filler - In the history of the human race | Emperor Haile Selassie (L) | y1969 | v18 | i9 | June | p288z+ |
Can Truth Be Found? | JG Crabbendam (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p289 |
"I have studied many times" (vf) | Edgar Lee Masters (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p291 |
Life on Other Worlds | Ronald A. Oriti (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p292 |
Looking - For What? | Elizabeth M Duffie (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p299 |
filler - "Our present lack of recollection of past lives" | Alger (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p303 |
Mithras the Invincible (2) | Willy Ph Felthuis (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p304 |
filler - "all is inhuman ... humanity is part of the universe" | John Burroughs (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p310 |
Protection ... | W Rinsma (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p311 |
Religion in the Space Age | Peter H Samsom (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p312 |
filler - "Is not the discovery of things as they truly are" | Socrates (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p317 |
Masquerade | Eloise Hart (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p318 |
filler - "If, in the pursuance of the policy of duty" | William Q Judge (L) | y1969 | v18 | i10 | July | p320z+ |
Universal Man | G de Purucker (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p321 |
filler - "If one purges the Judaism of the Prophets" | Albert Einstein (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p323 |
Classical Genetics Challenged | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p324 |
Judge Not ... | Dorothy Adams (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p329 |
filler - "The archer adjusts himself and then shoots." | Mencius (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p331 |
Mithras the Invincible (3) | Willy Ph Felthuis (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p332 |
Confidence and Fear | Edwin A. Goldsworthy (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p340 |
Lessons of History | John P Van Mater (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p343 |
filler - "Doesn't everybody have the inner urge for harmony" | GJ Reitsema-Hansen (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p350 |
Does God Exist? | Lo Guest (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p351 |
The Water Lily (vf) | Sybil Tustin Pople (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p352z+ |
filler - "Someone asked a famous conductor" | AW Cheer (L) | y1969 | v18 | i11 | August | p352 |
Toward a Universal Consciousness | A. Studley Hart (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p353 |
filler - "Minds are like parachutes." | Thomas Dewar (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p356 |
Ancient Science in the Edda | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p357 |
filler - "The deeper we look into nature" | Albert Schweitzer (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p361 |
Vignettes | Theo Chegwidden (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p362 |
The Perennial Arjuna (Leo Tolstoy) | Jean B Van Mater (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p364 |
filler - "There are a thousand problems at home and abroad." | JL Garvin (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p370 |
Living or Non-Living? | Robert Treat (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p371 |
"O Living Orb of Sight" (vf) | Thomas Traherne (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p375 |
Ltte - "man was never a quadruped" | R Murray (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p376 |
Ltte - "We had walked down a deserted, sandy street" | Virginia Page (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p377 |
Ltte - "Things are taking place at such a furious rate" | Tine Van Der Ven (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p378 |
filler - "Let the youth of the different peoples" | G de Purucker (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p379 |
Bright Shall Be Her Dragon | Ida Perrine Ryder (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p380 |
filler - Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? | Eleanor Roosevelt (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p384z+ |
filler - "Give us grace and strength to persevere." | Robert Louis Stevenson (L) | y1969 | v18 | i12 | September | p384 |
Miracles Abound, And | John A. Llewllyn (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p1 |
A Pinch of Mustard-Seed | Hazel S Minot (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p3 |
"Lo, soul, seest thou not God's purpose" (vf) | Walt Whitman (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p6 |
Man of Mystery | Eloise Hart (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p7 |
Concerning Earthlings | Alysann Bendroth (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p11 |
filler - "The measure of any person" | Mareon Darr (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p13 |
Reflections on Myths and Mythos | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p14 |
Pyramid versus the Space Age | John Tunstall (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p19 |
The Soul of India | Kenneth Morris (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p23 |