The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Occult Review

The Mysticism of IrelandReginald B Spany1917v25-Februaryp93
Some Veridical Visions & DreamsJ Arthur Hill & FGy1917v25-Februaryp99
Myth & Legend in ArmeniaEva Martiny1917v25-Februaryp108
review - Twenty Years Experience as a Ghost Hunter by Elliott O'DonnellPS Wellbyy1917v25-Februaryp111
Ltte - Astral Travelling (1)EMBy1917v25-Februaryp113
Ltte - (2) (in two places at once)EDFy1917v25-Februaryp114
Ltte - The Childhood JesusPercy B MacDonaldy1917v25-Februaryp115
Ltte - (3) accomplished with the greatest of easeMEMy1917v25-Februaryp115
Ltte - dialect of Automatic writingHP Normany1917v25-Februaryp116
Ltte - Lord Grey of FallodenCWTy1917v25-Februaryp117
Ltte - Co-MasonryA.y1917v25-Februaryp117
Ltte - Fortune telling with cardsMabel L Robertsony1917v25-Februaryp119
Ltte - The Sacred HeartEM Murrayy1917v25-Februaryp119
Periodical Literatureanony1917v25-Februaryp120
review - Do Thoughts Perish? by RecorderH Stanley Redgrovey1917v25-Februaryp124
review - Gospel Records, Interpreted by Human Experience by HA DallasArthur Edward Waitey1917v25-Februaryp124
review - The Contingency of the Laws of Nature by Emile BoutrouxH Stanley Redgrovey1917v25-Februaryp125
review - Destur Mobed & other stories by Edgar BirnstinglHJSy1917v25-Februaryp126
review - The Life & Letters of Theodore Watts-Denton by Thomas Hake & Arthur Compton-RickettEdith K Harpery1917v25-Februaryp126
Notes of the Month - The Credo of Christendom - A Canadian Prophetess - Mr WJ ColvilleThe Editory1917v25-Marchp127
A Seer of Nature Spirits (Tom Charman)The Editory1917v25-Marchp141
illustration - Mr Tom Charmananony1917v25-Marchp142
illustration - The Caravan in which Mr Tom Charman & Mr George Mann Lived Togetheranony1917v25-Marchp143
illustration - Mr Charman holding snake carved by Himself from a Tree of the New Forestanony1917v25-Marchp144
illustration - One of Mr Charman's Indians (a painting, not a photo)Tom Charmany1917v25-Marchp145
illustration - Cow & Fairy Companionanony1917v25-Marchp146
illustration - Human Frog & Psychic Elvesanony1917v25-Marchp147
illustration - Elves' Nest in Toadstoolanony1917v25-Marchp148
illustration - Elf on Pig Chargeranony1917v25-Marchp149
illustration - Elf & Snakeanony1917v25-Marchp150
illustration - Wind Spiritsanony1917v25-Marchp151
A Talk about BuddhismWH Chessony1917v25-Marchp153
illustration - The First Sermon: "Turning the Wheel of the Law" (statuette of seated Buddha)anony1917v25-Marchp155
illustration - Calling the Earth to Witness (The Assault of Mara) - cave painting at Dambulla, Ceylon, 18thCanony1917v25-Marchp157
"Mr Isaacs of Simla"Edmund Russelly1917v25-Marchp160
A Ballad of Rebirth (vf)E Le Breton Martiny1917v25-Marchp170
Aconite; review - Wolf's Bane: Rhymes by John Cowper PowysArthur Edward Waitey1917v25-Marchp171
Ltte - (2)W Steff-Langstony1917v25-Marchp173
Ltte - The Childhood of Jesus (1)FC Constabley1917v25-Marchp173
Ltte - (3)Richard A. Bushy1917v25-Marchp174
Ltte - Mediums & the "Daily Mail"Isabelle de Steigery1917v25-Marchp174
Ltte - Clocks Stopping at DeathMary Crosland Taylory1917v25-Marchp175
Ltte - Astral TravelsInvestigatory1917v25-Marchp176
Ltte - The Four Cosmic ElementsCG Sandery1917v25-Marchp176
Ltte - Strange DreamsS Wilfrid Smithy1917v25-Marchp177
Periodical Literatureanony1917v25-Marchp179
New & Forthcoming Publicationsvariousy1917v25-Marchp182
review - The World as Imagination by Edward Douglas FawcettHJSy1917v25-Marchp184
review - Notes & Index to the Bhagavad Gita by K BrowningEMMy1917v25-Marchp184
review - Letters from Another Battlefield - anonEdith K Harpery1917v25-Marchp185
Showing 2401 to 2450 of 7382 entries