Ltte - "Adventurers all, aren't we?" | Ida Perrine Ryder (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p126 |
"The man's whole life preludes the single deed" (vf) | James Russell Lowell (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p127 |
filler - A hundred times every day I remind myself | Albert Einstein (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p128z+ |
A New Year | Hazel S Minot (L) | y1970 | v19 | i4 | January | p128 |
Fair is the Prize | TJ Haarhorf (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p129 |
Individual Transmitters | Ida Postma (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p135 |
filler - "that popular fable of the sot who was" | Ralph Waldo Emerson (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p137 |
Monuments and Mysteries | Tine Van Der Ven (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p138 |
Those Far Off Lights (rprnt from the The Griffith Observer) | anon (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p142 |
Who and What is Man? | Gerry de Leon (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p144 |
filler - "Most people show more persistency in their first twelve" | BC Forbes (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p147 |
Constants in a Changing World | Peter H Samsom (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p148 |
filler - "I think that if the idea of the soul's rebirth" | RM Willoughby (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p153 |
Alone And Not Alone | Eloise Hart (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p154 |
filler - "Who has the answers?" | Douglas A. Russell (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p158 |
A Look Ahead | Brian Bastien (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p159 |
filler - "Though all the winds of doctrine" | John Milton (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p160y+ |
Dance of Siva (vf) | William C Beller (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p160 |
filler - Here is one of the mysteries of history | Harry Emerson Fosdick (L) | y1970 | v19 | i5 | February | p160z+ |
Resurrection Time | James A. Long (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p161 |
filler - "truth requires constant repetition" | Goethe (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p163 |
Painting Them All | EA Holmes (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p164 |
Jesus and Christos ... History and Mythos | Robert K Davidson (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p166 |
filler - "The teaching of Buddha was ..." (Letter to Prince Ikkyu) | anon (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p170 |
On Being of Good Courage | Mary W Peyton (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p171 |
filler - "A smile costs nothing" | Lykes Fleet Flashes (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p172 |
Right Action | John W Gardner (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p173 |
filler - "Let us salute the spring." | W Rinsma (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p179 |
Toward a Single Purpose | Rutger Bergstrom (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p180 |
Enigmas in Space - Remoteness & Energy of Quasars | David Brand (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p183 |
Heartbeat of the Cosmos | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p187 |
filler - "Imagination is more important than knowledge." | Albert Einstein (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p190 |
Someone Needs Us | Theo Chegwidden (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p191 |
filler - What we do for ourselves dies with us | Albert Pine (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p192z+ |
filler - "Our faith in spiritual laws ... tainted by fear." | Solon Lauer (L) | y1970 | v19 | i6 | March | p192 |
Seal of Godhood | James A. Long (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p193 |
Through A Glass Darkly | John Simons (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p199 |
All Things Are Poems | Addison Parker (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p200 |
Alpha and Omega | Ernst Krauss (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p202 |
filler - "We are hemmed round with mystery" | Henri Frederick Amiel (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p206 |
A New Look at Hammarskjold's Diary | B Hagelin (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p207 |
filler - "there is no secret virtue" | Solon Lauer (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p209 |
Transforming Moments of Life | Robert S Slater (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p210 |
filler - "From a little spark may burst a mighty flame." | Dante (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p213 |
Fate or Karma? | JW Mohamed (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p214 |
filler - "Life, as we call it" | Oliver Wendell Holmes (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p215 |
Toward a Living Religion | HR Opdenberg (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p216 |
filler - "What can be added to the fullest life" | Plotinus (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p219 |
An Unfinished Trial | John Heron (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p220 |
filler - "There are two ways of spreading light" | Edith Wharton (L) | y1970 | v19 | i7 | April | p224 |