Guide to Papers in Science Group Journal from 1957 to 1965 (2) | E Lester Smith | y1965 | v9 | - | Nov-Dec | p211 |
Editorial | anon | y1966 | v10 | - | Jan-Feb | p3 |
One Step Backwards, Two Forward (anent Nature article by Arthur Koestler, 1965, v208, 11th Dec, p1033) | E Lester Smith | y1966 | v10 | - | Jan-Feb | p4 |
Man & Changing Scientific Attitudes | FG Perry | y1966 | v10 | - | Jan-Feb | p10 |
Science Notes - Time (I) | Corona Trew | y1966 | v10 | - | Jan-Feb | p16 |
Present Views on Some Theosophical Topics - discussion report | E Lester Smith | y1966 | v10 | - | Jan-Feb | p20 |
A New Theory of the Universe | Dr Hugh S Murdoch | y1966 | v10 | - | Jan-Feb | p27 |
Guide to Papers in Science Group Journal from 1957 to 1965 (3) | E Lester Smith | y1966 | v10 | - | Jan-Feb | p28 |
Programme of the Research Centre Weekend | anon | y1966 | v10 | - | Jan-Feb | p31 |
Editorial - extract from Beware of Finality by Montague A. Machell | anon | y1966 | v10 | - | Mar-Apr | p34 |
Seeing's Believing | E Lester Smith | y1966 | v10 | - | Mar-Apr | p35 |
Addendum: The Eye as an Extension of the Brain | E Lester Smith | y1966 | v10 | - | Mar-Apr | p44 |
Science Notes - Time (II) | Corona Trew | y1966 | v10 | - | Mar-Apr | p46 |
Experimental Group: Practical Tests of a Divining Instrument | FG Perry | y1966 | v10 | - | Mar-Apr | p49 |
Dolphinese Translators Wanted (re John Lilly's dolphin communication project) | E Lester Smith | y1966 | v10 | - | Mar-Apr | p58 |
The Alchemy of Mysticism | Phoebe D Bendit | y1966 | v10 | - | May-Jun | p62 |
The Influence of Mind on Evolution (I) | H Tudor Edmunds | y1966 | v10 | - | May-Jun | p67 |
As Without, so Within | Peter Barton | y1966 | v10 | - | May-Jun | p75 |
abstract - ... the Honey-Bee (Apis mellifica) in strong electric fields (from Die Naturwissenschaften) | AJ Ellison | y1966 | v10 | - | May-Jun | p79 |
The Balance of Nature | H Tudor Edmunds | y1966 | v10 | - | May-Jun | p81 |
Antibiotics & the Virus Infections (rprnt The Times) | Medical Correspondent | y1966 | v10 | - | May-Jun | p83 |
A Basic Attribute of Matter (rprnt Main Currents) | Arnold Brekke | y1966 | v10 | - | May-Jun | p85 |
Energy from the Arctic (rprnt Discovery) | Vladimir Samoilenko | y1966 | v10 | - | Jul-Aug | p92 |
The Influence of Mind on Evolution (II) | H Tudor Edmunds | y1966 | v10 | - | Jul-Aug | p93 |
A Cyclic Universe | Hugh Murdoch | y1966 | v10 | - | Jul-Aug | p101 |
Space is Mind & other Considerations | Ian Hammond | y1966 | v10 | - | Jul-Aug | p104 |
Dermal Light Sense - An Exposure | E Lester Smith | y1966 | v10 | - | Jul-Aug | p117 |
Ltte - re Lester Smith's "Seeing's Believing", (SGJ 1966 p35) | DG Dyne | y1966 | v10 | - | Jul-Aug | p119 |
Editorial - Kern Foundation fellowships for theosophical writers | anon | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p123 |
Diagram - The Pattern of Evolution | TM Fry | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p124 |
Genesis & the Mind | TM Fry | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p125 |
The UNESCO Vision of Man | Corona Trew | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p132 |
One Human Race? | H Tudor Edmunds | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p137 |
A New Look at the Sixth Race | V Wallace Slater | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p146 |
Universes Galore | E Lester Smith | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p150 |
Quite the Oldest of our Species | H Tudor Edmunds | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p152 |
Martian Canals are all Dried Up (rprnt Guardian) | Anthony Tucker | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p153 |
Ltte - re Ian Hammond's article on p104 | FG Perry | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p155 |
Ltte - re Ian Hammond's article on p104 | H Tudor Edmunds | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p157 |
Notice of Meeting of Theosophical Research Centre | M Sutherland | y1966 | v10 | - | Sep-Oct | p159 |
Editorial | anon | y1966 | v10 | - | Nov-Dec | p162 |
Clairvoyant Research and its Problems - report of discussions with Geoffrey Hodson | E Lester Smith | y1966 | v10 | - | Nov-Dec | p163 |
The Doomsday Stars (II) | KB Wakelam | y1966 | v10 | - | Nov-Dec | p175 |
The Modus Operandi of Evolution - An Essay-Review (of books by Alistair Hardy & LL Whyte) | E Lester Smith | y1966 | v10 | - | Nov-Dec | p180 |
Forces of Interaction | TM Fry | y1966 | v10 | - | Nov-Dec | p187 |
Theosophical Research Centre Reports - Science Group | H Tudor Edmunds | y1966 | v10 | - | Nov-Dec | p190 |
Theosophical Research Centre Reports - Experimental Group | FG Perry | y1966 | v10 | - | Nov-Dec | p190 |
Theosophical Research Centre Reports - Education Group | L Stoddart | y1966 | v10 | - | Nov-Dec | p191 |
Editorial - (recent discoveries by Dr Leakey) | anon | y1967 | v11 | - | Jan-Feb | p3 |
The Human Aura | FG Perry | y1967 | v11 | - | Jan-Feb | p4 |