The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

Theosophy in Australia (2)

From the Editoranony1987v51-Septemberp74
Ltte (Erica Patient & Sheryl Nelson speak at International School in Ryde)Winifred McKenziey1987v51-Septemberp74
The Ratio, the Pentagram & the SpiralJohn McDougally1987v51-Septemberp75
(O Earth) (vf)Aita Panky1987v51-Septemberp78
Creation, Building & SymbolsDiedrik Van Den Muyzenbergy1987v51-Septemberp79
ChannellingAndrew Fitzherberty1987v51-Septemberp83
Creativity in Life (vf)Alice V Cuthbertsony1987v51-Septemberp85
Why Poetry? An HypothesisAarony1987v51-Septemberp86
The Spiritual in ArtGladney Oakleyy1987v51-Septemberp87
Wesak Festival on TelevisionDianne K Kynastony1987v51-Septemberp89
The Theosophical World - Lilian Edger (1862 - ...?) (photo with HSO)anony1987v51-Septemberp90
Proposal for an Introductory Study Course in The Secret DoctrineMichael Revere & John Algeoy1987v51-Septemberp91
News & Notesanony1987v51-Septemberp92
Gosnells (Lodge) closesanony1987v51-Septemberp93
review - `Our Last Adventure - A Commonsense Guide to Death & After` by E Lester SmithZora Marreshy1987v51-Septemberp95
review - `Understanding Aboriginal Culture` by Cyril HaveckerGladys MacCartiey1987v51-Septemberp95
Do You Know Who I Am? (vf)John McDougally1987v51-Septemberp96
General Secretary's Reportanony1987v51-Dec+p1
Annual Accountsanony1987v51-Dec+p5
Nominations for National Officeanony1987v51-Dec+p8
From the Editoranony1987v51-Decemberp98
Tribute to a Blood Brother - Cyril HaveckerGladys MacCartiey1987v51-Decemberp99
The Consequences of the Dreamtime in Contemporary AustraliaSimon Coley1987v51-Decemberp104
Australia as the Land of OzJohn Algeoy1987v51-Decemberp109
Notices of Motionanony1987v51-Decemberp111
National Convention (Programme) 16-23 Jan 1988anony1987v51-Decemberp112
The Theosophical World - Colonel Olcott in Bathurstanony1987v51-Decemberp114
News & Notesanony1987v51-Decemberp116
review - `Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight` by Shirley NicholsonPhil Harrisy1987v51-Decemberp118
On Seeing the Pink Flowers of the Gum TreeAlice Cuthbertsony1987v51-Decemberp120
Moment of Truth - A Tribute to HP BlavatskyJeanine Millery1988v52-Marchp123
The Making of a Mystic - Prince Ferenc Josef Leopold Rakoczi II & the Comte de St GermainMaritza Forgach de Sordoy1988v52-Marchp128
Je Tsong KhapaJef Ladbrook-Sloany1988v52-Marchp132
The Centenary of DraculaRiley Hansard Crabby1988v52-Marchp136
Aspiration (vf)Phyllis V Campbelly1988v52-Marchp137
A Lifetime with TheosophyElliston F Campbelly1988v52-Marchp137
Lodge Directoryanony1988v52-Marchp138
The Theosophical World - Joseph Bibby of LiverpoolGrace Reedy1988v52-Marchp139
News & Notesanony1988v52-Marchp140
obituary - Marion E Caws (photo)anony1988v52-Marchp141
review - `Awakening of the Faith` by Yoshito S HakedaJef Ladbrook-Sloany1988v52-Marchp143
review - `Reincarnation - A New Horizon in Science, Religion & Society` by Sylvia Cranston & Carey WilliamsPhil Harrisy1988v52-Marchp144
From the Editoranony1988v52-Junep146
Sophia - the Star of the SeaDianne Hamesy1988v52-Junep147
Maiden, Mother & Sybil - the Divine in Woman (rprnt `Community Spirit` May 1982)Ruth Hatchy1988v52-Junep150
At Eleusis (vf - `Poems of Passion`)Ella Wheeler Wilcoxy1988v52-Junep152
God the Mother [reprint: The Liberal Catholic August 1927]Mary K Neffy1988v52-Junep153
Mother of Knowledge - The Enlightenment of Ye-shes mTsho-rgyalNam-mKha'i saying-poy1988v52-Junep157
Hildegard of BingenKaren Moorey1988v52-Junep158
The Mystic Rose (vf)Elsa Barkery1988v52-Junep159
Showing 3401 to 3450 of 6131 entries