filler - "There are two ways of spreading light" | Edith Wharton (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p224 |
A Passing Thought | James A. Long (L) | y1970 | v19 | i8 | May | p225 |
Essay on Compensation: Karma - "Nature's Lawful Coin" | Ralph Waldo Emerson (L) | y1970 | v19 | i8 | May | p227 |
The Living Web | John P Van Mater (L) | y1970 | v19 | i8 | May | p230 |
filler - "As our mind is strengthened by communication with" | Montaigne (L) | y1970 | v19 | i8 | May | p237 |
Greater Than We Know | Stanton A. Coblentz (L) | y1970 | v19 | i8 | May | p238 |
By Camel Caravan | Eloise Hart (L) | y1970 | v19 | i8 | May | p242 |
About Marijuana | Franz E Winkler (L) | y1970 | v19 | i8 | May | p249 |
Occultism: Pseudo versus Real | Ida Postma (L) | y1970 | v19 | i8 | May | p252 |
"I have learned to look on nature" (vf) | William Wordsworth (L) | y1970 | v19 | i8 | May | p256 |
filler - When an individual takes a sincere step | HD Thoreau (L) | y1970 | v19 | i8 | May | p256z+ |
Crests and Troughs of Civilization | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p257 |
My Life's Philosophy | Alf Ahlberg (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p264 |
filler - "We have shown that Christ is the Word" | Justin Martyr (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p266 |
Pythagoras - Sage of Crotona | Francis Merchant (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p267 |
filler - "Above the cloud with its shadow" | Victor Hugo (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p274 |
The Right to Believe | Barbara R Grabendike (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p275 |
filler - "Suppose a tree fell in a forest and no one was around" | Douglas R Hart (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p276 |
Excuses, Excuses | Walter Donald Kring (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p277 |
filler - "If you like to slide down, you must like to push" (a Russian proverb) | anon (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p280 |
To Light a Lamp | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p281 |
filler - "Man's failings as well as his strengths ... motives" | Martha Conger (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p286 |
After Many Days | Fred A. Lindemans (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p287 |
filler - "principles of salvation" | HP Blavatsky (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p288 |
filler - Instead of saying that man is the creature of circumstances | George H Lewes (L) | y1970 | v19 | i9 | June | p288z+ |
Earth, A Living Being | Allan J Stover (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p289 |
Cosmology: What Is Behind the Mechanics? | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p291 |
filler - "There are some ... symmetry ... asymmetry" | Yoshida Kenko (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p295 |
The Journey | George Emerson Haynes (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p296 |
filler - The Greedy Mind | SV Agashe (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p297 |
Reincarnation, A Worldwide Belief | G de Purucker (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p298 |
filler - "Life's not easy at best" | Sarah B Van Mater (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p303 |
Before Sleeping | Neil Millar (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p304 |
The Discipline of Difficulty | Peter H Samsom (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p307 |
filler - "One of the greatest of all the stumbling-blocks" | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p310 |
The Black Stone | Grace F Knoche (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p311 |
Dare to Dream | Solon Lauer (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p314 |
What is Morality? | Alysann Bendroth (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p316 |
filler - "The fitness of events is indicated by the karma" | ES Russell (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p318 |
Summer is Not Forever | Theo Chegwidden (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p319 |
filler - Daring ides are like chessman moved forward | Goethe (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p320z+ |
Paracelsus (vf) | Robert Browning (L) | y1970 | v19 | i10 | July | p320 |
Of Man's Inborn Dignity | Ida Postma (L) | y1970 | v19 | i11 | August | p321 |
filler - "The block of granite which was an obstacle" | Thomas Carlyle (L) | y1970 | v19 | i11 | August | p326 |
"I look at myself" (vf) | Francia Bradshaw Ellis (L) | y1970 | v19 | i11 | August | p326 |
Our Kinship with the Stars | Madeline Clark (L) | y1970 | v19 | i11 | August | p327 |
filler - "Some years ago I helped a fifth-grade class" | Walter Donald Kring (L) | y1970 | v19 | i11 | August | p331 |
Life Can Never Be Death | Leo Tolstoi (L) | y1970 | v19 | i11 | August | p332 |
Earth-Memory | Allan J Stover (L) | y1970 | v19 | i11 | August | p337 |
The Dhammapada (1) | Harishcandra Kaviratna (L) | y1970 | v19 | i11 | August | p338 |