The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch

Science Group Journal

Drugs & the Mind (rprnt The Theosophical Journal)Laurence J Bendity1967v11-Jan-Febp13
Can Drugs Bring Wisdom?E Lester Smithy1967v11-Jan-Febp17
Religious Conversion & Brain WashingArthur J Ellisony1967v11-Jan-Febp20
Cosmic Radiation as Evidence for the Power of Past AgesKB Wakelamy1967v11-Jan-Febp30
Thoughts on the Presentation of Theosophy - Discussion reportanony1967v11-Jan-Febp36
Ltte - theosophy is not built on extra-sensory perceptionDr Laurence J Bendity1967v11-Jan-Febp40
Programme of the Research Group Weekend for study & discussionanony1967v11-Jan-Febp41
Recent Developments in CosmologyHS Murdochy1967v11-Mar-Aprp44
Interfering with HeredityE Lester Smithy1967v11-Mar-Aprp48
Factors in Biological Evolution (re Alistair Hardy's Natural History of Religion)Corona Trewy1967v11-Mar-Aprp54
Drug Taking & the New MythologyRWGy1967v11-Mar-Aprp55
Mind & BrainH Tudor Edmundsy1967v11-Mar-Aprp59
Is the Etheric Aura a Physical Phenomenon?TM Fryy1967v11-Mar-Aprp64
Mystical Experience - a report of a talk by JHM WhitemanTM Fryy1967v11-Mar-Aprp67
review - This World - and the Next by Robert CrookallFG Perryy1967v11-Mar-Aprp69
Ltte - Semantics Again - re the Bendit-Hodson disagreement (SGJ 1967 p40)E Lester Smithy1967v11-Mar-Aprp69
Editorial - (E Lester Smith receives medal for work isolating vitamin B12)anony1967v11-May-Junp73
Man's Origin & EvolutionCorona Trewy1967v11-May-Junp74
The Impact of Theosophy on Science & TechnologyVW Slatery1967v11-May-Junp77
review - Dr WJ Kilner & The Human Aura (rprnt JSPR March 1967)Arthur J Ellisony1967v11-May-Junp85
Into the AirTM Fryy1967v11-May-Junp94
The Visit to India of Mr Fritz Kunz - vista of a New Traffic in Light (rprnt Hindustan Times)Krishna Chaitanyay1967v11-May-Junp97
review - Preconscious Foundations of Human Experience by Trigant BurrowCR Sankarany1967v11-May-Junp102
Ltte - an objection to the Theory of Continuous CreationMr KB Wakelamy1967v11-May-Junp104
Politics & Sociology - excerpts from a book in progressKB Wakelamy1967v11-Jul-Augp108
HypnotismMarian E Ellisony1967v11-Jul-Augp120
Theosophy - Science - Philosophy DialogueMiss Helen V Zaharay1967v11-Jul-Augp129
Is the moon a captured planet?Dr John Hamakery1967v11-Jul-Augp129
The magnetic field of the earthDr John Hamakery1967v11-Jul-Augp130
The third Force in PsychologyDr Joseph Gulloy1967v11-Jul-Augp130
Science Jottings - Solar influences on Human HealthH Tudor Edmundsy1967v11-Jul-Augp131
Ltte - reconciling science & theosophyKB Wakelam or GW Hatt ??y1967v11-Jul-Augp132
erratumHS Murdochy1967v11-Jul-Augp133
Annual Meeting Research Centre - NoticeM Sutherlandy1967v11-Jul-Augp134
Thoughts on LeisureFG Perryy1967v11-Sep-Octp135
The Direct Perception of Radio Signals - "rf sound" research by AH FreyMG Hockingy1967v11-Sep-Octp144
The Geometry of SpaceDr Hugh Murdochy1967v11-Sep-Octp146
Science FragmentsDr H Tudor Edmundsy1967v11-Sep-Octp152
Ltte - expressing surprise at Joseph Gullo's viewsDr LJ Bendity1967v11-Sep-Octp154
Ltte - in reply to Mr Wakelam's letter (SGJ May 1967 p104)Dr HS Murdochy1967v11-Sep-Octp155
Cuttings from Science Journal, June & March, 1967Gordon Rattray Taylory1967v11-Sep-Octp158
- [No issue was published in 1967 for November-December] -nily1967v11-Nov-Dec-
The Religious Evolution of Man (I)Marcia Kingy1968v12-Jan-Febp4
Who goes there, on Yonder Star?Dr E Lester Smithy1968v12-Jan-Febp10
UFO - Report of a talk by Prof James McDonaldDr HS Murdochy1968v12-Jan-Febp15
Disadvantages of Hypnosis as a Pain RelieverDr H Tudor Edmundsy1968v12-Jan-Febp19
Theosophical Research Centre - Annual Reports - Secretary's reportM Sutherlandy1968v12-Jan-Febp21
TRC - The Science Group Annual ReportH Tudor Edmundsy1968v12-Jan-Febp21
TRC - Annual Report of the Experimental GroupFG Perryy1968v12-Jan-Febp22
Showing 751 to 800 of 966 entries