The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Theosophist

A Seeress spoiledAS Rombottiy1882v3-Julyp252
A MananumSTDy1882v3-Julyp254
Bishop Meurin & the Bombay Catholic Debating Society (paper III, & IV)anony1882v3-Julyp254
review - Experimental Studies on Certain Nervous Phenomena by MA Chevillardanon (HPB)y1882v3-Julyp255
The Fellow-Workeranon (HPB)y1882v3-Julyp257
[L Venkata Varadarajulu Naidu has agreed to receive subscriptions for the Theosophist]anony1882v3-Julyp257
review - A Truth-Seeker around the World by DM Bennettanon (HPB)y1882v3-Julyp257
The Beef QuestionA. Sankariahy1882v3-Julyp258
An "Honest" Enquiry into The Aims of our Societyanon (HPB)y1882v3-Julyp258
The "Political" Side of Theosophyanon (HPB)y1882v3-Julyp259
A Indian Bethesdaanony1882v3-Julyp260
Brahmamgaru YogiJ Purnayyay1882v3-Julyp260
The "Veda of the Buddhists!"anon (HPB)y1882v3-Julyp260
Fairy "Folk-Lore" of Shetlandanony1882v3-Julyp261
Paragraph Flashesvariousy1882v3-Julyp261
The Marvellous Date-Palm (rprnt Madras Times)Nabmat de Roottichy1882v3-Julyp261
Why rail against us when we say that Christian missionaries ... (Herrick Johnson quoted)anony1882v3-Julyp262
Singing Animalculesanon (HPB)y1882v3-Julyp262
The Medal of HonourHS Olcotty1882v3-Aug+p1
The Council's ResolutionHP Blavatskyy1882v3-Aug+p1
The Krishna Theosophical SocietyJ Purnayyay1882v3-Aug+p2
The Madras Theosophical SocietyA. Theyaga Rajiery1882v3-Aug+p2
The Nellore Theosophical SocietyR Casava Pillayy1882v3-Aug+p3
Extract from Proceedings No 3 [of the Krishna Theosophical Society]M Singaraveluy1882v3-Aug+p3
Rules & Bye-Laws of the "Meerut Theosophical Society"Buldeo Prasad Sankdhary1882v3-Aug+p4
Another "Orthodox" Prosecution! (2)Charles E Taylory1882v3-Aug+p5
correspondence - The Merits of SchopenhauerLA Sandersy1882v3-Aug+p5
[Damodar K Mavalankar - gone to Poona]anony1882v3-Aug+p6
Personal Itemsvariousy1882v3-Aug+p6
Bye-Laws of the Rewah Theosophical SocietyP Dorabjiy1882v3-Aug+p6
[Herbert D Monachesi - opinion regarding American missionaries]anony1882v3-Aug+p6
[Stuart Beatson - gone to Egypt]anony1882v3-Aug+p6
[HS Olcott - left Bombay for Ceylon]anony1882v3-Aug+p6
[Rastomji Dhunjibhoy Sethna - in England qualifying for the Bar]anony1882v3-Aug+p6
[Peary Chand Mittra - suffering from dropsy; gradually recovering]anony1882v3-Aug+p6
Our Fourth YearEditor (HPB)y1882v3-Augustp263
The Theosophist, Bombay, August, 1882Editory1882v3-Augustp263
footnotes to "A Cis-Tibetan Ramble"(HPB)y1882v3-Augustp264
A Cis-Tibetan Ramble (1)A. Banony1882v3-Augustp264
footnote to "A Treatise on Sufism ..."(HPB)y1882v3-Augustp265
A Treatise on Sufism or Mahomedan Mysticism (written 1811)anony1882v3-Augustp265
The Mnemonical Prodigiesanony1882v3-Augustp267
Iamblichos: A Treatise on the Mysteries (3) (rprnt Platonist)tr Alexander Wildery1882v3-Augustp267
"Tharana" or Mesmerism (in India)N Chidambaram Iyer (HPB)y1882v3-Augustp268
Editor's Note [to "Tharana" or Mesmerism (in India)]Ed. (HPB)y1882v3-Augustp269
Prof Lionel Beale on Modern Scientific Thought (L Beale, 1828-1906)anony1882v3-Augustp269
Priority of CivilizationPestonji N Khandalawallay1882v3-Augustp270
The Mystery of Levitation - Why do Birds Fly, & Fishes Swim?WR Frinky1882v3-Augustp271
Comment on "The Mystery of Levitation"(HPB)y1882v3-Augustp271
Theosophy & Spiritualism(Calcutta correspondent) (HPB)y1882v3-Augustp272
Showing 1351 to 1400 of 26591 entries