The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Lamp

Brown, Minnie Williams TS lecturing-y1894v1i5Decemberp77
Berry, Miss E.A. mentioned-y1894v1i5Decemberp77
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing-y1894v1i5Decemberp77
Port, Robert Edwin TS lecturing-y1894v1i5Decemberp77
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges monthly program-y1894v1i5Decemberp77
Wright, Claude Falls mentioned-y1894v1i5Decemberp77
Theosophical Society (Adyar) American Asiatic & Sanskrit Society organized-y1894v1i5Decemberp77
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada)-y1894v1i5Decemberp77
Titus, Ferdinand E. TS lecturing, Toronto-y1894v1i5Decemberp77
"Not a Living Belief" (rprnt from 'Saturday Night')`Don' (pseudonym of ??)y1894v1i5Decemberp78
"Black Magic and White" (from 'Reincarnation')Anderson, Jerome A.y1894v1i5Decemberp78
"What to Eat"-y1894v1i5Decemberp79
"How People Die" (J. West Robert Browning on Death)-y1894v1i5Decemberp80
"This Will Help You to Think"Clifford, William Kingdony1894v1i5Decemberp80
on DeathBrowning, Roberty1894v1i5Decemberp80
astronomy - Bode's Law-y1894v1i5Decemberp80
Journals Mentioned "Notes on the Magazines"[AESS]y1894v1i5Decemberp80
palaeontology - "The Fossil Irish Elk"-y1895v1i6Januaryp81
Brown, Minnie Williams transcribes CW Wright's lecture-y1895v1i6Januaryp82
lecture: "Occultism"Wright, Claude Fallsy1895v1i6Januaryp82
christianity - Scripture Class Notes[AESS]y1895v1i6Januaryp84
christianity - "International SS Lessons"[AESS]y1895v1i6Januaryp85
buddhism Sutra of Forty-Two Sec. quoted-y1895v1i6Januaryp86
articles signed `Jasper Niemand' : quotedKeightley, Julia W.L.y1895v1i6Januaryp86
friday fragments - ['a regular column of witty remarks by' AES Smythe]-y1895v1i6Januaryp86
astral body - "A Lifetime in 12 Years"-y1895v1i6Januaryp87
Sparks (a regular feature, similar to "Friday Fragments")-y1895v1i6Januaryp87
"Free-Will and Necessity" (rprnt 'Vahan')-y1895v1i6Januaryp87
Theosophical Society (Adyar) American Asiatic & Sanskrit Society organized-y1895v1i6Januaryp88
Editorial NotesSmythe, Albert E.S.y1895v1i6Januaryp88
"the judge case" - Editor's opinion on-y1895v1i6Januaryp88
"Sunrise Thoughts" (vf)Butchard, Reubeny1895v1i6Januaryp89
Stevenson, Robert Louis death noted-y1895v1i6Januaryp89
palaeontology - "The Fossil Irish Elk"-y1895v1i6Januaryp89
obituaries - Stevenson, Robert Louis-y1895v1i6Januaryp89
Journals Mentioned "Notes on the Magazines"[AESS]y1895v1i6Januaryp89
Other Men's Bibles-y1895v1i6Januaryp90
hinduism - "Fervent in Spirit, Serving the Lord" (Sankaraacharya)-y1895v1i6Januaryp90
"Emmanuel - God with us" (rprnt from 'Vahan')-y1895v1i6Januaryp90
"The New Education"-y1895v1i6Januaryp91
hinduism - "Max Müller on the Vedanta"-y1895v1i6Januaryp91
"Rays" (a frequent column of quotations compiled by the Editor)-y1895v1i6Januaryp91
"The Doer of Good" (rprnt from 'Fortnightly Review')Wilde, Oscary1895v1i6Januaryp92
Keightley, Bertram mentioned-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Derrett, H. TS lecturing-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Carman, Bliss mentioned-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Berry, Miss E.A. mentioned-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Mason, James H. TS lecturing-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
obituaries - Rossetti, Christina-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Showing 251 to 300 of 1483 entries