The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

The Occult Review

Periodical Literatureanony1919v29-Januaryp56
review - Spiritualism: Its History, Phenomena & Doctrine by J Arthur HillGMHy1919v29-Januaryp60
review - Mails from the Continent of Death by FA FullerWH Chessony1919v29-Januaryp61
review - 70,000 Veils by Florence Lederer (Felicity)WH Chessony1919v29-Januaryp61
review - The Sword of Justice a play by Eva Gore-BoothWH Chessony1919v29-Januaryp62
review - Claude's Book by L Kelway-BamberEdith K Harpery1919v29-Januaryp62
Notes of the Month - Michael ScotThe Editory1919v29-Februaryp63
Souvenir (vf)Teresa Hooleyy1919v29-Februaryp75
The Occult Lore of the MirrorBernard Fieldingy1919v29-Februaryp76
The Strange Adventure of a Sportsmaned by HB Allany1919v29-Februaryp85
The Tarot CardsJW Brodie-Innesy1919v29-Februaryp90
The Poltergeist & his CriticsLewis Spencey1919v29-Februaryp99
Ltte - The Morality of Killing (1)PHFy1919v29-Februaryp109
Ltte - The Morality of Killing (2)G Windsor Clivey1919v29-Februaryp110
Ltte - Why the Deer was ShotG Trevory1919v29-Februaryp111
Ltte - Impossible to Escape Guilt for Animal KillingWalter Winansy1919v29-Februaryp111
Ltte - The Problem of EvilECM Davisy1919v29-Februaryp112
Ltte - A Scientific CriticismGG Beamishy1919v29-Februaryp113
Ltte - The Tarot CardsArthur Mallord Turnery1919v29-Februaryp113
Ltte - DreamsJW Brodie-Innesy1919v29-Februaryp115
Periodical Literatureanony1919v29-Februaryp117
review - Umbrae Silentes by Frank Pearce SturmArthur Edward Waitey1919v29-Februaryp121
review - Songs of Wales & Devon by Winnifred TaskerArthur Edward Waitey1919v29-Februaryp121
review - Reality with Faerie Meets by Monica & Margaret PainterArthur Edward Waitey1919v29-Februaryp122
review - Winning Success by Eric WoodEMMy1919v29-Februaryp122
Notes of the Month - Emanuel SwedenborgThe Editory1919v29-Marchp123
illustration - Emanuel Swedenborganony1919v29-Marchp127
The Garden of Love (vf)Frances Annesleyy1919v29-Marchp139
Views of Life & Death in BurmaMay Crommeliny1919v29-Marchp140
"Super-Normal" - Physiology & MaterializationStanley de Brathy1919v29-Marchp149
The Tarot & Secret TraditionArthur Edward Waitey1919v29-Marchp157
Ltte - A Strange DreamJessie EP Forelandy1919v29-Marchp162
Ltte - Some Psychic ExperiencesDescendant of a Moy Grahamy1919v29-Marchp163
Ltte - A Visit from the DevilHilary Severny1919v29-Marchp164
Ltte - The Unknown PhilosopherMWy1919v29-Marchp165
Ltte - The Tarot CardsIsisy1919v29-Marchp166
Ltte - A Dream of Prentice MulfordJDHy1919v29-Marchp167
Ltte - "Pansy" & St AntoineA Seekery1919v29-Marchp168
Ltte - The Morality of KillingMabel Collinsy1919v29-Marchp168
Periodical Literatureanony1919v29-Marchp170
New & Forthcoming Publicationsvariousy1919v29-Marchp174
review - The Feast of Youth by Harindranath ChattopadhyayEMMy1919v29-Marchp177
review - Rupert Lives! by Walter WynnWH Chessony1919v29-Marchp177
review - The Candle of Vision by AS LondonEMMy1919v29-Marchp178
review - Green Dusk for Dreams by Cecil AdairWH Chessony1919v29-Marchp178
review - Man's Supreme Inheritance by F Mathhias AlexanderH Stanley Redgrovey1919v29-Marchp179
review - Karma, A Reincarnation Play by Algernon Blackwood & Violet PearnWH Chessony1919v29-Marchp180
review - Ethics of Education by Beatrice de Normann & G ColmoreH Stanley Redgrovey1919v29-Marchp180
review - Psychism - Glastonbury & the month by Paul HookhamEdith K Harpery1919v29-Marchp181
review - A Psychic Vigil in Three Watches ed by HR HaweisArthur Edward Waitey1919v29-Marchp181
Showing 2951 to 3000 of 7382 entries