The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

Science Group Journal

Comments on RadiesthesiaDr LJ Bendit (1898-1974)y1958v2-Februaryp8
A few notes on RadiesthesiaDr H Tudor Edmundsy1958v2-Februaryp9
News SheetRW Granty1958v2-Marchp1
Editorial - (nine sets of 82 sheets of GH transcriptions available for loan)anony1958v2-Marchp2
Bertrand Russell's The World & the ObserverNS Reedy1958v2-Marchp3
Radiesthesia: Some EvidenceRW Granty1958v2-Marchp6
Psychical ResearchH Tudor Edmundsy1958v2-Marchp9
Comments on Mr EN Fernyhough's "Theosophy & Automation"N Reedy1958v2-Marchp10
Biology from a Theosophical Viewpoint (rvsd by Dr C Trew)H Muirson-Blakey1958v2-Marchp12
Chapter II: Involution & Evolution (rvsd by Dr C Trew)Tudor Edmunds & H Muirson-Blakey1958v2-Marchp15
News SheetRW Granty1958v2-Aprilp1
Distinction between Eastern & Western ReligionsN Reedy1958v2-Aprilp2
Can we know something about infinity?N Reedy1958v2-Aprilp4
Photography & Extra-sensory PerceptionDr LJ Bendity1958v2-Aprilp5
Notes on the TS Study Course "The Nature & Power of Thought"LC Ludbrooky1958v2-Aprilp6
News SheetRW Granty1958v2-Mayp1
Creative TheosophyNS Reedy1958v2-Mayp3
The Life Process (1) (general introduction)FL Kunz (TS Wheaton)y1958v2-Mayp9
Ltte - (re GH & Occult Chemistry; anu observations)David Lynessy1958v2-Mayp14
News Sheet (Ellison & Slater)RW Granty1958v2-Junep1
Ltte - (CWL, GH, Mr Crow, & Occult Chemistry)Elisabeth Winter Preston (1892 - )y1958v2-Junep3
Ltte - (technical aspects of etheric vision; instrumental detection of auras)Leslie C Ludbrooky1958v2-Junep5
Ltte - (orthodox scientific evidence that auras exist?)Leslie C Ludbrooky1958v2-Junep7
Debate, Discussion, Brainstorming & Group ConsciousnessE Lester Smithy1958v2-Junep10
In Search of Reality by Lord Samuel - a DigestR Granty1958v2-Junep12
News SheetRW Granty1958v2-Julyp1
Some Comments on the Scientific Basis of the 1958 Blavatsky LectureDr Corona G Trewy1958v2-Julyp2
A brief note on Clairvoyance & ResearchMrs Phoebe D Bendity1958v2-Julyp9
The Life Process (2) Life & its Functional FormsFL Kunz (TS Wheaton)y1958v2-Julyp12
Ltte - (Velocity of Light; Carbon atom structure)LC Ludbrooky1958v2-Julyp20
Purposive EvolutionDr E Lester Smithy1958v2-Augustp1
Comments on Purposive EvolutionN Reedy1958v2-Augustp7
Does the Planet Vulcan Exist?Dr H Sabetayy1958v2-Augustp8
Ltte - (GH & Occult Chemistry)Dr D Lynessy1958v2-Augustp11
Ltte - (etheric sight)Mrs Eliza Adelaide Gardner (1884 - )y1958v2-Augustp13
Ltte - (GH & Occult vision)Mr LC Ludbrooky1958v2-Augustp15
Ltte - (GH & Clairvoyance)Dr D Lynessy1958v2-Augustp21
review - Fads & Fallacies of Pseudo-Science by Martin GardnerLC Ludbrooky1958v2-Augustp23
review - The Evolution of Living Things by H Graham CannonE Lester Smithy1958v2-Augustp24
The Life Process (3) The Uniqueness of lifeFL Kunz (TS Wheaton)y1958v2-Septemberp1
The Life Process (4) Supplementary paper: The Principle of Entropy as Applied to Living OrganismsFL Kunzy1958v2-Septemberp13
Correspondence (between CT & NR) from The Uniqueness of LifeCT & NRy1958v2-Septemberp15
Ltte - (DL, GH, Occult Chemistry)LJ Bendity1958v2-Septemberp20
News SheetRW Granty1958v2-Octoberp1
Ltte -anony1958v2-Octoberp1
Notes & CommentsMr Reed, LC Sopery1958v2-Octoberp1a+
Man's Unique Distinction by EW Sinnott, a summaryanony1958v2-Octoberp1b+
Research Centre Year-BookDr LJ Bendit & N Reedy1958v2-Octoberp2
Showing 51 to 100 of 966 entries