filler - "There was a man who, beginning to learn archery" | Yoshida Kenko (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p28 |
Can't Get Away With It | Alice Riach (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p29 |
filler - "I have never seen the Philosopher's stone" | Benjamin Franklin (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p30 |
In the Middle of Eternity | Mergot Rohrmann (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p31 |
filler - There is no one so tall that he has not to stretch himself (a Norwegian proverb) | anon (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p32z+ |
filler - "From immemorial time, Father Sun" | G de Purucker (L) | y1969 | v19 | i1 | October | p32 |
The Ordeal of Triumph | James A. Long (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p33 |
"These things shall be -" (vf) | John Addington Symonds (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p34 |
Our Universe a Living Organism | George Emerson Haynes (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p35 |
filler - "The work of progress is so immense" | Robert E Lee (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p37 |
The Search for Reality | Willy Ph Felthuis (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p38 |
filler - "Only what we have wrought into our character" | Alexander Humboldt (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p44 |
The Disciplines of Wisdom | Jean B Van Mater (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p45 |
On the Death of a Willow in the Hurricane | Julius Sumner Miller (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p48 |
Is Agnosticism a Satisfactory Point of View? | Walter Donald Kring (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p50 |
filler - "Two brothers convicted of stealing sheep" | AW Cheer (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p53 |
Secret of Attainment | H Thomas (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p54 |
filler - "The mind of man is capable of anything" | Joseph Conrad (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p56 |
What IS the Purpose of Life? | Morris Earle (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p57 |
To Find Truth Is Life's Purpose | Clifton Meek (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p58 |
A Constant Sound of Iron Rings | Ida Perrine Ryder (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p60 |
filler - "Whatever it is that a man would paint" | Dante (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p64 |
filler - Direct your eye-sight inward, and you'll find | William Habington (L) | y1969 | v19 | i2 | November | p64z+ |
The Challenge of Human Fellowship | Juliana Queen of the Netherlands (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p65 |
The Light Shineth in Darkness | Alf Ahlberg (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p67 |
filler - "I hold the unconquerable belief that science and peace" | Louis Pasteur (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p69 |
The Primal Flame | Madeline Clark (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p70 |
filler - "Do not hesitate to die for that for which you want to live." | Porphyry (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p74 |
Sol Invictus | Eloise Hart (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p75 |
filler - "Think of this huge globe as a living corpuscle" | John Burroughs (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p80 |
How To Find Meaning In Life | Robert S Slater (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p81 |
filler - "We hear so much about death and destruction" | Gertrude W Hockinson (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p86 |
Souvenir | Virginia Page (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p87 |
filler - "The crimes, the greed, the apathy" | Norma Alwin (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p90 |
Bhagavad-Gita: A Wisdom Older Than Earth | Grace F Knoche (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p91 |
filler - I believe that man will not merely endure | William Faulkner (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p96z+ |
filler - "It is by the real that we exist." | Anonymous (L) | y1969 | v19 | i3 | December | p96 |
The 70's Are Here | James A. Long (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p97 |
A Visitation | Russell Speirs (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p100 |
filler - "The unrest of the world" | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p101 |
The Ethical Instinct | John P Van Mater (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p102 |
filler - "Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist." | Ralph Waldo Emerson (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p109 |
Balder Light | George Simpson (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p110 |
Blake's Fires of the Soul | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p112 |
filler - "Words of wisdom are meaningless to us unless the truth" | Ilse Read (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p120 |
E=MC squared | Addison Parker (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p121 |
filler - "Perhaps one of the greatest lessons" | EA Holmes (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p122 |
Ltte - "What I believe must fit into a framework of feasibility" | AP Roberts (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p123 |
Ltte - "In nearly every country of the globe" | GWM Hols-Stoutjesdijk (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p123 |
Ltte - "It is an amazing phenomenon" | Lo Guest (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p125 |