by R Sheldrake | Ian Stevenson | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p307 |
review - Psi & Clinical Practice by L Coly & JDS McMahon | A. Lettieri | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p308 |
review - The Walls of Plato's Cave: ... Brain, Consciousness and Perception by J Smythies | R Almeder | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p314 |
review - How the Leopard Changed Its Spots by B Goodwin | Z Wolkowski | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p318 |
Guest Column: Distance, Time and Nonlocal Mind: Dare We Speak of the Implications? | L Dossey | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p401 |
Assigning Words to Binary Strings to Find Whether Some Words Will Predominate in FieldReg Output | J Burns | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p411 |
Reply to Burns [re: Assigning Words to Binary Strings] | RD Nelson | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p412 |
Comments on "Illegitimate Science? A Personal Story" | C Duif | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p413 |
Comments on "Illegitimate Science? A Personal Story" | K Water | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p413 |
reply to Duif and Water [re: "Illegitimate Science? A Personal Story"] | B Maccabee | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p415 |
Comments on Ian Stevensons's Review of Seven Experiments | R Sheldrake | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p416 |
review - Walking with the Great Apes: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Birute Galdikas by S Montgomery | P Alper | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p419 |
review - The Dark Romance of Dian Fossey by HT Hayes | P Alper | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p419 |
review - Gorillas in the Mist by D Fossey | P Alper | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p419 |
review - Woman in the Mists by F Mowat | P Alper | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p419 |
review - Women and Parapsychology by L Coly & TA White | L Ethridge | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p421 |
review - Wondrous Events: Foundations of Religious Belief by J McClenon | Ian Stevenson | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p423 |
review - Uncommon Sense: The Heretical Nature of Science by A. Cromer | D Ethridge | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p426 |
review - Additional Remarks [re: Uncommon Sense] | HH Bauer | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p429 |
review - Rethinking AIDS: The Tragic Cost of Premature Consensus by RS Root-Bernstein | HH Bauer | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p430 |
review - The AIDS War: Propaganda, Profiteering & Genocide ... The AZT Story by J Lauritsen | HH Bauer | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p430 |
review - The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS by M Fumento | HH Bauer | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p430 |
review - Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS by BJ Ellison & P Duesberg | HH Bauer | y1996 | v10 | - | - | p430 |
Biased Data Selection in Mars Effect Research | Suitbert Ertel, Kenneth Irving | y1997 | v11 | i1 | - | - |
Is the "Mars Effect" Genuine? | P Kurtz, Jan Willem Nienhuys, Ranjit Sandhu | y1997 | v11 | i1 | - | - |
Fortean Phenomena on Film: Evidence or Artifact? | Rense Lange & James Houran | y1997 | v11 | i1 | - | - |
Wishing for Good Weather: A Natural Experiment in Group Consciousness | Roger D Nelson | y1997 | v11 | i1 | - | - |
Empirical Evidence for a Non-Classical Experimenter Effect: | Harald Walach, Stefan Schmidt | y1997 | v11 | i1 | - | - |
An Experimental, Double-Blind Investigation of Unconventional Information Transfer | Harald Walach, Stefan Schmidt | y1997 | v11 | i1 | - | - |
Consciousness, Causality, and Quantum Physics | David Pratt | y1997 | v11 | i1 | - | - |
The Astrology of Time Twins: A Re-Analysis | CC French, G Dean, A. Leadbetter | y1997 | v11 | i2 | - | - |
Apparent Assn Between Effect Size in Free Response Anomalous Cognition Experiments and Local Sidereal Time | SJP Spottiswoode | y1997 | v11 | i2 | - | - |
Evidence in Support of the Hypothesis that Certain Objects on Mars are Artificial in Origin | Mark J Carlotto | y1997 | v11 | i2 | - | - |
Unconscious Perception of Future Emotions: An Experiment in Presentiment | Dean I Radin | y1997 | v11 | i2 | - | - |
A Bayesian Maximum Entropy Approach to RNG and Similar Experiments | PA Sturrock | y1997 | v11 | i2 | - | - |