The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

Research Centre Journal

review - The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins & Christopher BirdLaurence J Bendity1974v18-4th Qp123
Theosophical Research Centreanony1975v19-1st Qp2
The late Dr Laurence J Bendit - Book Listanony1975v19-1st Qp3
Editorialanony1975v19-1st Qp3
review (rprntd) - Science & Occultism by IK TaimniVW Slatery1975v19-1st Qp4
Essay-review - Science & Occultism by IK TaimniE Lester Smithy1975v19-1st Qp5
Reincarnation, Karma & the Cyclic LawCharles Jamesy1975v19-1st Qp7
review - Uri by Andrija PuharichLaurence J Bendity1975v19-1st Qp16
Four Levels of AttentionE Lester Smithy1975v19-1st Qp18
Humanizing the Earth (rprnt)Seetha Neelakantany1975v19-1st Qp21
Theosophical Research Centreanony1975v19-2nd Qp30
Physical & SuperphysicalE Lester Smithy1975v19-2nd Qp31
review - Intelligence Came First by the Science Group, TRC, LondonVA Firsoffy1975v19-2nd Qp48
Modern Trends in Religious EducationHelen M Gethingy1975v19-2nd Qp52
Human Relationships & Psychiatry (rprntd T in A, Oct 1974)Roger Dunstony1975v19-2nd Qp55
Theosophy & ReligionCorona Trewy1975v19-3rd Qp63
Theosophy, Occultism, Mysticism, ScienceJHM Whitemany1975v19-3rd Qp74
Meditation - Pen in HandE Lester Smithy1975v19-3rd Qp78
Random Thoughts - Is Human Brotherhood a Fact?H Tudor Edmundsy1975v19-3rd Qp81
Random Thoughts - Theosophy & the Scientific MethodH Tudor Edmundsy1975v19-3rd Qp83
Plant Sensitivity (rprntd Theosophy in Australia, Oct 1974)Gladys MacCartiey1975v19-3rd Qp86
Theosophical Research Centreanony1975v19-4th Qp93
Editorialanony1975v19-4th Qp94
Mystical ConsciousnessE Lester Smithy1975v19-4th Qp95
Planes, Bodies, States of "Matter" & ConsciousnessV Wallace Slatery1975v19-4th Qp103
More Heresy (1)Basil Butterworthy1975v19-4th Qp105
Comments on the paper "More Heresy" by Basil ButterworthCorona Trewy1975v19-4th Qp109
About an Injection of some Clear-cut Scientific ThinkingJH Dubbinky1975v19-4th Qp114
Some Comments on Dr Dubbink's ArticleCorona Trewy1975v19-4th Qp118
Nature Did Invent the WheelE Lester Smithy1975v19-4th Qp120
Theosophical Research Committeeanony1976v20-1st Qp2
Editorialanony1976v20-1st Qp3
Centenary World Congress, 1975, New York 14th-20th NovemberJosephine Chasey1976v20-1st Qp4
Centenary Celebration, London, England 22nd-30th NovemberV Wallace Slatery1976v20-1st Qp6
The 1975 Centenary Convention, Adyar 20th-29th DecemberH Tudor Edmundsy1976v20-1st Qp7
Science & SpiritualityH Tudor Edmundsy1976v20-1st Qp9
Living with TechnologyV Wallace Slatery1976v20-1st Qp11
Intelligence Came FirstE Lester Smithy1976v20-1st Qp14
Energy, Life & Mind in Cosmos & ManCorona Trewy1976v20-1st Qp16
The Lost Continents of Atlantis & LemuriaKB Wakelamy1976v20-1st Qp19
Psychic Phenomena Examined by ScienceAJ Ellisony1976v20-1st Qp20
A Study in Self-AwarenessEdna Hockingy1976v20-1st Qp23
Desert Island DiscsE Lester Smithy1976v20-1st Qp25
Ltte - Levels of AttentionE Lester Smithy1976v20-1st Qp27
Theosophical Research Centreanony1976v20-2nd Qp29
TRC - Outlook for the Future - Weekend Conferenceanony1976v20-2nd Qp30
Editorialanony1976v20-2nd Qp30
Group Research on a New ProjectE Lester Smithy1976v20-2nd Qp31
More Heresy (2)Basil Butterworthy1976v20-2nd Qp33
More Heresy (2) - CommentsCorona Trewy1976v20-2nd Qp38
Showing 101 to 150 of 168 entries