The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch


The Lives of the Later Platonists (7) (Priscus, Chrysanthius)GRS Meady1896v19-Novemberp186
JujitsuCharles Harvey ( - 1928)y1896v19-Novemberp196
The Theosophy of EckhartshausenMrs Patience Sinnetty1896v19-Novemberp206
review - The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary by Councillor von EckhartshausenPatience Sinnetty1896v19-Novemberp206
Occultism in English Poetry (4)Mrs Ivy Hoopery1896v19-Novemberp213
The Power of an Endless Life (2)Alexander Fullertony1896v19-Novemberp218
Power, Knowledge & Love (1)Miss Francesca Arundaley1896v19-Novemberp226
Invisible Helpers (1)CW Leadbeatery1896v19-Novemberp233
The New Gnostic MSGRS Meady1896v19-Novemberp242
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1896v19-Novemberp250
review - The Devachanic Plane by CW LeadbeaterGRSMy1896v19-Novemberp253
review - Thoughts on Religion by George John RomanesAAWy1896v19-Novemberp253
review - The Antichrist Legend by W BoussetMLy1896v19-Novemberp255
review - Sivagnana Botham of Meikanda Deva tr JM Nallasawmi PillaiOFy1896v19-Novemberp257
review - Greek Life & Thought by JP MahaffyEGy1896v19-Novemberp259
review - A Blank Page by PilgrimEGy1896v19-Novemberp260
review - The Transcendental Universe by CG HarrisonEGy1896v19-Novemberp260
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1896v19-Novemberp261
On the Watch-TowerGRSMy1896v19-Decemberp265
Theosophical AsceticismArthur A. Wellsy1896v19-Decemberp273
Power, Knowledge & Love (2)Miss Francesca Arundaley1896v19-Decemberp282
Among the Gnostics of the First Two Centuries (1)GRS Meady1896v19-Decemberp290
Invisible Helpers (2)CW Leadbeatery1896v19-Decemberp304
The Sankhya Philosophy (3)Bertram Keightleyy1896v19-Decemberp316
The Unknown Philosopher (1)Mrs Isabel Cooper-Oakleyy1896v19-Decemberp324
Christianity according to TolstoyOtway S Cuffey1896v19-Decemberp330
review - The Kingdom of God is within You ... by Leo TolstoyOtway Cuffey1896v19-Decemberp330
correspondence - "Animal Reincarnation"NA Knoxy1896v19-Decemberp337
reply (animal reincarnation)CW Leadbeatery1896v19-Decemberp340
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1896v19-Decemberp342
review - The Ascent of Man by H DrummondAAWy1896v19-Decemberp345
review - Hindu Castes & Sects by JN BhattacharyaEGy1896v19-Decemberp347
review - Les Castes dans l'Inde by Emile SenartEGy1896v19-Decemberp347
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1896v19-Decemberp349
On the Watch-Tower - Hertzlichen Gluckwunsch Zum Neuen Jahre!GRSMy1897v19-Januaryp353
Evolution & Catholic DogmaArthur A. Wellsy1897v19-Januaryp361
The Sankhya Philosophy (4)Bertram Keightleyy1897v19-Januaryp368
Among the Gnostics of the First Two Centuries (2)GRS Meady1897v19-Januaryp376
The Unknown Philosopher (2) (Martinez Pasquales, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin 1743-1803)Mrs Isabel Cooper-Oakleyy1897v19-Januaryp390
Invisible Helpers (3)CW Leadbeatery1897v19-Januaryp402
Theosophy & Science (1)John Mackenziey1897v19-Januaryp413
correspondence - "Animal Reincarnation"Bertram Keightleyy1897v19-Januaryp423
Theosophical Activitiesvariousy1897v19-Januaryp425
review - A History of Egypt from the Earliest Times by WM Flinders PetrieOFy1897v19-Januaryp428
review - Egyptian Magic volume VIII of the Collectanea Hermetica ed by W Wynn WestcottGRSMy1897v19-Januaryp432
review - L'Eve Nouvelle by Jules BoisGRSMy1897v19-Januaryp432
review - Questionnaire Théosophique Élémentaire by Dominique Albert Courmes (1843-1914)GRSMy1897v19-Januaryp434
review - A Psychic Vigil by "X Rays"MLy1897v19-Januaryp435
review - Ozmar, the Mystic by Emeric Hulme-BeamanLLl (? Miss L Lloyd)y1897v19-Januaryp435
review - The Chariot of the Flesh by Henry PeekCH (? Charles Harvey)y1897v19-Januaryp436
Showing 2701 to 2750 of 2866 entries