News and Notes: Krotona announces Fall Programs | anon | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p85 |
News and Notes: Camp Indralaya Announces Summer and Fall Programs | anon | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p86 |
Life Changes: Vernon Ray Schwartz [November 10 1924-December 28 2014] | anon | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p86 |
Life Changes: Recently Reported Deaths: Donald C Elwert, Maxine R Goldman, Miriam L Grossman, Robert G Hahn, Charles Sweazie, Mary A Thrantell, Ektor H Trubounis-Lavdas, George M Weems Jr | anon | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p86 |
Psychology Science of the Soul - 129th Summer National Convention - July 17-21 2015 | anon | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p87 |
A Great Idea | Tim Boyd | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p88 |
Blavatsky Rudolf Steiner and the Perennial Tradition [adapted from 'Spiritualism Madame Blavatsky and Theosophy An Eyewitness View of Occult History'] | Christopher Bamford | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p90 |
Isis Unveiled - A Perspective [article written for German study edition of Isis Unveiled as the "Einfuhrung" in Isis Entschleiert edited by Hank Troemel; also published in original English in 'The High Country Theosophist' September-October 2003] | David Reigle | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p95 |
Blavatsky and the Battle of Mentana | Cynthia Overweg | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p102 |
Cosmogenesis - Illustrated Selections from the Secret Doctrine of HPB [some illustrations from illustrated pamphlet 'Cosmogenesis'] | Ron Rege Jr | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p106 |
HPB in Today's Russia | Pyarvin Abbasova | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p112 |
President's Diary | Tim Boyd | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p114 |
review: 'Masters of the Wisdom: The Mahatmas Their Letters and the Path' by Edward Abdill | Dhananjay Joshi | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p116 |
review: 'Sharing the Light: Further Writings of Geoffrey Hodson Volume Three' Edited by John and Elizabeth Sell and Roselmo Z Doval Santos | Nathaniel Altman | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p117 |
review: 'Season of the Witch: How the Occult Saved Rock and Roll' by Peter Bebergal | Francis Di Menno | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p118 |
review: 'Restoring the Soul of the World: Our Living Bond with Nature's Intelligence' by David Fideler | Margaret Placentra Johnson | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p119 |
Related Resources - The Henry S Olcott Memorial Library: A Selection of Titles on HP Blavatsky | anon | y2015 | v103 | i3 | Summer | p120 |
Manifestation [cover illustration] | Carolyn Wayland | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p122 |
From the Editor's Desk | Richard Smoley | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p122 |
letter | Gaspar Torres | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p123 |
letter | Ed Abdill | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p123 |
News and Notes: TS Cosponsors IONS Conference | Richard Smoley | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p123 |
News and Notes: Columbia to Host Conference Exploring Theosophy and Art | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p124 |
News and Notes: Arundales's Ashes Interred at Olcott | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p124 |
News and Notes: TSA to be Represented at Parliament of Religions | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p124 |
News and Notes: Donations Requested for Golden Link College | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p124 |
News and Notes: Joy Mill Celebrates Her 75th Anniversary | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p124 |
News and Notes: Milwauke Lodge Revises Schedule | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p124 |
News and Notes: Join the National Lodge | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p125 |
News and Notes: Fall Webinars Set for Virtual Classroom | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p125 |
News and Notes: Sender and Smoley Speak at Pumpkin Hollow | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p125 |
News and Notes: Ozark Theosophical Camp Welcomes Scott Olsen | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p125 |
News and Notes: Information Sought on Wu Ting-Fang | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p126 |
News and Notes: Mid-South Federation Sets 2016 Meeting | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p126 |
News and Notes: Krotona Offers Fall Programs | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p126 |
News and Notes: 2016 Florida Convention Sets New Date | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p126 |
Life Changes: Recently Reported Deaths: Barbara A Everett, Florence Fein, Linda M Gevorkian, Lowell G Kaufman, Alan D Lintelman, Sylvia V Obradovic, Nicholas J Posegay, Kingsley O Seville, Helena s Ward, Donald A Waring | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p126 |
God Particle [illustration] | Carolyn Wayland | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p127 |
Applying the Principles | Tim Boyd | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p128 |
The Strange Identity of Jesus Christ - Most Christians think the New Testament says that Jesus is God They're Wrong | Richard Smoley | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p130 |
Little Moon [illustration] | Carolyn Wayland | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p132 |
God Only Knows - How can we make sense of the idea of God today? | Jay Kinney | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p137 |
To Whom shall We pray? HPB's Was on the Personal Gods | Jeff Cosby | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p140 |
Fall 2015 Webcasts | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p142 |
The Buddha's Teaching of No-Self - Many people think that the Buddha denied the concept of the Atman or Self. This may not be the case | Nancy Reigle | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p143 |
Krishnamurti's Inner Life - A glimpse into the great teacher's awakening [adapted from 'An Uncommon Collaboration: David Bohm and J Krishnamurti'] | David Edmund Moody | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p148 |
Moving Together [illustration] | Carolyn Wayland | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p152 |
Related Resources - The Henry S Olcott Memorial Library: A Selection of Titles on God | anon | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p153 |
President's Diary | Tim Boyd | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p154 |
review: 'A Most Unusual Life; Dora Van Gelder Kunz: Clairvoyant Theosophist Healer' by Kirsten Van Gelder and Frank Chesley | Rene Wadlow | y2015 | v103 | i4 | Fall | p156 |