The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Occult Review

review - The Harvest & the Vintage by CDH McMillanEdith K Harpery1918v28-Novemberp303
review - Recent Words from Christ upon this War taken down by A ScribeEdith K Harpery1918v28-Novemberp304
review - Over the Hills & Far Away by Guy FlemingArthur Edward Waitey1918v28-Novemberp304
Notes of the Month - (2) The Story of Austria & the Haunted HapsburgsThe Editory1918v28-Decemberp305
Notes of the Month - (1) The Pax ChristiansThe Editory1918v28-Decemberp305
The Occult Lore of BellsBernard Fieldingy1918v28-Decemberp317
Phantoms?Bart Kennedyy1918v28-Decemberp324
Captain Lorimer's Ghost StoryGerda M Calmady-Hamlyny1918v28-Decemberp327
Some Psychical AdventuresHerbert C Kenty1918v28-Decemberp333
On ReincarnationsA. Roamery1918v28-Decemberp341
The Ethereal & the MaterialRB Spany1918v28-Decemberp349
Ltte - A Psychic ExperienceNita O'Sullivan Bearey1918v28-Decemberp358
Ltte - Reincarnation PointsArthur Mallord Turnery1918v28-Decemberp358
Ltte - The Morality of Killing (1)PHFy1918v28-Decemberp359
Ltte - The Morality of Killing (2)Walter Winansy1918v28-Decemberp360
Ltte - Mystical SubstitutionClo-T-dey1918v28-Decemberp361
Ltte - Animal MagnetismP Frasery1918v28-Decemberp361
Ltte - A Visit from the DevilMaude MC Ffoulkesy1918v28-Decemberp363
Periodical Literatureanony1918v28-Decemberp365
review - Christopher - A Study of Human Personality by Oliver LodgeEdith K Harpery1918v28-Decemberp369
review - Spiritualism & the Christian Faith by EW BarnesEdith K Harpery1918v28-Decemberp369
review - One Hundred & Seventy Chinese Poems tr by Arthur WaleyEMMy1918v28-Decemberp370
review - The Imprisoned Freeman by Helen S WoodruffWH Chessony1918v28-Decemberp371
review - Out of Chaos by Moysheh OyvedHHy1918v28-Decemberp371
review - Originality by T Sharper KnowlsonJBBy1918v28-Decemberp372
Notes of the Month - President Lincoln & His MediumThe Editory1919v29-Januaryp1
Psychic PhotographyHereward Carringtony1919v29-Januaryp18
illustration - No 1 (swimming ghosts)anony1919v29-Januaryp20
illustration - No 2 (ghosts ...?)anony1919v29-Januaryp21
illustration - No 3 (men with ...?)anony1919v29-Januaryp22
illustration - No 4 (ghosts)anony1919v29-Januaryp24
illustration - No 5 (ghost ...?)anony1919v29-Januaryp25
illustration - No 6 (ghost ...?)anony1919v29-Januaryp26
illustration - No 7 (ghost ...?)anony1919v29-Januaryp27
illustration - No 8 (ghost ...?)anony1919v29-Januaryp28
illustration - No 9 (fog ...?)anony1919v29-Januaryp29
A Happy Child-GhostMay Crommeliny1919v29-Januaryp31
Some Prophecies of the PastRB Incey1919v29-Januaryp35
"Pansy" - A True Story of an Invisible HelperLilian Whitingy1919v29-Januaryp41
The Smead CaseEdith K Harpery1919v29-Januaryp45
Ltte - Is Killing Animals Cruelty? (2)Catherine M Metcalfey1919v29-Januaryp50
Ltte - Is Killing Animals Cruelty? (1)Walter Winansy1919v29-Januaryp50
Ltte - Interpretation of Dreams & VisionsArthur Mallord Turnery1919v29-Januaryp51
Ltte - Is Killing Animals Cruelty? (4)PVy1919v29-Januaryp51
Ltte - Is Killing Animals Cruelty? (3)Mabel Collinsy1919v29-Januaryp51
Ltte - Dreams that HurtJessie EP Forelandy1919v29-Januaryp52
Ltte - Animal Magnetism & Suggestion (1)Semper Vigilansy1919v29-Januaryp53
Ltte - Animal Magnetism & Suggestion (2)M Salisy1919v29-Januaryp54
Ltte - A Potent CharmA. Cosgrave Georgey1919v29-Januaryp54
Ltte - (copy of letter)anon Lt. RAFy1919v29-Januaryp55
Showing 2901 to 2950 of 7382 entries