The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Occult Review

The Present Trend of Religious Thought (A Plea for free Scientific Investigation)John Butler Burkey1921v34-Decemberp355
Medical MagnetismGeorges de Dubory1921v34-Decemberp360
Ltte - A Dream within a DreamReginald B Spany1921v34-Decemberp367
Ltte - The Riddle of ManifestationArthur M Turnery1921v34-Decemberp367
Ltte - Can a Dog,s Soul Return?Alice Elizabeth Dracotty1921v34-Decemberp368
Ltte - Shakespeare & the OccultSearchery1921v34-Decemberp369
Ltte - Was St Paul a Bachelor?HL Hubbardy1921v34-Decemberp370
Periodical Literatureanony1921v34-Decemberp371
review - The Sankhya Philosophy of Kapila by JM LawlHJSy1921v34-Decemberp375
review - The Future of the Novel by Meredith StarrHJSy1921v34-Decemberp375
review - Relativity & Gravitation by J Malcolm BirdH Stanley Redgrovey1921v34-Decemberp376
review - The Bright Messenger by Algernon BlackwoodWH Chessony1921v34-Decemberp377
review - A Courageous Marriage by Marguerite BryantWH Chessony1921v34-Decemberp377
review - Alchemy: Its Science & Romance by JE MercerH Stanley Redgrovey1921v34-Decemberp378
review - Other People's Babies by Rathmell WilsonWH Chessony1921v34-Decemberp378
review - The Secret of Asia by TL VaswamiH Stanley Redgrovey1921v34-Decemberp379
review - The Devil's Christmas Box by HC MasonMeredith Starry1921v34-Decemberp380
review - A Message of Cheer by DamiaEdith K Harpery1921v34-Decemberp380
Notes of the Month - (a) A Romance of ReincarnationThe Editory1922v35-Januaryp1
Notes of the Month - (b) The Better Side of Psycho-AnalysisThe Editory1922v35-Januaryp1
Cosmos out of ChaosW Gornoldy1922v35-Januaryp11
illustration - John Kepler (the 17thC astronomer)anony1922v35-Januaryp13
Egypt the Timeless (vf)Teresa Hooleyy1922v35-Januaryp22
"Horns of Elfland"Essex Smithy1922v35-Januaryp23
The Psychic Experiences of Mrs (Florence L) BarclayMrs Ellis Chadwicky1922v35-Januaryp30
The First MatterS Foster Damony1922v35-Januaryp38
A Supernormal AdventureH Stanley Redgrovey1922v35-Januaryp45
Ltte - A Telepathic VisionTV Scudamorey1922v35-Januaryp47
Ltte - Theosophy versus SpiritualismGM Mayhewy1922v35-Januaryp47
Ltte - Can a Dog's Soul Return?Constance Farmery1922v35-Januaryp48
Ltte - Marriage & ReincarnationHWSy1922v35-Januaryp49
Ltte - Spiritual ScienceMeredith Starry1922v35-Januaryp51
Ltte - Paralysis on AwakingMarjorie I. Fellowesy1922v35-Januaryp52
Ltte - A SuperstitionViolet Francisy1922v35-Januaryp52
Periodical Literatureanony1922v35-Januaryp53
review - The Hidden Self & its Mental Processes by H Ernest HuntEdith K Harpery1922v35-Januaryp57
review - Prentice Mulford by Eva MartinHL Hubbardy1922v35-Januaryp57
review - Thought-Coin by Bart KennedyHL Hubbardy1922v35-Januaryp58
review - The Symbolism of Colour by Ellen ConroyEMMy1922v35-Januaryp58
review - Wheat & Tares by Annie M MarchEMMy1922v35-Januaryp59
review - The Human Touch: with Fantasy & Poems by LA Compton RickettRegina Miriam Blochy1922v35-Januaryp59
review - The Weaver by Ethel M WardEMMy1922v35-Januaryp60
review - The Magic Power by Tillie McLeanEMMy1922v35-Januaryp60
review - Le Comte de Gabalis, ou Entretiens sur les Sciences Secrètes ed by Rene-Louis DoyenArthur Edward Waitey1922v35-Januaryp61
review - L'Eternuement dans la Magie by P SaintyvesArthur Edward Waitey1922v35-Januaryp61
review - Songs of the Open by Teresa HooleyRegina Miriam Blochy1922v35-Januaryp62
Notes of the Month - Psychic Science & the Ancient Wisdom - James DouglasThe Editory1922v35-Februaryp63
Concerning ObsessionsJW Brodie-Innesy1922v35-Februaryp73
LVW - An Invocation (vf)Meredith Starry1922v35-Februaryp85
Fairies of the EastSirdar Ikbal Ali Shahy1922v35-Februaryp86
Showing 3851 to 3900 of 7382 entries