The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Theosophist

Questions about Esoteric Theosophy answeredWHCD (HPB)y1882v3-Augustp272
A Deserved RetaliationJwala Prasada Sankhadhary1882v3-Augustp272
What is Theosophy?A Paramahansa of the Himalayasy1882v3-Augustp273
Zoroaster & MesmerismH.y1882v3-Augustp273
Re-birthA. Govinda Charluy1882v3-Augustp274
The Sishal & Bukhailas YogisAkkhaya Kumar Dattay1882v3-Augustp274
"On Spiritual Selfishness"Isabel de Steigery1882v3-Augustp274
Baron Reichenbach's DiscoveriesWSVy1882v3-Augustp275
review - A Manual of General English by RS Sheppardanony1882v3-Augustp276
review - The Four Gospels by JB Roustainganon (WF Kirby?)y1882v3-Augustp276
review - The True History of Joshua Davidson by E Lynn Lintonanony1882v3-Augustp276
Zollner's Transcendental Physicsanony1882v3-Augustp278
review - The Philosophic Inquirer (Madras)anon (HPB)y1882v3-Augustp278
[A Philadelphia journal on the split between the Theosophical Society and the Arya Samaj]anony1882v3-Augustp279
The Claims of Hinduism & Christianity, an address delivered at Berhampur by Babu Kedar Nath Basuanony1882v3-Augustp279
"The Popular Superstition"DFB---jiy1882v3-Augustp280
Prehistoric Man (rprnt Nature, June 15th)anony1882v3-Augustp280
Stone-ShowersGeorge Ralph (HPB)y1882v3-Augustp280
[Acknowledging books donated to the Library by Mr GF Vander Straaten]anony1882v3-Augustp280
Comments on "A Learned Brahman Spirit!"(HPB)y1882v3-Augustp281
A Learned Brahman Spirit! (David Duguid)Peter Davidsony1882v3-Augustp281
Anthropomorphism (2)Poliutoy1882v3-Augustp282
The Harmonics of Smellanon (HPB)y1882v3-Augustp283
The Superiority of Hinduism to other Existing ReligionsRaj Narain Bosey1882v3-Augustp284
Visions in the Crystalanon (HPB)y1882v3-Augustp287
[Letter to HS Olcott re "Visions in the crystal"]EWLy1882v3-Augustp288
Isis Unveiled & The Theosophist on Reincarnation (acc CC Massey)anon (HPB)y1882v3-Augustp288
[Number of stars in the heavens] (rprnt Truth-Seeker)John Lubbocky1882v3-Augustp289
["Harmless" words may become destructive; a quote from a Charles A. Dicken (Dickens?)]anony1882v3-Augustp289
Paragraph Flashesvariousy1882v3-Augustp289
[Discovery by T de Witt Talmage, re the New Testament] (rprnt London Free-Thinker)anony1882v3-Augustp289
[two advertisements]variousy1882v3-Augustp290
The Work in Ceylonanony1882v3-Sept+p1
The Satya Marga Theosophical SocietyJwala Prasad Sankhadhary1882v3-Sept+p1
review - Theosophy Again!SE Gopala Charluy1882v3-Sept+p2
To the Founders of the Theosophical SocietySE Gopala Charloo & 36 othersy1882v3-Sept+p2
Personal Itemsvariousy1882v3-Sept+p2
[William De Abrew - not available to translate Olcott's lectures]anony1882v3-Sept+p2
[Rao Bahadur Vinayak Janardan Kirtane - gone to Madras]anony1882v3-Sept+p2
[Parmashri Dass - injured leg in fall]anony1882v3-Sept+p2
[Johannes Mathews de Mel - married Michaela de Silva]anony1882v3-Sept+p2
[Rai Dhunput Singh - has compiled 45 agums of the Jain Dharm Shastras in Pali Prakrit and Sanskrit]anony1882v3-Sept+p2
[Rai Dhunput Tarachand - been ill for many months]anony1882v3-Sept+p2
TS Schoolanony1882v3-Sept+p3
Special NoticeDamodar K Mavalankary1882v3-Sept+p4
"Our Aryan Forefathers' Society" MissionariesS Sundaram Iyery1882v3-Sept+p4
Special Notice to Correspondentsanony1882v3-Septemberp291
Our Fourth Yearanony1882v3-Septemberp291
The Theosophist, Bombay, September, 1882Editory1882v3-Septemberp291
Letters on Esoteric TheosophyFrom an Anglo-Indiany1882v3-Septemberp292
Showing 1401 to 1450 of 26591 entries