The Theosophical Seal, VII (concluded) The Mystic Cross | Arthur M Coon | y1947 | v35 | i2 | February | p43 |
Lodge Activities | anon | y1947 | v35 | i2 | February | p44 |
News and Notes | anon | y1947 | v35 | i2 | February | p45 |
Report of the 71st Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society: Adyar, December 26-31, 1946 | anon | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p49 |
We'll Meet You All at Olcott | anon | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p51 |
We, The People of The United Nations | ed | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p52 |
One World, One Life: Convention Symposium: Part II | Clara M Codd, John BS Coats | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p53 |
The Olcott Foundation, 1947 | Helen Loenholdt | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p56 |
Work for Children in Europe | Muriel Lauder Lewis | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p58 |
Brotherhood Versus Fear (3) | L W Rogers | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p59 |
Crossroads: A Dramatic Dialogue | Thea Hehr | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p63 |
The Theosophical Seal, VIII: The Sign of the Cross | Arthur M Coon | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p65 |
The Theosophical Order of Service: International Correspondence League | Rupert Amaya | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p67 |
Lodge Activities | anon | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p68 |
News and Notes | anon | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p70 |
obituary - Jennie E Bollenbacher | anon | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p71 |
review: 'The Bhagavad-Gita' by Wesley La Violette | EG | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p72 |
review: 'Music For Your Health' by Edward Podolsky | EBB | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p72 |
review: 'The World Sensorium' by Oliver L Reiser | WTB | y1947 | v35 | i3 | March | p72 |
Administration of Adyar Headquarters | C Jinarajadasa | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p73 |
Appropriate Memorial | ed | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p76 |
Editorial | ed | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p76 |
Theosophy: An Appeal to Reason. Olcott Lecture of 1946 | John A Toren | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p77 |
The Kabalah, Part II | Olive Harcourt | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p80 |
Create Some Little Perfect Thing | Ruby Lorraine Radford | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p82 |
Brotherhood Versus Fear (4) | L W Rogers | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p83 |
World Federation of Young Theosophists | Joy Mills | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p86 |
The Theosophical Order of Service, Social Service Department | Edith Lee Ruggles | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p91 |
Lodge Activities | anon | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p92 |
News and Notes | anon | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p94 |
obituary - Victor Potel | anon | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p95 |
review: 'Theosophy and the Western Mysteries' by G Nevin Drinkwater | MK | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p96 |
review: 'Across the Borderline' by Charles V P Young | JA | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p96 |
review: 'Man's Destiny, Natalie Hammond | MK | y1947 | v35 | i4 | April | p96 |
Spiritual Progress [reprint Adyar Pamphlet 71] | H P Blavatsky | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p97 |
photo - HP Blavatsky | anon | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p98 |
The Theosophical Society and the UN | James S Perkins | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p100 |
Future Man is Arriving | ed | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p102 |
Appeals Are Opportunities | ed | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p102 |
letter: Appreciation from Austria | Fritz Schleifer | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p103 |
Occult Service of a Lodge | ed | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p103 |
The Poets' Page (vf) | various | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p104 |
Universality Through Uniqueness - Convention | James S Perkins | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p105 |
Seven Fruits of the Tree, Olcott Foundation Symbolism | Marion Wolfe | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p106 |
The Theosophical Seal, IX The Tau | Arthur M Coon | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p107 |
For Every Member to Consider | anon | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p108 |
The Humility of Greatness | Thea Hehr | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p110 |
We Also Serve | Rona Morris Workman | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p111 |
Scepticism and Credulity | Ralph T Gardner | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p112 |
Communication from a Deva in Australia | An FTS | y1947 | v35 | i5 | May | p115 |