The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch


The True Brotherhood of the Kingdom of HeavenJG McPhersony1890v6-Aprilp152
(with great pain I learn that my name has been removed)AE Buultjensy1890v6-Aprilp157
correspondence - Bigotry in CeylonEF Millery1890v6-Aprilp157
(your name was removed because you (quit) Christ)EF Millery1890v6-Aprilp158
(narrow minded bigotry)AE Buultjensy1890v6-Aprilp158
review - Civilization: Its Cause & Cure & other Essays by Edward Carpenteranony1890v6-Aprilp159
Theosophical Activities - The East - The OutlookHS Olcotty1890v6-Aprilp161
Ceylon - The Colombo Theosophical Convention(Hevavitarana Dhammapala 1864-1933 mentioned)y1890v6-Aprilp165
EnglandWR Oldy1890v6-Aprilp166
JapanM Okay1890v6-Aprilp166
Table - List of Lodges - America 1882-1890anony1890v6-Aprilp170
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1890v6-Aprilp172
Our Budgetanony1890v6-Aprilp175
obituary - Charles Francis Powell (1843-1890)anony1890v6-Aprilp176
Thoughts on the Elementals (& see "Spirits of Various Kinds" June 1896 Lu)HP Blavatskyy1890v6-Mayp177
Gonthaire (2)JH Connellyy1890v6-Mayp189
OneCharles E Benhamy1890v6-Mayp198
Some of the Follies & Fallacies connected with "Spiritualism" (1)AT Tindally1890v6-Mayp200
The Vedantic Philosophy (2)UL Desaiy1890v6-Mayp203
EgoityRB Holty1890v6-Mayp206
The Astral In London (rprnt Pall Mall Gazette)Viscountess Maidstoney1890v6-Mayp209
Theosophical Gleanings or Notes on the "Secret Doctrine" (III)Two Students of the ESy1890v6-Mayp210
Be Strong (vf)S. (? John C Staples)y1890v6-Mayp215
The Letters (1798) of Johann Caspar Lavater (1741-1801)various (HPB)y1890v6-Mayp216
On the State of the Soul after DeathJohann Caspar Lavatery1890v6-Mayp217
2nd letterJohann Caspar Lavatery1890v6-Mayp219
Habit (vf)Anony1890v6-Mayp224
Ecclesiastical Christianity (5)SEGy1890v6-Mayp225
A Fragment (vf)WK (? William Kingsland)y1890v6-Mayp227
"A Vision in a Slum"KEM (? KE Mills)y1890v6-Mayp228
Pistis-Sophia (2)(GRS Mead)y1890v6-Mayp230
figures 9-18anony1890v6-Mayp238
figures 1-8anony1890v6-Mayp239
Concerning Devachan - A Fragment of a VisionJW Brodie-Innesy1890v6-Mayp240
The Meaning of Separated Life - A mathematical story of 2, 3 & 4 DimensionsFrederick J Dick (1856-1927)y1890v6-Mayp243
The Old Adam (vf)RBHy1890v6-Mayp246
Seven-Eared WheatFrederic Leigh Gardner (1857-1930)y1890v6-Mayp247
Underneath & After All (vf)Edward Carpenter (1844-1929)y1890v6-Mayp248
Dream KnowledgeW Wynn Westcotty1890v6-Mayp248
reply (quoted)HP Blavatskyy1890v6-Mayp249
correspondence - (Regarding the Operation of the Law of Karma)KP Mukherjiy1890v6-Mayp249
review - Hiero-Salem, The Vision of Peace by Mrs EL MasonJirah Dewey Bucky1890v6-Mayp251
review - Earth to Earth, Burial or Cremation by Fire by Hygienic Physiciananony1890v6-Mayp251
review - Cultus Arborum (Tree Worship), anonanony1890v6-Mayp253
Theosophical Activities - The Eastanony1890v6-Mayp253
Showing 901 to 950 of 2866 entries