The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch


review - Transactions of the Scottish Lodge, volume III, anonBKy1896v18-Aprilp172
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1896v18-Aprilp174
On the Watch-Tower(Annie Besant)y1896v18-Mayp177
The Lives of the Later Platonists (1)GRS Meady1896v18-Mayp185
Early Christianity & its Teachings (11)AM Glassy1896v18-Mayp201
Animal ReincarnationNathaniel Alex Knox (1838-1908)y1896v18-Mayp209
Man & His Bodies (5)Annie Besanty1896v18-Mayp215
Sufism (1)Otway S Cuffey1896v18-Mayp230
Letter to the American Section (Dear Mr Fullerton)AP Sinnetty1896v18-Mayp239
Letters to a Catholic Priest (II)Arthur A. Wellsy1896v18-Mayp246
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1896v18-Mayp253
review - Psychic Philosophy by VC DesertísAMGy1896v18-Mayp258
review - Recent Buddhism, variousGRSMy1896v18-Mayp259
review - The System to which we Belong, Transactions LLTS #30 by AP SinnettBKy1896v18-Mayp260
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1896v18-Mayp262
On the Watch-Tower(Annie Besant)y1896v18-Junep265
obituary - Vera Petrovna Jelihovsky (1835-1896)anony1896v18-Junep267
(A Prospectus for the establishment of a Central Model Hindu College at Benares)(Annie Besant)y1896v18-Junep268
"Spirits" of Various KindsHP Blavatskyy1896v18-Junep273
The Lives of the Later Platonists (2) (Ammonius Saccas, Plotinus)GRS Meady1896v18-Junep288
The Spirit of the Age (1)Alexander Fullertony1896v18-Junep303
Man & His Bodies (6)Annie Besanty1896v18-Junep313
Devachan (5)CW Leadbeatery1896v18-Junep324
Sufism (2)Otway S Cuffey1896v18-Junep335
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1896v18-Junep341
review - The Book of the Secrets of Enoch tr WR Morfill, ed by RH CharlesGRSMy1896v18-Junep345
review - (Five Indian Pamphlets) by Annie Besantanony1896v18-Junep348
review - Nephelé by Francis W Bourdillonanony1896v18-Junep348
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1896v18-Junep349
On the Watch-Tower (HPB's spook dictates 177 page MS to Jim Wade of Boston)(AB & GRSM)y1896v18-Julyp353
(Professor Lascelles-Scott thinks Keely's discoveries genuine)Bloomfield Moorey1896v18-Julyp356
Buddhism, Christianity & PhallicismHP Blavatskyy1896v18-Julyp361
The Lives of the Later Platonists (3) (Porphyry)GRS Meady1896v18-Julyp368
The Spirit of the Age (2)Alexander Fullertony1896v18-Julyp381
The Helping of the PeopleIvy Hoopery1896v18-Julyp389
Sufism (3)Otway S Cuffey1896v18-Julyp393
From Some Chinese Alchemists (from HP Blavatsky's notebook)variousy1896v18-Julyp400
The Unity Underlying all Religions (1)Annie Besanty1896v18-Julyp404
Animal ReincarnationBertram Keightleyy1896v18-Julyp416
Devachan (6)CW Leadbeatery1896v18-Julyp426
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1896v18-Julyp432
review - Devil-Worship in France by AE WaiteGRSMy1896v18-Julyp436
review - En Route by JK HuysmansGRSMy1896v18-Julyp437
review - Orpheus by GRS Meadanony1896v18-Julyp438
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1896v18-Julyp439
On the Watch-Tower(AB & GRSM)y1896v18-Augustp441
(fire walking; Andrew Lang 1844-1912 mentioned)anony1896v18-Augustp447
FragmentsHP Blavatskyy1896v18-Augustp449
The Lives of the Later Platonists (4) (Porphyry, Jamblichus)GRS Meady1896v18-Augustp456
Letters to a Catholic Priest (III)Arthur A. Wellsy1896v18-Augustp470
Showing 2601 to 2650 of 2866 entries