review - A Preliminary Investigation of the Cabalah by FB Bond & TS Lea | Arthur Edward Waite | y1917 | v25 | - | May | p306 |
Notes of the Month - The Threshold of the Unseen | The Editor | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p307 |
Witchcraft Rituals | JW Brodie-Innes | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p328 |
The Psychic Significance of the Cat | Ethel C Hargrove | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p337 |
Dual Souls | Unity | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p341 |
Flowers & Stars | Edith K Harper | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p350 |
Ltte - Telepathic Dreams | VJD | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p354 |
Ltte - The Psychic Telegraph | Arthur Butcher | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p355 |
Ltte - The "Little People" | Hilary Severn | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p355 |
Ltte - Telepathic Communications | F Helen Fitzgerald Beale | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p356 |
Ltte - A Double Premonition | A Hampshire Clergyman | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p358 |
Ltte - Healing "At a Distance" | MEM | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p359 |
Ltte - A WArning Voice | Edith J Porter | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p360 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p361 |
review - The Metamorphoses of Sex by Frances Swiney | Edith K Harper | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p364 |
review - Primary Lessons in Christian Living & Healing by Annie Rix Militz | Edith K Harper | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p364 |
review - The Temple of Sorrow by EA Wodehouse | Edith K Harper | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p365 |
review - Beckoning Hands from the Near Beyond by JCF Grumbine | Edith K Harper | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p366 |
review - Our Living Dead by Katherine Bates | EMM | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p367 |
review - Compendium of Natal Astrology & Universal Ephemeris by Herbert T Waite | anon | y1917 | v25 | - | June | p367 |
Notes of the Month - A Novel of the Times (What Lies Beneath by Benjamin Swift) | The Editor | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p1 |
The Gods of Luck in Ancient Rome | Frederic Thurstan | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p12 |
(12, The Fauns; 15, Fortuna; 16 Felicitas, Nemesis, Lares, Penates) | Frederic Thurstan | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p12 |
(18, The Genius; 19, Umbrae, Larvae, Lemures) | Frederic Thurstan | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p18 |
Australian Aboriginal Medicine-Men & Psychic Healing | Irene E Toye-Warner | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p21 |
A Philosophy for To-day | Charles J Whitby | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p26 |
A Dream with a Curious Sequel | Alice Cunninghame | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p29 |
To CA (vf) | Eva Gore-Booth | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p35 |
Yogi Breathing | Ahumada | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p36 |
The Everlasting Future - A Mystic & Psychic Contrast | Arthur Edward Waite | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p42 |
Ltte - The Psychic Telegraph | JL Cather | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p45 |
Ltte - Some Dreams & their Interpretation | Mary Emmet | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p49 |
Ltte - The Occult in Art | A Sculptor | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p51 |
Ltte - The Wearing of Religious Emblems in War | Montague Summers | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p52 |
Ltte - The Tsar's Horoscope & the Fixed Stars | Edward Drayton | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p53 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p55 |
review - The Ascent of Olympus by Rendel Harris | WH Chesson | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p58 |
review - God the Invisible King by HG Wells | EMM | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p58 |
review - Psychology of the Unconscious by CG Jung | Arthur Edward Waite | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p59 |
review - Day & Night Stories by Algernon Blackwood | WH Chesson | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p60 |
review - A Simple Study in Theosophy by Michael J Whitty | HJS | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p60 |
review - Boston Lectures on the New Psychology by JCF Grumbine | GMH | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p61 |
review - Constructive Thought: or How to obtain what you Desire by Benjamin Johnson | GMH | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p61 |
review - The Two Witnesses (Joanna Southcott's Predictions) ed by Alice Seymour | Edith K Harper | y1917 | v26 | - | July | p62 |
Notes of the Month - (b) Memoirs of a Balkan Diplomatist | The Editor | y1917 | v26 | - | August | p63 |
Notes of the Month - (a) Rex v Leo | The Editor | y1917 | v26 | - | August | p63 |
illustration - (b) Sapper Kelly making calculations for depth & quantity & feeling for water | anon | y1917 | v26 | - | August | p74 |
illustration - (a) Sapper Kelly - Holding a coin while searching | anon | y1917 | v26 | - | August | p74 |
An Egyptian Ritual Against Apophi & its Relation to Modern Witchcraft | JW Brodie-Innes | y1917 | v26 | - | August | p75 |
The Pagan (vf) | Lilian Holmes | y1917 | v26 | - | August | p84 |