The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

Journal of Scientific Exploration

case suggestive of reincarnationGuddi Ramy1992v6--p171
case suggestive of reincarnationMahesh Ramy1992v6--p171
case suggestive of reincarnationHarpiyari Parsary1992v6--p174
review - Darwin on Trial by PE JohnsonHH Bauery1992v6--p181
review - American Epigraphy at the Crossroads by JP Whittall JrH Bauery1992v6--p186
review - How We Know What Isn't So: the Fallibility of Human Reasoning in Every-day Life by T GilovichHH Bauery1992v6--p190
Response to DobynsWH Jefferysy1992v6--p203
Skeptical Perspective columnM Epsteiny1992v6--p213
case of possibly paranormal recurrent dreamsWalter D'Souzay1992v6--p281
A Series of Possibly Paranormal Recurrent DreamsIan Stevensony1992v6--p281
Comments on "Survival or Super-Psi?"J Deardorffy1992v6--p291
Are Memories of Alien Abductions Recollections of Surgical Experiences?J Wilsony1992v6--p291
review - Scientific Literacy and the Myth of the Scientific Method by Ian StevensonHH Bauery1992v6--p295
Anomalous Propagation columnT Coopery1992v6--p301
Skeptical Perspective columnM Epsteiny1992v6--p307
book reviews byM Epsteiny1992v6--p309
Anomalous Propagation columnT Coopery1993v7i1-p9
Skeptical Perspective columnM Epsteiny1993v7i1-p15
Guest Column: Major Meeting on New CosmologiesT Van Flanderny1993v7i1-p19
Acculturated Topographical Effects of Shamanic Trance Consciousness in Archaic & Medieval Sacred LandscapesPaul Devereuxy1993v7i1-p23
Mainstream Sciences vs Parasciences: Toward an Old Dualism?Gerald L Eberleiny1993v7i1-p39
Existence of Life and Homeostasis in Atmospheric EnvironmentShigeru Moriyamay1993v7i1-p49
A Guide to UFO ResearchMichael D Swordsy1993v7i1-p65
Non-Causality as the Earmark of PsiHelmut Schmidty1993v7i2-p125
Towards an Adequate Epistemology for the Scientific Exploration of ConsciousnessWillis W Harmany1993v7i2-p133
Puzzling Eminence Effects Might Make Good SenseSuitbert Ertely1993v7i2-p145
Comments on Puzzling Eminence EffectsJW Nienhuysy1993v7i2-p155
A Systematic Survey of Near-Death Experiences in South IndiaSatwant K Pasrichay1993v7i2-p161
NDE caseJavanammay1993v7i2-p166
NDE caseMuttakay1993v7i2-p166
NDE caseKenchammay1993v7i2-p167
The Willamatte Pass Oregon UFO Photo Revisited: An ExplanationIrwin Wiedery1993v7i2-p173
A Review of Near-Death ExperiencesMichael Schröter-Kunhardty1993v7i3-p219
Analysis and Discussion of the May 18, 1992 UFO Sighting in Gulf Breeze, FloridaBruce Maccabeey1993v7i3-p241
Selection Versus Influence in Remote REG AnomaliesYork H Dobynsy1993v7i3-p259
Dutch Investigations of the Gauquelin Mars EffectJW Nienhuysy1993v7i3-p271
Comments on Michel Bounias' Letter to the Editor [re: biological transmutation]M Epsteiny1993v7i3-p276
Comments on Dutch Investigations of the Gauquelin Mars EffectS Ertely1993v7i3-p283
What are Subtle Energies?William A Tillery1993v7i3-p293
Progress in Explaining the Mysterious Sounds Produced by Very Large Meteor FireballsColin SL Keayy1993v7i4-p337
Neural Network Analyses of Consciousness-Related Patterns in Random SequencesDean I Radiny1993v7i4-p355
Applied Parapsychology: Studies of Psychics and HealersSybo A Schouteny1993v7i4-p375
case of mediumshipEileen J Garretty1993v7i4-p379
case of a psychicG Croisety1993v7i4-p380
Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased PersonsIan Stevensony1993v7i4-p403
The "Enemies" of ParapsychologyRobert A McConnelly1993v7i4-p417
Anomalous Propagation column (J Benveniste mentioned)T Coopery1993v7i4-p429
Skeptical Perspective columnM Epsteiny1993v7i4-p435
Unidentified Atmospheric Phenomena Observed by an AstronomerF Nöely1993v7i4-p439
On Biological Transmutations of ElementsMCL Bouniasy1993v7i4-p443
Showing 151 to 200 of 561 entries