The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Star in the East. Australian Division

Questions Answered (rprnt 'De Ster')A Besanty1920v3i1Octoberp130
Greetings (rprnt 'De Ster')Emogene S Simonsy1920v3i1Octoberp131
Star MeetingsCW Leadbeatery1920v3i1Octoberp132
The Star as a Symbol (rprnt 'Brothers of the Star')A Besanty1920v3i1Octoberp134
Mrs Besant and Indiaanony1920v3i1Octoberp136
Editor's NotesL Ingamells (temp ed)y1921v3i2Januaryp137
The Order of the Star in the East and the Aquarian AgeSouthern Crossy1921v3i2Januaryp139
The Pursuit of Beauty (1)C Jinarajadasay1921v3i2Januaryp142
Why do Men Wear Waistcoats in Summer? (rprnt 'Australian Highway')JHM Nolany1921v3i2Januaryp145
The Troubadours as a Secret Societyanony1921v3i2Januaryp148
For the Servants of the Star (rprnt 'Server')Esther Brighty1921v3i2Januaryp151
Editor's Notesedy1921v3i3Aprilp153
How Best to Spread our Messagevariousy1921v3i3Aprilp156
SimplicityTH Martyny1921v3i3Aprilp158
The Pursuit of Beauty (2)C Jinarajadasay1921v3i3Aprilp160
What Will He Teach?Annie Besanty1921v3i3Aprilp163
Earth's Playthings (vf)anony1921v3i3Aprilp164
Fading RacesCW Leadbeatery1921v3i3Aprilp164
Editor's Notes [last from this editor]TH Martyny1921v3i4Julyp165
The Pursuit of Beauty (3)C Jinarajadasay1921v3i4Julyp168
The Desire of All NationsEBWy1921v3i4Julyp171
The Light (vf)anony1921v3i4Julyp176
Editor's Notesedy1921v4i1Octoberp177
Speech by Mr KrishnamurtiJ Krishnamurtiy1921v4i1Octoberp179
Mrs Besant's Opinion on the Convention (rprnt 'Theosophist')Annie Besanty1921v4i1Octoberp185
The Order of the Star and Social ReformEdgar W Pritchardy1921v4i1Octoberp186
Affirmation. Don't (vf)Stanley O Batty1921v4i1Octoberp188
Editor's Notesedy1922v4i2Marchp189
Activities of Centresanony1922v4i2Marchp190
Value of ArtHerbrand Williamsy1922v4i2Marchp192
How Shall we Prepare?C Spurgeon Medhursty1922v4i2Marchp193
What Can We Do?JJ van der Leeuwy1922v4i2Marchp195
Balancing UpEdgar W Pritchardy1922v4i2Marchp198
Address by the Head of the OrderJ Krishnamurtiy1922v4i3Julyp1
The Order of the Star in the Eastanony1922v4i3Julyp1
[New editor: Mary E Rocke. Title: The Star in the East]-y1922v4i3Julyp1
Star Conference in Sydneyanony1922v4i3Julyp2
Address by the Secretary of the OrderNityananday1922v4i3Julyp2
Reports from the State Secretariesanony1922v4i3Julyp2
Public Lectures in Town Hall, Sydneyanony1922v4i3Julyp3
Work for Allanony1922v4i3Julyp4
Editor's NotesMary E Rockey1922v4i3Julyp4
Editor's Notesedy1922v4i4Octoberp1
Lecture [curtailed]CWLy1922v4i4Octoberp1
The Order of the Star in the Eastanony1922v4i4Octoberp1
Questions and AnswersCWLy1922v4i4Octoberp3
Sixpence a Weekanony1922v4i4Octoberp4
Herald of the Staranony1922v4i4Octoberp4
Showing 51 to 100 of 234 entries