The Theosophical World - Bessie Mabel Rischbieth (1875 - ...?) | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | June | p160 |
A Cameo of Old Brisbane (Brisbane Lodge Building's History) | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | June | p161 |
News & Notes | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | June | p162 |
review - `Emma's War` directed by Clytie Jessop | David Dynes | y1988 | v52 | - | June | p164 |
review - `Annie Besant` by Rosemary Dinnage | Robert White | y1988 | v52 | - | June | p165 |
review - `The Enlightened Society` by John L Hill | Martin Bubla | y1988 | v52 | - | June | p165 |
review - `Theosophy - A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages` by Robert Ellwood | Norman S Hankin | y1988 | v52 | - | June | p166 |
review - `Images from the I Ching` by Ann Williams | Charles E Hulley | y1988 | v52 | - | June | p166 |
The Goddess of Autumn (vf) | Rabindranath Tagore | y1988 | v52 | - | June | p167 |
A Seventeen Century Nun's Prayer (vf) | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | June | p168 |
From the Editor | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Jul-Aug | p170 |
Theosophy & the Zeitgeist (photo - John & Adele Algeo) | John Algeo | y1988 | v52 | - | Jul-Aug | p170 |
Occult Harmonies in Kandinsky's Paintings | Valerie Armstrong | y1988 | v52 | - | Jul-Aug | p177 |
photo - Wassily Kandinsky 1866-1944 | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Jul-Aug | p177 |
The Art of Dying While Living | Gordon Limbrick | y1988 | v52 | - | Jul-Aug | p181 |
Conventioneers - 3 photos | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Jul-Aug | p185 |
Holistic Healing - A Future Direction? | Shirley Stack | y1988 | v52 | - | Jul-Aug | p186 |
Bicentennial Research Work | various anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Jul-Aug | p187 |
Minutes of the 1988 Convention | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Jul-Aug | p190 |
From the Editor | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Jul-Aug | p194 |
Spiritual Shrines & Centres of Holiness | Ruth Beringer | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p195 |
Trees the Source of "Life" | Dianne K Kynaston | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p198 |
The Ruin of India (rprnt 'Theosophist') | HPB (Nov 1879) | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p200 |
Cartoon - The Trees need the Carbon Dioxide | Jef Ladbrook-Sloan | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p200 |
The Story of Remineralization | Betsan Coats | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p201 |
Gaia & the Reintegration of Religion & Science | James E Lovelock | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p202 |
LD99 Scenario (biospheric catastrophe vf) | Gladney Oakley | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p204 |
Spiritual Life for the Man of the World | Geoffrey Hodson | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p206 |
Eighty Years of Successful Service - TOS | Lorraine Moseley | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p207 |
Reflection on Monkey Mia | Anne Stephenson | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p209 |
photo - The dolphins of Monkey Mia, Western Australia | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p209 |
The Theosophical World - The Great Banyan Tree at Adyar | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p211 |
News & Notes | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p212 |
review - `Self Transformation through Music` by Joanne Crandall | Gladys MacCartie | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p214 |
review - `The Pythagorean Sourcebook & Library` by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie | Joy Mills | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p215 |
review - `Porphyry's Letter to his wife Marcella` by Porphyry | Joy Mills | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p215 |
What is a 100 Year Old Tree Worth? (rprnt) | (Walter Schauberger) | y1988 | v52 | - | September | p216 |
General Secretary's Report | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Dec+ | p1 |
Analysis of Lodge Membership as at 31st August 1988 | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Dec+ | p4 |
Nominations for National Office | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Dec+ | p5 |
Income & Expenditure Account | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Dec+ | p5 |
Balance Sheet as at 31st August 1988 | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Dec+ | p6 |
Treasurer's Report - 11 months ended 31st August 1988 | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Dec+ | p7 |
Budget (tentative) | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Dec+ | p8 |
Capital & Projects Expenditure | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Dec+ | p8 |
Notices of Motion | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | Dec+ | p9 |
From the Editor | anon | y1988 | v52 | - | December | p218 |
Identity - Mind & Brain | Richard Silberstein (photo) | y1988 | v52 | - | December | p219 |
HP Blavatsky & Contemporary Science | Ralph Hannon | y1988 | v52 | - | December | p223 |
(rprnt) review - `The Secret Doctrine` by HP Blavatsky | Annie Besant | y1988 | v52 | - | December | p227 |