Annie Besant - For Human Welfare: A Talk Given at Olcott Lodge Besant Centenary Program | Sidney A Cook | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p247 |
Annie Besant - Occultist: A Talk Given at Olcott Lodge Besant Centenary Program | Etha S Cook | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p249 |
Building a New World: Broadcast by Station 2GB, Sydney [extract New India 1947] | N Sri Ram | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p251 |
The Olcott Foundation | Viva Emmons | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p253 |
Financial Report, Year Ending June 30, 1947 | Edwin Lord | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p254 |
Happy Valley School [extract Theosophy in Australia] | Herbert Staggs | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p256 |
Theosophical Order of Service: Brownie Did Not Die in Vain | K Nimmo | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p260 |
Lodge Activities | anon | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p261 |
News and Notes | anon | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p262 |
obituary - Albert E S Smythe | anon | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p263 |
review: 'Avatar: The Life Story of Meher Baba' by Jean Adriel | CMC | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p264 |
review: 'Healing and Occult Science' by Dr J Croiset van Uchelen | MP | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p264 |
review: 'The Creative Power' by Clara M Codd | JM | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p264 |
review: 'The Self You Have To Live With' by Winifred Rhoades | HR | y1947 | v35 | i11 | November | p264 |
Theosophy and the Theosophical Society [extract Theosophist 1947] | C Jinarajadaasa | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p265 |
Sunrise in the Eternal | ed | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p268 |
Insuring Against War | ed | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p268 |
Notice of Election and Nominations: By-Law VI | anon | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p269 |
Christmas in a Taboret Devachan: A Fantasy for Christmas | James S Perkins | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p272 |
Immediate Work in Europe [extract Theosophy in Action 1947] | J E van Dissel | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p275 |
The Olcott Foundation: Purpose, Administration, Activities and General Rules | anon | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p276 |
The Absolute and the Relative [extract Theosophist 1947] | Henri van Zeijst | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p278 |
Poise and Purpose [extract Theosophical News and Notes 1943] | Betsan Coats | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p281 |
The Theosophical Order of Service | Bertha Williams | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p282 |
Lodge Activities | anon | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p283 |
News and Notes | anon | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p285 |
review: 'Hindu Philosophy' by Theos Bernard | MP | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p288 |
review: 'Does God Exist?' by A E Taylor | FHW | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p288 |
review: 'Peter Abelard' by Helen Waddell | CMC | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p288 |
review: 'Challenge of the Unknown' by Louis K Anspacher | TH | y1947 | v35 | i12 | December | p288 |
Our Role as Theosophists [extract Theosophist 1947] | C Jinarajadasa | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p1 |
Flight to Unity | ed | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p4 |
Spotlight Focus: A Report | anon | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p5 |
Announcement of Candidacy | James S Perkins | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p5 |
The Masters and Human Cruelty [extract Theosophist 1947] | Geoffrey Hodson | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p7 |
Personal Responsibility in a Post-War Era: The 1947 Olcott Lecture (Condensed) | Lucile A Farnes | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p9 |
A Letter from the President | James S Perkins | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p11 |
In Their Custody | Seymour D Ballard | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p13 |
The Poets' Page (vf) | various | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p14 |
Fundamentals of Theosophy [extract Theosophist 1947] | C Jinarajadasa | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p15 |
The Mission of The Theosophical Society [extract Indian Theosophist 1947] | Rohit Mehta | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p16 |
Lodge Activities | anon | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p19 |
News and Notes | anon | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p21 |
Adyar Administrative Notes | anon | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p21 |
review: 'Self-Culture in the Light of Occultism' by IK Taimni | JM | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p24 |
review: 'Secrets of the Heart' by Kahlil Gibran | VLB | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p24 |
review: 'The World's Great Scriptures' comp by Lewis Brown | SB | y1948 | v36 | i1 | January | p24 |
Address to the 72nd Convention: Benares, December 26, 1947 | C Jinarajadasa | y1948 | v36 | i2 | February | p25 |
Adyar | SDB | y1948 | v36 | i2 | February | p28 |
The Election of National President and Vice President | anon | y1948 | v36 | i2 | February | p29 |