review - Transactions of the London Lodge TS #21 | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p154 |
review - The Book of the Dead or the Egyptian Funeral Ritual new translation in English | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p155 |
review - The New Theology by Richard Harte | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p155 |
Amrita TS Lincoln Neb. Bhagavad Gita Class - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p156 |
Aryan TS & Brooklyn TS No Evening Lectures July & August - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p156 |
Atma TS of New Haven Conn - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p156 |
Burcham Harding at Headquarters New York - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p156 |
Convention in April re Constitutional provision - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p156 |
Countess Wachtmeister in Portland & other Cities (1894/6/10) (tour) | anon | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p156 |
General Secretary (Judge) to print Constitution of TS & of American Section TS to go with each Diploma | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p156 |
obituary - Mr Edmund B Sears, Deceased (1894/6/29) | anon | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p156 |
Auckland New Zealand - Report (New Zealand) | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p157 |
Dr Griffiths lectures etc - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p157 |
Support of the TS Signed by Alexander Fullerton on behalf of Mr Judge | William Q Judge | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p157 |
The Neutrality of the TS (An Inquiry into certain Charges Against the Vice President) (1894/7/7) | anon | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p158 |
Proceedings of the Judicial Committee of the TS (re Charges by Mrs Besant against Mr WQ Judge) (1894/7/10) | HS Olcott | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p159 |
Substance of Minutes of a Judicial Committee of the Theosophical Society (1894/7/10) | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p162 |
Statements Made at Convention by Mrs A. Besant & William Q Judge (1894/7/12) | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p163 |
European Section, Annual Convention (1894/7/12) | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p167 |
Mahatmas | JH Connelly | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p168 |
A Student's Notes & Guesses (3) | XR | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p174 |
Nemesis | Katharine Hillard | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p178 |
illustration - Faces of Friends - Ernest Temple Hargrove | William Q Judge | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p182 |
Occultism & Truth - To Students of Occultism | Office Bearers TS | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p184 |
How to Study the Secret Doctrine (3) (Concluded from p149) | Joseph H Fussell | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p186 |
The Color of the Ancient Aryans. The Inner & the Outer Man & their Colors | KP Mukherji | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p189 |
Vast Works of the Past | Unsigned | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p192 |
Letter to the Editor of the Theosophist (1894/8/3) | William Q Judge | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p194 |
Ltte - Constance Wachtmeister to 'Theosophist' (1894/8/7) | Constance Wachtmeister | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p194 |
review - Lotus Leaves Publication | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p195 |
review - Theosophist July, 1894 Old Diary Leaves 28 | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p195 |
review - Lucifer July, 1894 | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p196 |
review - Mercury new Theosophical journal issued in the interest of children & young people | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p196 |
review - Theosophical Siftings v7 #6 | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p196 |
review - Transactions of the London Lodge 22 | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p196 |
Buffalo TS Buffalo NY Chartered President Mr William A. Stevens (1894/8/21) - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p197 |
Countess Wachtmeister's Tour | anon | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p197 |
review - The Lamp Another Theosophical Venture | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p197 |
Chicago Work progressing - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p198 |
Claude Falls Wright lecturing in various cities (1894/6/24) (tour) | anon | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p198 |
Salt Lake Branch new Headquarters - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p198 |
Dr Griffiths visiting & lecturing - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p199 |
Seattle TS Sunday Evening Lectures - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p199 |
Support of the TS (1894/7/16) | William Q Judge | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p199 |
Auckland New Zealand working quietly & steadily - Report (New Zealand) | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p200 |
Blavatsky Hall, Los Angeles Sunday Evening Lectures - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p200 |
Col HS Olcott Tour to Northern Branches (1894/8/8) - Report (Europe) | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p200 |
English Lodges. Hands Across the Sea. Report by O Firth, Pres. Bradford Lodge - Report (Europe) | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p200 |
George RS Mead not yet fully recovered - Report (Europe) | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p200 |
Shelton Solar TS Shelton Wash. Chartered. President Mrs Mary E Cyphert (July, 1894) - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i6 | September | p200 |